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NACO: Calibration data
Raw CALIB data types | CALIB products | Calibration cascade | Static calibration files

Raw CALIB data types

Calibration data for NACO are taken for two purposes:

  • assess the instrument status
  • generate master calibration products
Generally NACO calibration data are taken as daytime calibrations. On request of the user, also nighttime calibrations can be obtained as part of the Observing Block which generates the SCIENCE data ("attached calibrations").

All calibration data taken by NACO and supported by the NACO pipeline are processed by QC Garching to obtain calibration solutions. These solutions come as calibration product fits file frames.

frame DPR.TYPE Purpose N*
DARK DARK detector status, dark level, RON, hot pixels 5
TWILIGHT FLAT SKY,FLAT fixed pattern noise, vignetting, odd-even columns effect, bad pixels 10
SKY FLAT SKY,FLAT as twilight flat 15
LAMP FLAT LAMP,FLAT fixed pattern noise, vignetting 3 lamp=OFF, 3 lamp=ON
ZEROPOINTS STD standard stars for photometric zeropoints 5

*N: typical number taken per night and setting

The following types of raw calibration data exist for the NACO POLARIMETRY mode

frame DPR.TYPE Purpose N*
LAMP FLAT LAMP,FLAT fixed pattern noise, vignetting in polarimetry mode 3 lamp=OFF, 3 lamp=ON
STANDARD STAR STD polarimetric standard star -

The following types of raw calibration data exist for the NACO SPECTROSCOPY mode (this mode is decommissioned since P97)
frame DPR.TYPE Purpose N*
LAMP FLAT LAMP,FLAT fixed pattern noise, vignetting in spectroscopy mode 3 lamp=OFF, 3 lamp=ON
ARC LAMP,ARC wavelength dispersion solution 1 lamp=OFF, 1 lamp=ON
STANDARD STAR STD telluric absorption lines, flux calibration 2

CALIB products
Raw CALIB data types | CALIB products | Calibration cascade | Static calibration files

The following NACO calibration products are created from raw calibration files:

Raw frame(s) recipe description product(s)
DARK naco_img_dark create a master dark from set of input raw frames NACO_IMG_DARK_AVG
TWILIGHT FLAT naco_img_twflat create a master flat from, J, H and K-band frames MASTER_IMG_FLAT, MASTER_IMG_FLAT_BADPIX
SKY FLAT naco_img_twflat create a mastr sky flat, L and M-band frames MASTER_IMG_FLAT, MASTER_IMG_FLAT_BADPIX
LAMP FLAT naco_img_lampflat obtain the wavelength calibration solution from an input arc-lamp frame MASTER_LAMP_FLAT
ZEROPOINT naco_zpoint retrieves instrument throughput based on photometric standard stars ZPOINT_TABLE
STREHL naco_std_strehl retrieves actual adaptive optics performance NACO_IMG_STREHL_CAL

Naming scheme

After production and certification, the calibration products are archived. They are named with a scheme including type, creation date and relevant setting parameters. The master calibrations are available for archive users through the calSelector service.

Calibration cascade
Raw CALIB data types | CALIB products | Calibration cascade | Static calibration files

The processing of NACO calibration frames requires a cascaded scheme where the mutual dependencies of products and raw frames are respected. The proper sequence of all these production steps is called the calibration cascade. It is described per instrument mode. The association map for (the only pipeline supported mode) imaging is given here

All products created by QC Garching follow the calibration cascade. On the other hand, Paranal-processed science data use standard solutions created by QC Garching and possibly several months old.

Static calibration files
Raw CALIB data types | CALIB products | Calibration cascade | Static calibration files

Static calibration tables (the ones not being regularly processed from raw calibration data) come as FITS tables and are available through the calSelector archive service.
Table name PRO.CATG Purpose
NC_GCAT_080314A_IMG_STD_CATALOG.fits IMG_STD_CATALOG catalogue of photometric standard stars
NC_GSPA_080314A_SPC_ARGON.fits SPC_ARGON argon spectrum for naco_spc_wavecal recipe
NC_GSPM_080314A_SPC_MODEL.fits SPC_MODEL model spectrum for naco_spc_wavecal recipe

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