Put your logo here!



During the operation of bob, while it analyses or tries to execute an OB and its templates, there are of course plenty of things which can go wrong: illegal syntax, values out of range, referenced files not found, etc. In the following sections you will find a list of error messages which can pop up in the form of dialogue boxes or logs; they are grouped according to the activity that is going on. Within each activity, the order is alphabetical (case insensitive).

4.1.1 OB/Template creation

Remark that some of these messages can also appear after the OB/template is edited via bob's engineering mode editor, as some of the "creation checks" are then passed through again.

Message 1
Could not find the sequencer script for <tplId>.
This template cannot be executed, and
you will have to reload the OB to which it belongs,
after making the sequencer script available.
error, no timeout, bob blocked till confirmed
As the message says. Either the file pointed to by TPL.PRESEQ was not found, or TPL.PRESEQ was not defined and <tplId>.seq could not be found
Make the proper .seq file available and reload the OB.
Message 2
Could not find the template signature file
for <tplId>. This template cannot be executed, and
you will have to reload the OB to which it belongs,
after making the template signature file available.
error, no timeout, bob blocked till confirmed
the template signature file is searched for, based on the <tplId> name (i.e. <tplId>.tsf), eventually taking the INS.MODE into account as defined in the OB. Apparently this file is not found. It is searched for under $INS_ROOT/<insMode>/TEMPLATES/TSF and $INS_ROOT/COMMON/TEMPLATES/TSF.
Correct either the <tplId>, or make <tplId>.tsf available.
Message 3
Error: <message> while dealing with parameter <key>
of the <tplId> template (type: paramfile).
Please correct and re-load this OB.
error, no timeout, bob blocked till confirmed
As the <message> says.
Let yourself lead by the <message>.....
Message 4
The keyword TPL <key> is missing for the template <tplId>.
It must either be in the OB description or in the template signature file.
error, no timeout, bob blocked till confirmed
There is a set of mandatory TPL keywords, which should be defined for all templates.
Correct the .tsf or the OB, and reload the OB.
Message 5
The keyword TPL.MODE is not set in the template signature file,
nor in the OB Description.
error, no timeout, bob blocked till confirmed
As the message says.
Correct the .tsf and reload the OB.
Message 6
The keyword TPL.PRESEQ is not set in the template signature file.
I will look for the template script using naming rules.
error, no timeout, bob blocked till confirmed
As the message says. A search for <tplId>.seq will be undertaken, although in principle TPL.PRESEQ should be defined.
Correct the .tsf and reload the OB.
Message 7
The OBD-info for template <tplId> contains the keyword <key>
which is not in the template signature file <tsf>.
error, no timeout, bob blocked till confirmed
As the message says.
Correct the .tsf file and reload the .obd file
Message 8
The PAF file with the set of OBs has an illegal format:
it contains more than one PAF.HDR.START
error, no timeout, bob blocked till confirmed
bob has received an OB (or read an .obd file) with an illegal format, as indicated by the message.
Correct the OB and reload it.
Message 9
The PAF file with the set of OBs has an illegal format:
it has no PAF.HDR.START
error, no timeout, bob blocked till confirmed
bob has received an OB (or read an .obd file) with an illegal format, as indicated by the message.
Correct the OB and reload it.
Message 10
The PAF file with the set of OBs has an illegal format:
there is no OBS.ID
error, no timeout, bob blocked till confirmed
bob has received an OB (or read an .obd file) which does not contain an OBS.ID keyword.
Correct the OB and reload it.
Message 11
The PAF file with the set of OBs has an illegal format:
there is no TPL.ID
error, no timeout, bob blocked till confirmed
bob has received an OB (or read an .obd file) which does not contain a TPL.ID keyword.
Correct the OB and reload it.
Correct the .tsf and reload the OB.
Message 12
The parameter <key> of the <tplId> template has the value "<value>",
which is supposed to be a float.
It is replaced by the default value: "<default>"
as taken from the signature file <tsf>.
error, 10 sec timeout, bob blocked till confirmed or timeout, only shown for beginners
As the message says.
Correct the OB and reload it, or edit this <key> via bob's engineering interface editor.
Message 13
The parameter <key> the <tplId> template has the value "<value>",
which is supposed to be a float.
Its value is either fixed (.VALUE entry) or the .DEFAULT value in the
signature file <tsf> is also not a float.
Please correct the OB and the signature file.
error, 10 sec timeout, bob blocked till confirmed or timeout
As the message says.
Correct the OB and/or TSF, reload the OB, or edit this <key> via bob's engineering interface editor.
Message 14
The parameter <key> of the <tplId> template has the value "<value>",
which is supposed to be a float.
There is no default value in the signature file <tsf>
error, 10 sec timeout, bob blocked till confirmed or timeout, only shown for beginners
As the message says. Remark that this is for a <key> which has a NODEFAULT value for the DEFAULT entry in its template signature file.
Correct the OB and reload it, or edit this <key> via bob's engineering interface editor.
Message 15
The parameter <key> of the <tplId> template has the value "<value>",
which is supposed to be an integer.
It is replaced by the default value: "<default>"
as taken from the signature file <tsf>.
error, 10 sec timeout, bob blocked till confirmed or timeout, only shown for beginners
As the message says.
Correct the OB and reload it, or edit this <key> via bob's engineering interface editor.
Message 16
The parameter <key> the <tplId> template has the value "<value>",
which is supposed to be an integer.
Its value is either fixed (.VALUE entry) or the .DEFAULT value in the
signature file <tsf> is also not an integer.
Please correct the OB and the signature file.
error, 10 sec timeout, bob blocked till confirmed or timeout, only shown for beginners
As the message says.
Correct the OB and/or TSF, reload the OB, or edit this <key> via bob's engineering interface editor.
Message 17
The parameter <key> of the <tplId> template has the value "<value>",
which is supposed to be an integer.
There is no default value in the signature file <tsf>.
error, 10 sec timeout, bob blocked till confirmed ror timeout, only shown for beginners
As the message says. Remark that this is for a <key> which has a NODEFAULT value for the DEFAULT entry in its template signature file.
Correct the OB and reload it, or edit this <key> via bob's engineering interface editor.
Message 18
The parameter <key> of the <tplId> template is set to "<value>",
which should match (any of) the pattern(s) "<patterns>".
(Warning only - no corrective actions yet in this version of bob).
warning, 10 sec timeout, bob blocked till confirmed or timeout,
As the message says. This is for a <key> of type "filename", which should match any of the the patterns defined in the .RANGE entry of the tsf.
Correct the OB and reload it, or edit this <key> via bob's engineering interface editor.
Message 19
The parameter <key> for template <tplId>
is defined in the OBD as "<obd_value>",
but it is overridden to "<value>".
See <key>.VALUE in the template signature file <tsf>.
error, 15 sec timeout, bob blocked till confirmed or timeout, only shown for beginners
There seems to be an inconsistency between what the OBD and <tsf> files contain with respect to <key>.
This message is only shown during a first pass, i.e. it will not show up if such a <key> is edited via bob's engineering mode editor.
Correct the .tsf or .obd file and reload the .obd file
Message 20
The parameter <key> for template <tplId>
is not defined in the OBD. It is set to the default "<default>"
as defined in the template signature file <tsf>.
error, no timeout, bob blocked for 15 sec or till confirmed, only shown for beginners
This is for a keyword which has a default value defined in the <tsf>. This will warn beginners about this "automatic" assignment of values. Normally OBs should include this keyword, as the .DEFAULT entry in the <tsf> serves for P2PP to pick up the value and put it in the OB. This message is only shown during a first pass, i.e. it will not show up if such a <key> is edited via bob's engineering mode editor.
Correct the .obd and reload it.
Message 21
The parameter <key> for template <tplId>
is not defined in the OBD. There is no default value
defined in the template signature file <tsf>.
error, 15 sec timeout, bob blocked till confirmed or timeout
This is about a key with a .NODEFAULT entry in <tsf>. Such keys should have a proper definition in the OB. This is done properly by P2PP. So we're dealing here with a local .OBD file. This message is only shown during a first pass, i.e. it will not show up if such a <key> is edited via bob's engineering mode editor.
Correct the .obd and reload it.
Message 22
The template signature file <tsf> assigns no value
to the <key>.RANGE keyword.
error, no timeout, bob blocked till confirmed
As the message says. The .RANGE entry is mandatory, if the .VALUE entry is not given.
Correct the .tsf and reload the OB.
Message 23
The template signature file <tsf> assigns no value
to the <key>.TYPE keyword.
error, no timeout, bob blocked till confirmed
As the message says. The .TYPE entries in the <tsf> are mandatory
Correct the .tsf and reload the OB.
Message 24
The template signature file <tsf> assigns no value
to the <key>.VALUE nor <key>.DEFAULT keywords.
error, no timeout, bob blocked till confirmed
As the message says. Either the .DEFAULT or .VALUE entry should be defined.
Correct the .tsf and reload the OB.
Message 25
The template signature file <tsf> assigns the value "<type>"
to the <key>.TYPE keyword.
This is not a legal type.
error, no timeout, bob blocked till confirmed
As the message says.
Correct the .tsf and reload the OB.
Message 26
The template signature file <tsf> has an illegal format:
there is no TPL.PARAM.
error, no timeout, bob blocked till confirmed
As the message says.
Correct the .tsf and reload the OB.
Message 27
The TPL ID (<tplId>) is not in the correct format;
Check the TPL dictionary <TPL_dictionary>.
This template is illegal and cannot be coped with.
error, no timeout, bob blocked till confirmed
the <tplId> is passed as part of the OB. It should be in the format of <context>/<name>/<version>, or <name> (see ESO-VLT-DIC.TPL).
Correct the OB and reload it.
Message 28
There is a problem with some <category> parameters of this template
Please correct and reload this OB.
error, no timeout, bob blocked till confirmed
during population of the template tree, there were some problems with keywords of a particular <category>
Analyse <message>, correct the mistakes in the OB/tsf and reload the OB.
Message 29
There is a problem with some <category> parameters of <tplId>'s
signature file:
Please correct and reload this OB.
error, no timeout, bob blocked till confirmed
As the message says. Detected during verification of the OB with the .tsf.
Correct and reload the OB.
Message 30
There is something wrong with the parameters of this OB:
I will proceed, but you may find this OB crippled.
I suggest to check this, and eventually to reload this OB.
error, no timeout, bob blocked till confirmed
something went wrong with the parsing of the keywords of this OB.
Analyse <message>, correct the mistakes (in the OB) and reload the OB.
Message 31
There is something wrong with the parameters of <tplId>:
I will proceed, but you may find this template crippled.
I suggest to check this, and eventually to reload this OB.
error, no timeout, bob blocked till confirmed
software bug: a template object was created with arguments which lead to this error.
Analyse <message>, correct the mistakes in the code
Message 32
There is something wrong with this template's <tplId> parameters:
I will proceed, but you may find this template crippled.
I suggest to check this, and eventually to reload this OB.
error, no timeout, bob blocked till confirmed
something went wrong with the parsing of the keywords of this template.
Analyse <message>, correct the mistakes (in the OB and/or .tsf files) and reload the OB.
Message 33
<tplId>'s signature file contains keywords of category of "<category>",
which are illegal. Please correct and reload this OB.
error, no timeout, bob blocked till confirmed
As the message says.

4.1.2 OB/Template editing

Remark that several messages which are listed in 4.1.1 can also appear after OB/Template editing, as most of the verification steps (and corresponding code) are identical.

Message 34
The parameter <key> for template <tplId>
is set in the TSF to the fixed value "<value>",
but you have set it to "<edited_value>".
The latter value will be used.
warning, 15 sec timeout, bob blocked till confirmed or timeout.
Within the engineering mode editor, a <key> was edited which supposedly should have a fixed value.
This message is not shown during a first pass, i.e. it will show up only if such a <key> is edited via bob's engineering mode editor.
None. This message will not appear if <edited_value> is equal to <value>.

4.1.3 OB execution

Message 35
Cannot abort - there is no OB active!
error, 5 sec timeout, bob blocked till confirmed or timeout.
Apparently the "abort" button got pressed while no OB was running/paused. This should in principle not be possible.
Message 36
Cannot continue - there is no OB paused!
error, 5 sec timeout, bob blocked till confirmed or timeout.
Apparently the "continue" button got pressed while no OB was paused. This should in principle not be possible.
Message 37
Cannot pause - there is no OB active!
error, 5 sec timeout, bob blocked till confirmed or timeout.
Apparently the "pause" button got pressed while no OB was running. This should in principle not be possible.
Message 38
Cannot start this OB!
Its state is not idle.
Try the "Reset status" action button..
error, 10 sec timeout, bob blocked till confirmed or timeout.
The "start OB" button was pressed, for an OB which has already (partially) been executed.
If you do need to re-start this OB, press the "Reset status" action button first.
Message 39
Exposure not terminated properly during execution of <tplId>.
error, no timeout, bob blocked till confirmed.
The OB has been aborted, due to the fact that OS has reported back an error or abort during the execution of <tplId>.
Check why OS did not manage to terminate this exposure properly.
Message 40
Problem during execution of $tplId:
==> <error_stack> <==
error, no timeout, bob blocked till confirmed.
The OB has been aborted, due an error in the template script. This is most likely a bug in the template script (as it should normally be designed to trap error conditions itself, and either recover from these errors, or pass specific error conditions back to the OB).
Debug the template script.
Message 41
The sequencer script for <tplId> was not found
when this template was loaded. Hence it cannot be executed,
and this is how far the OB to which it belongs gets.
error, no timeout, bob blocked till confirmed.
The OB has been aborted, due to the error indicated in the message. Actually, that this sequencer script was missing should have been signalled already when the OB was loaded.
Make the sequencer script for this <tplId> availabel and reload the OB.
Message 42
The template signature file for <tplId> was not found
when this template was loaded. Hence it cannot be executed,
and this is how far the OB to which it belongs gets.
error, no timeout, bob blocked till confirmed.
The OB has been aborted, due to the error indicated in the message. Actually, that this template signature file was missing should have been signalled already when the OB was loaded.
Make the template signature file for this <tplId> availabel and reload the OB.
Message 43
This keyword's value is too long to edit directly on the canvas.
If you're sure you want to modify this value,
edit the entire category, template or OB instead.
error, no timeout, bob blocked till confirmed.
This is when bob has truncated a value on the canvas (appending trailing dots to where it truncated), because this value contained too many characters. It is error-prone to try to edit such strings directly on the canvas.
Follow the instructions contained in the message.
Message 44
You have to load an Observation Block before it can be started.
error, 5 sec timeout, bob blocked till confirmed or timeout.
This is when the "start" button gets pressed before an OB has been loaded, i.e. just after bob was started.
Load an OB before attempting to press "start".
Message 45
You have to select an Observation Block before it can be started.
error, 5 sec timeout, bob blocked till confirmed or timeout.
This is when the "start" button gets pressed before an OB has been selected, i.e. with multiple OBs loaded.
Select an OB before attempting to press "start".
Message 46
Such request is incompatible with the current OB status.
error, 10 sec timeout, bob blocked till confirmed or timeout.
Within non-interactive use (bobWish-script), there was an attempt to abort the OB while it was not in a state to be aborted.
Do not attempt to abort an OB while it is not running.

4.1.4 Selecting/Loading of OBs or .obd files

Message 47
Could not communicate with OH.
Check the Environment settings (under Configure menu)
and the CCS error-log.
error, no timeout, bob blocked till confirmed.
Occurs during an attempt to retrieve an OB from OH. This is a CCS communication problem.
As the message says.
Message 48
Could not read file <file>. Check its access permissions.
error, no timeout, bob blocked till confirmed.
Occurs during the selection of an OBD file. As the message says: this <file> is not readable.
Set the file-permission of this .obd file properly, and retry.
Message 49
Could not retrieve observation blocks from OH.
There was a problem trying to receive replies from OH.
Check the CCS error-log.
error, no timeout, bob blocked till confirmed.
Occurs during an attempt to retrieve an OB from OH. The command requesting an OB was successfully sent, but the replies did not (all) come in.
As the message says.
Message 50
Got an error returned by OH. Check the CCS error-log.
error, no timeout, bob blocked till confirmed.
Occurs during an attempt to retrieve an OB from OH. The command requesting an OB was successfully sent, but OH replied with an error.
As the message says.
Message 51
OH is not ready to return observation blocks.
Please prepare the schedule (select OBs) first in OH
before requesting OBs from within Bob.
error, no timeout, bob blocked till confirmed.
Occurs during an attempt to retrieve an OB from OH. The command requesting an OB was successfully sent, but OH replied with an empty OB.
As the message says.
Message 52
You have selected <file>. It is of type "<fileType>",
while it should be of type "file".
error, no timeout, bob blocked till confirmed.
Occurs during the selection of an OBD file. As the message says: this <file> is not a plain file.
Select a proper .obd file.
Message 53
You have selected <file>. It seems to be a circular link.
error, no timeout, bob blocked till confirmed.
Occurs during the selection of an OBD file. As the message says: this <file> seems to be a link pointing (ultimately) to itself.
Select a proper .obd file.

4.1.5 Various

Message 54
Could not locate the plug-in <plugin>".
It must be under the bin/ subdirectory of either
., .., $INTROOT or $VLTROOT (searched in that order).
Continuing without loading this plug-in.
error, 10 sec timeout, bob blocked till confirmed or timeout.
The configuration of bob tells that it should load <plugin>, but this action failed.
Make <plugin> available in one of the directories given in the message.
Message 55
Select OB before printing !
error, 5 sec timeout, bob blocked till confirmed or timeout.
Apparently the "print" button got pressed while no OB was selected, i.e. there are several OBs loaded.
Message 56
You have to select an OB by clicking on it before requesting to repeat it.
error, 10 sec timeout, bob blocked till confirmed or timeout.
The "repeat" action button was pressed, while several OBs are loaded, and none of them has been selected first.
As the message says.
Message 57
Your terminal either has some problem with the audio-hardware,
or doesn't have any such hardware.
Hence sounds cannot be enabled.
error, 8 sec timeout, bob not blocked.
The "enable audio" button was pressed, but apparently there is some problem


bobAbort(n), bobContinue(n), bobPause(n), bobPrint(n), bobRepeat(n), bobStart(n), bobNextObsBlocks(n), bobReset(n), bobSaveConfig(n), bobSnapshot(n)
bobAbort, bobContinue, bobPause, bobPrint, bobRepeat, bobStart,
bobNextObsBlocks, bobReset, bobSaveConfig, bobSnapshot
- several procedures used from GUI level to control bob

bobStart ?<contFlag>?
bobNextObsBlocks <nr> ?<file>?
bobSaveConfigAs ?<file>?

bobAbort: abort execution of running OB
bobContinue: equivalent to bobStart <1>
bobPause: pause execution of running OB
bobPrint: print logs of currently selected OB
bobRepeat: request a MUSTREPEAT for selected object
bobStart ?<contFlag>?: start execution of selected/paused OB; if
<contFlag> is true, then continue after pause instead of start.
Default for <contFlag> is false.
bobNextObsBlocks <nr> ?<fileName>?: request <nr> OBs from scheduler process.
if <nr> is set to the word 'file', then either pop up a file-selection
panel (if <fileName> is not set), or try to load <fileName>.
bobReset: reset objects and interface
bobSaveConfig : save the current config parameters
bobSaveConfigAs : save the current config parameters into <file>. If <file>
is not specified, bring up a file-selection box first.
bobSnapshot : dump bob-related info and logfiles to a timestamped directory.
The name of this latter directory is the return value.

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bobSave(n), bobSaveAs(n)
bobSave, bobSaveAs - save the observation block description of a
selected OB

bobSaveAs ?<file>?

These procs will retrieve the OBD of the selected OB, and prepend a proper
header to it before writing it to an .obd file. There are two forms of
basically the same function:

saves the current OBD into a file. If the OBD was originally loaded
from a local file, it will be saved into that same file; otherwise
a file-selection window will pop up to ask for a filename.

bobSaveAs ?<file>?
saves the current OBD into <file>. Remark that if <file> is given but
does not contain an absolute path, the saving will be done with
respect to the current working directory, which can be manipulated
by any template.
If <file> is not specified, bobSaveAs will pop up a file-selection
window to select a filename.

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BobPanedComboBox - special paned combo-box style megawidget for bob's
specific needs

BobPanedComboBox <widgetName> ?<option> <value>? ?<option> <value>?

BobPanedComboBox creates an iTk-style mega-widget, designed especially
for the needs of bob. The widget consists of the following elements:
- a listbox (top left) to show typically the names of variables
- a listbox (top right) to show typically the values of variables.
There is be a 1-to-1 correspondence between the lines of both
listboxes, i.e. the name of a variable and its value are displayed
in the same vertical position, and any positioning action in one
listbox will be followed by the same action in the other.
- an entry field (bottom left), showing e.g. the name of the variable
currently being edited
- an entry field (bottom right), showing the current value of the variable
being edited
- optionally a scrollbar (see -scrollbar option below); moving this
scrollbar will move both listboxes
These elements are organized in 2 paned windows, with a vertical
separation bar in the middle, and a sash between the two columns,
allowing to redistribute the available space between the name part (left)
and value part (right).

fraction <left> <right>: redistribute the space of the panes as indicated
by the numbers <left> and <right>. These 2 numbers must add up to
getEntries : returns a list with 2 sublists, namely the list of entries
in the left resp. right listbox.
insert {<leftList> <rightList>} : append items to the end of the left and
right listboxes; the single argument consists of 2 sublists, one
for each listbox. Both sublists must have the same size

The normal class bindings for listboxes resp. entry fields apply, with the
following exceptions or modifications:
<Button1>: for listboxes and entry field
get focus, select item (for listbox and entry field)
<Button1-Motion>: for listboxes and scrollbar
drag & select
<Key-Prior> (= PageUp): for listboxes/entry fields
show previous page in listboxes
<Key-Next> (= PageDown): for listboxes/entry fields
show next page
<Key-Up> (= Arrow up): for listboxes/entry fields
select previous element in listboxes
<Key-Down> (= Arrow down): for listbox/entry field
select next element in listboxes
<Key-Home>: for listboxes/entry fields
show top of listbox resp. beginning of line
<Key-End>: for listboxes/entry fields
show end of listbox resp. end of line
<Key-Enter>: for entry fields
accept entry-field value
<Key-Escape>: for entry fields
restore entry as selected in listbox into the entry fields
<Key-Delete>: for listboxes/entry fields
delete selection
<Key-Insert>: for listboxes/entry fields
insert new element into the listboxes resp. paste copy buffer into
entry field


cursor font height width
borderWidth relief selectBackground selectForeground

See the options(n) manual entry for details on the standard options.

-helpvariable (name: helpVariable, class: Variable)
The name of the global Tcl-variable which is used to display help text
i.e. this widget will change the contents of this variable according
to the position of the cursor over its constituent widgets.
-leftlabel (name: leftLabel, class: Label)
label to display on top of the left listbox; default: empty (no label)
-leftlisthelp (name: leftListHelp, class: Help)
The short help text for the left listbox; default: empty (no help)
-leftentryhelp (name: leftEntryHelp, class: Help)
The short help text for the left entry-field; default: empty (no help)
-leftentrystate (name: leftEntryState, class: State)
Specifies the state for the left entry field. Can be "normal" (i.e.
editable), "disabled" or "readonly". Default: readonly
-listvariable (name: listVariable, class: Variable)
The name of the global Tcl-variable which contains the contents of
the 2 listboxes, if a format as returned by the getEntries method.
If the value of this variable changes, the widget will automatically
update itself to reflect the new values. Attempts to assign a
variable with an invalid list of sublists to -listvariable will cause
an error. Attempts to unset a variable in use as a -listvariable will
fail but will not generate an error.
-rightlabel (name: rightLabel, class: Label)
label to display on top of the right listbox; default: empty (no label)
-rightlisthelp (name: rightListHelp, class: Help)
The short help text for the right listbox; default: empty (no help)
-rightentryhelp (name: rightEntryHelp, class: Help)
The short help text for the right entry-field; default: empty (no help)
-rightentrystate (name: rightEntryState, class: State)
Specifies the state for the right entry field. Can be "normal" (i.e.
editable), "disabled" or "readonly". Default: normal
-scrollbar (name: scrollbar, class: Scrollbar)
Controls the presence of a vertical scrollbar to the right of the
entry-listbox. It can take the value "on", "off" or "auto". In the
latter case, the scrollbar will appear only if the listboxes contain
more elements than fit in a single view. Default: auto.

When -scrollbar is set to "auto", the need for a scrollbar is evaluated
when data are inserted in the listboxed. For the listbox sizes returned
by Tk to be correct, it is needed that this widget is being displayed.
This may not be the case if it is e.g. part of a tabnotebook page. In
this case, one should either make sure this page is displayed, or opt
for the "on" or "off" value instead of "auto".


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BobTPL - base class for template objects

BobTPL <obj_name>|#auto \
<rawData> <obdSource> <canvas> <scrolledText> \
<initialObsInfo> <tplNr> <args>

defines template objects - inherits BobBaseObject

constructor: contruct the BobBaseObject, and do the store in array (always
done at creation time for templates). Do also a first check on
the parameters value;see [incr Tcl]
destructor: delete any saved paramfiles and proceed with base object
configure: see [incr Tcl]

abort: request an abort of the template's execution. This will set a
variable called "abort", which can be upvar-ed by the template.
ackabort: acknowledge the abort (sendStatus)
unmark: extend 'unmark' to also clear the log of this template
editRawData ?<cats>? ?<pars>?: pops up the TPL editor. The set of parameters
to be edited depends on the 2 arguments:
<cats> : name of a single keyword-category to be edited, or the word
"all" to include all categories. Default: all
<pars> : name of specific keywords to edit (assuming <cats> is not set
to a "all"). Default: all
execute <OBSinfo> <seqNr> <statVarName>: execute the template, whereby
its sequential number in its parent OB is <seqNr>;
<OBSinfo> contains relevant info passed to the template for execution.
This method returns potentially messages and the exec-status in a
variable whose name is given in <statVarName>. Possible values for
-3 : MustRepeat
-2 : Paused
-1 : Aborted; returns also the string "ACK ABORT".
0 : OK - normal completion; return value will be empty
>0 : error - the return value of the method itself will contain an
error message
1: Could not find the template signature file
2: Could not find the sequencer script
3: TPL ID has illegal format
10: Error returned by the template
11: Template was aborted at OS-level
Template scripts should return the following way, with proper values:
return "<RA> <Dec>" : for successfully terminated acquisition
templates, with <RA> and <Dec> the coordinates of the acquired
object (both in degrees, as a float number, identical to how
the primary FITS keywords RA and DEC are written)
return {} or return without value: if all went OK, for all but
acquisition templates
error "message" : if there is some error within the template, or an
error returned from the OS-level (e.g. ABORT). The setting
of the ABORT-flag within BOB causes the template to skip
SETUP and START commands. When the template sees the abort-
flag (see above), it should return an "ACK ABORT".
getEditedData: returns the edited data in the form of "raw" template data
getExpNr: returns a list with the current exposure number and the number of
exposures (TPL(EXPNO) resp. TPL(NEXP)).
getTplId: returns TPL(ID); used to make nice tabs label wile editing an OB
getTplType: returns TPL(TYPE)
init_editRawData <pathName> ?<cats>? ?<pars>?: initializes the TPL-editor
widget <pathName> with the data as indicated by the two optional args:
<cats> : name of a single keyword-category to be edited, or the word
"all" to include all categories. Default: all
<pars> : name of specific keywords to edit (assuming <cats> is not set
to a "all"). Default: all
mark: 'select' this Tpl and display its in the corresponding text widget
mustRepeat: request a MUSTREPEAT of the template's execution; this implies
an abort (see above).
paste <object> <where> : paste <object> <where> relative to this
pause: pause the template
populate: create all BobVisualTree child associated with this template
printLog: prints the log
showExpNr: shows current exposure number in canvas area display
updateRawData: builds a TPL raw-data string starting from the keyword

checkAbortFlag: convenience procedure to check if bob's ABORT button was
pressed. It will automatically generate an "ACK ABORT" error message
if the abort flag was set, otherwise it returns with an empty string

finishOB ?-status <status>?: tell the OB that when this template finishes,
it should skip the remaining templates and return the termination
status <status> (default: TERMINATED) to OH.

getResult <name> : retrieve the value for the previously stored <name>
variable. Remark that all variables are erased when the first TPL of
an OB starts it execution. In other words, result-passing from one
template to another is only possible within a single OB.
Bob itself stores the execution status (0 = OK, 1 = error) of the
last template in the variable "tplExitStatus". This variable can
then be used by the call-back script to decide on proper actions.

pafReady <pathName> ?<keep>? : send an event to OH signalling that the
PAF-file <pathName> is ready for download. This file will be deleted by
bob after OH fetched it, unless the boolean variable <keep> is set to
true (or 1). Unlike other events, this one will be sent to OH even if
the template executing this command is part of an OB which was not
downloaded from OH.
If <pathName> is a directory, there will be an event generated to OH
for every single file on that directory.

seeBobVars ?-localcopy <listOfCats>?: in the absence of the -localcopy
option, issues the proper set of "upvar" instructions, within the
context of the calling procedure, to make the various category-arrays
created/owned by BOB accessible as local arrays with the same name.
This procedure returns a list with as first element the list of
category names which are then locally accessible.
If the "-localcopy" option is specified, <listOfCats> must be a list of
keyword category-arrays, for which there will be then a *copy* created
in the context of the calling procedure (i.e. these arrays are *not*
linked to the ones owned and accessed by BOB). The category OBS can
be included within <listOfCats>.

sendCmd <timeout> <cmd> ?<param1>? ?<param2>? ...: convenience procedure to
send commands to OS. This is the one and only way template-scripts are
allowed to use for communication with OS.
<timeout>: timeout value (in ms) for reply; 0 means return immediately
with the commandId - do not wait for replies; this argument
is not taken into account if the template-simulation mode
is on.
<cmd> : command; this is either a commandname alone (in which case
pararameters can be given in <paramX>) or it includes some
parameters (more parameters can be given as <paramX>).
Typical examples of commandnames are SETUP and START, of
parameters are "-file <fileName>" and
"-function <function1> <value1> [<function2> <value2> .....]"
<paramX> : parameter for <cmd>, if not already included as part of
This procedure returns:
- reply on command if waiting for last reply (<timeout> # 0). Remark
that this reply is the new expoId value when the first SETUP command
for a new exposure is given (with an expoId-argument equal to 0).
Only the last reply on the command is returned.
- cmdId if command was sent OK and <timeout> is set to 0; this can
then be used by the caller to e.g. attach an event (see seq_evtAttach)
to incoming replies on this command.
- error (with message) if any error occurs or if ABORT flag is
There are a number of messages logged automatically logged by this
procedure into BOB's template log window; the commands sent will be
shown in green if operating in verbose mode (see configuration panel),
while in this case normal or error replies will be shown in green resp.
red. If <cmd> is WAIT, there will also be a message logged indicating
the termination of the exposure, when the final reply comes in.
Remark that sendCmd will not send any of a list of commands once the
abort flag has been set. This list can be defined/edited via the
configuration panel. The skipping of such commands is indicated in BOB's
template log window.

sendObsKeys ?<timeout>? ?-array <listOfCats>?: convenience procedure to send
the OBS and DPR keywords, plus some TPL keywords, to OS. This is
normally done automatically by bob when a "START" command is
given within the template; however, there are cases where data
can be produced without starting an exposure, i.e. without a START
command. The "sendObsKeys" procedure provides for these cases a
means to still have the proper OBS-, DPR- and TPL-keywords recorded
into the FITS header. The default timeout for OS to reply is 2000 ms.
Remark that a call to sendObsKeys will automatically increase the
exposure number (TPL EXPNO), so this proc should only be called once
per data file, and only if there is no START command involved.
The "-array <listOfCats>" optional pair is only legal in case OS is
not defined (i.e. BOB is used for particular engineering purposes).
<listOfCats> is now limited to OBS only. By using this optional
argument, the array OBS will become available at the level that this
procedure is called. Remark that during normal operation (with OS)
there is no need to access the OBS keywords passed in the OB.
(This "-array <listOfCats>" option is actually deprecated: please use
"seeBobVars -localcopy <listOfCats>" instead).

setCallBack <script>: set the script to be evaluated upon termination of
this template to <script>, thereby overriding - for this template
only - the setting in the configuration panel of the default template
call-back script.
<script> will be invoked whether or not the template returned an error.
It can find out the termination status of the template script via a
"getResult tplExitStatus" command (0 = OK, 1 = error). It
is up to the call-back to decide if and to what extent it should
continue if the template script returned with an error.
If the call-back script needs to get access to values the template
script has set, the "setResult" and "getResult" mechanism can be used.
Remark that these call-backs should not be seen as an extension of the
template's functionality (e.g. to prepare/start exposures). Instead,
their typical use is to log the template's termination or to put the
instrument in a safe state. For that reason. this call-back's return-
status does NOT influence the overall return-status of the template.

setResult <name> <value>: set the <value> for the variable <name>; this
value can then be retrieved by another template in the same OB -
see "getResult".

tplLog <text> ?<colour> ?<underline>??
append <text> to the current log-text, in colour <colour> (default is
standard default for text), and underlined if the boolean <underline>
is set. <text> is allowed to contain newline characters.
Remark that when "verbose communication" is on, the messages sent to
OS are logged in blue, and OK-replies are logged in SpringGreen4.
Errors come logged in red. The messages which are always added
automatically by "sendCmd" (e.g. "starting exposure n of m...") are
underlined. These colour-schemes of bob should be respected, in order
to avoid confusion.

ICD between the VLT Control SW and the Observation Handling Subsystem

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Last change: 23/05/05-10:02

bobWish - shell version of bob

bobWish ?-ccsProcName <name>? ?-configFile <file>? ?<scriptFile>?

This is a shell implementation of bob. The start-up parameters are similar
as for bob, i.e. you can specify the <name> under which this process will
register itself with the CCS environment, and pick up configuration
parameters from a different <file> than the default ~/.bobrc. If you do
not wish to run bobWish interactively, or need to run some script before
you enter into interactive mode, you can also pass the name of a

BobWish contains dummy objects for all widget related operations. The
actions accessible via buttons or menus in bob are here activated through
the following set of commands :
bobAbort <reason>
abort the currently executing OB
bobContinue ?-foreground?
continue the currently paused OB
display the log of the current OB-object
display a help text
give info about the loaded OBs and their state
bobNextObsBlocks ?<nr>|file? ?<filename>?
load <nr> OBs from the scheduler process, or an OBD from a file.
In the latter case, if <filename> is not given, a file-selection
widget will pop-up.
stop the currently executing OB
print the log of the current OB
bobRepeat <reason>
tell the scheduler process to repeat this OB at a later stage,
giving also a textual <reason>. This implies an abort.
mark all currently loaded OBs as freshly loaded
save the configuration parameters in the configuration file.
bobSaveConfigAs ?<file>?
save the configuration parameters into <file>, or if <file> is
not specified, bring up a file selection box first.
display a help text, listing all the configuration commands.
dump bob-related info and logfiles to a timestamped directory.
bobStart ?-foreground?
start the OB

If the -foreground (of -fg) flag is given (valid for the bobStart and
bobContinue commands), control will be passed back to the shell *after*
the OB has terminated, instead of running it in the background and
returning control immediately.

Some dialogs are still kept with tk. This depends partially on the
setting of "bobUserLevel".

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Last change: 23/05/05-10:02

Quadralay Corporation
Voice: (512) 719-3399
Fax: (512) 719-3606