Data product names
The names of all calibration pipeline products follow a certain naming convention. This is
done to have human-readable rather than technical file names. The naming
scheme has been chosen to have the type of product, its date of creation, and
its pipeline-relevant setup values recognizable in the product name.
The general format of user-oriented product file names is the same for all
VLT/VLTI instruments.
On the archive interface, the master calibrations can be associated to science files and downloaded. Then they carry
technical filenames (the archive filename ARCFILE). In order to rename them to the
original filenames, search for the fits header key ORIGFILE. The naming scheme
of ORIGFILE is described here.
Instrument code
All product names start with two letters which are specific for the
instrument. For instance: UVES product names start with 'UV', VISIR names with
Product category
The full value of the product category is coded in the FITS header
key HIERARCH.ESO.PRO.CATG. A short form of this tag is encoded in four
characters being unique per instrument:
1st letter | M or P | calibration product |
| G | general (static) calibration product |
2nd to 4th letter | ... | type of product |
Calibration products come in two flavours: dynamic ones (being updated
regularly, short validity), and static ones (never or rarely updated). The
static ones are also called 'general' because they often are not derived from
raw data (like e.g. a line catalogue).
product types are stored in the archive and are available for download through
the calSelector service.
All OmegaCAM pipeline product names begin with "OC_".
OC_S . . . are science products.
OC_P and OC_M . . . are calibration products.
In view of the current Quality Control scheme, science processing
is not done. However, in the some special cases (i.e. during the first
6 months of operations) it can be done. Thus, for completeness the
OmegaCAM pipeline products are listed. They have the following naming
- [SXXX] is the four letter code uniquely describing the type of product (the first letter is always S for SCIENCE). All these codes are listed below.
- [OBS_ID] is the Observing Block (OB) number of the observation
read from the OBS.ID fits header
- [date_time] is the UT date and time of the first raw frame measured for the OB (e.g. 2009-01-01T04:31:12); this information is required since OBs can be executed several times
- [BINNING_X] is a string containing the instrumental binning size as read from the DET.WIN1.BINX fits header (generally, 1)
- [BINNING_Y] is a string containing the instrumental binning size
as read from the DET.WIN1.BINY fits header (generally, 1)
- [READ_MODE] is a string containing the instrumental read-out mode as read from the DET.READ.MODE fits header (generally, normal)
- [READ_SPEED] is a string containing the instrumental read-out
speed as read from the DET.READ.SPEED fits header (generally, normal)
- a small subset of science products (OC_SSDI or OC_SSMA) are given an additional 4 digit number (i.e. 0004, 0041, 0042, etc.) . This is needed because these frames are products based on SINGLE exposures (and not the coaddition of all the exposures contained in the OB), and hence all have identical filter names, binning, and read modes.
- [FILTER_NAME] is a string containing the filter name as read from
the INS.FILT1.NAME fits header.
- [ext] is fits or hdr
The following OmegaCAM science products presently exist:
Code | type of file | PRO_CATG |
SSCI | full, coadded stack of science frames (coaddition of all exposures in one OB) | STACK_SCIENCE |
SCMS | science confidence map associated with science frames (coaddition of all images in one OB) | CONF_MAP_SCIENCE |
SCAT | catalogue of all detected sources in science frame stack (fits table) | SCIENCE_CATALOGUE |
SSDI | fully processed, single pointing science frame within the dither template | SIMPLE_DITHER |
SSJI | fully processed, single pointing science frame within the jitter template | SIMPLE_JITTER |
SOFF | fully processed, single pointing science frame within the offset template | SIMPLE_OFFSET |
SSTA | fully processed, single pointing science frame within the stare template | SIMPLE_STARE |
SSMA | the bad pixel mask associated with the fully processed, single pointing science frame | SIMPLE_MASK |
OmegaCAM calibration products come in two flavours: dynamic ones
(being updated regularly and having a relatively short validity), and
static ones (never, or rarely updated). Both products are stored in
the archive. The static ones (also called general calibration
products) are also delivered in the public pipeline releases.
Dynamic calibrations. The following types of dynamic
calibration products of OmegaCAM presently exist:
Code | type of file | PRO_CATG |
MBIA | master bias | MASTER_BIAS |
MHPM | bad pixel map (hot pixels only) | HOT_PIXELS_MAP |
PRNA* | bias read-out noise (fits table) | READNOISE_ADU |
MDAR | master dark frame | MEAN_DARK |
PLIF* | single dome flat instrument life test | LIFETEST_CHECK |
PSHU* | shutter timing test (shutter direction of travel: up) | DOME_SHUTTERTEST |
PSHD* | shutter timing test (shutter direction of travel: down) | DOME_SHUTTERTEST |
PDLI | detector linearity information (fits table) | DET_LIN_INFO |
PDGI | detector gain information (fits table) | GAIN_INFO |
PDCC* | product cube of the detmon linearity coefficients cube | COEFFS_CUBE |
PDC0* | single plane of detmon linearity coefficients cube (coeff 0) | COEFFS_CUBE_P0 |
PDC1* | single plane of detmon linearity coefficients cube (coeff 1) | COEFFS_CUBE_P1 |
PDC2* | single plane of detmon linearity coefficients cube (coeff 2) | COEFFS_CUBE_P2 |
PDC3* | single plane of detmon linearity coefficients cube (coeff 3) | COEFFS_CUBE_P3 |
PDC4* | single plane of detmon linearity coefficients cube (coeff 2) | COEFFS_CUBE_P4 |
PDNL* | map of non-linear pixels | DB_MAP_NL |
PDDF* | difference images between the dome flats of the detmon template | DIFF_FLAT |
PDAC* | auto-correlation of the images of the detmon template | AUTOCORR |
PILL | illumination correction frame | ILLUMINATION |
MFLD | master dome flat | MASTER_FLAT_DOME |
MCPM | cold pixel map based on dome flat template | COLD_PIXELS_MAP |
MFLA | master flat based on the combination of the master dome flat and the master twilight flat | MASTER_FLAT |
MFLT | master twilight flat | MASTER_FLAT_TWILIGHT |
MBPM | master bad pixel map based on the combination of the hot and cold pixel maps | BAD_PIXELS_MAP |
PSTD | fully reduced standard star image | REDUCED_STD |
PSMA | the bad pixel mask of the reduced standard star image | REDUCED_STD_MASK |
PPHO | photometric table based on detected and extracted stars in reduced standard star field | PHOTOMETRIC_TABLE |
PZPT | standard star zeropoints table | ZEROPOINTS |
* A quality control product only: These products are not ingested into
the archive data base.
Static calibrations.
Static calibration products are
also named according to a "nearly" standard OmegaCAM naming scheme.
Code | type of file | PRO_CATG | Example |
GEXT | extinction curve fits table | EXTINCTION_CURVE | OC_GEXT_110729_ALL.fits |
GUSN | master catalogue of USNO A2 stars | MASTER_USNOA2_CATALOGUE | OC_GUSN_110728_USNOA2.fits |
GSTD | master catalogue of secondary standard stars (equatorial and polar fields) | REFERENCE_STAR_CATALOG | OC_GSTD_110728_ALL.fits |
GMON | monitoring report | MONITOR_REPORT | OC_GMON_110728_ALL.fits |
Date of origin, version
The date of origin is identical to the date of the raw data
measurement. It is coded as, e.g., 120331 for March 31, 2012.
The version of a file is indicated by capital letters always starting
with A. Versioning is supported for certain types of files, see the
above table. In all other cases, only one version per day is created
(always A).
Instrumental parameters
The instrument parameters characterizing a setup are included in the
product name. Most products have the following scheme:
- BINNING_X/Y is usually: 1 / 1
- READ_MODE is usually: normal
- READ_SPEED is usually: normal
- FILTER_NAME can be: u_SDSS / g_SDSS / r_SDSS / i_SDSS / z_SDSS / B_JOHN / V_JOHN / v_STRM / H_ALPHA / NB_659 / NB_852 / u_g_r_i_SDSS / opaque
for example:
The [BINNING_X], [BINNING_Y], [READ_MODE] and [READ_SPEED] have been unchanged since the
beginning of operations, Thus, they are currently skipped in the
naming scheme, i.e.
All product files have extension .fits. They have either image
format or binary table format.