reduce STANDARD STAR images and obtain photometric ZEROPOINT of the night
reduced image zeropoint table
Reduced STANDARD star images (PSTI) can be used for own extraction and photometric calibration programmes. They are reduced in the same way as SCIENCE files.
ZEROPOINT tables (PZPI) contain extracted fluxes and data for these standard stars. They have been produced from reduced standard star images using the tool SExtractor for the flux extraction.
After production and certification, the calibration products are archived. They are named with a scheme including type, creation date and relevant setting parameters. The master calibrations are available for archive users through the
calSelector service.
The processing of FORS2 calibration frames requires a cascaded scheme where
the mutual dependencies of products and raw frames are respected. The proper
sequence of all these production steps is called the calibration cascade. It
is described here.
Within that cascade, all products are checked with respect to their quality
and their relationship in time. This means e.g. that a dispersion solution is
not only generated using an arbitrary quality-checked localization solution,
but that specific solution is chosen which is closest in time.
All products created by QC Garching follow the calibration cascade.
On the other hand, Paranal-processed science data use standard
solutions created by QC Garching and possibly several months old.
Static calibration tables (the ones not being regularly processed from
raw calibration data) come as FITS tables and are available through
the calSelector archive service. Some of them come with different
versions indicated by unique , e.g. 140101, of creation, as they
are being updated with time.
Table name
lines catalog
atmospheric extinction table
table with grism parameters
table with photometric coefficients for the CCD
table with chromatism information of the retarder wave plate