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1.1 Purpose

This document1 is the User Manual of the CANopen Analog/Digital I/O Board Driver software module (canio).

It is intended to provide all the necessary information to use the canio Driver from the LCU Common Software or higher level applications.

The manual assumes that the reader has a good knowledge of UNIX, C-language, the VxWorks operation system and is familiar with the VxWorks development environment.

In addition to the Introduction section, this manual contains three major sections:

· Users's Guide: describes the tasks that can be done by the driver, including examples.
· Reference: a list of the functions available.
· Installation Guide: how to install the driver and make it ready for use.

At the end, the Error Messages and Recovery section provides a complete list of errors and diagnostic messages and possible recovery actions.

1.2 Scope

This manual describes the software module canio in its version 1.17

The canio driver is developed for the CANopen analog/digital I/O module to set output signals and to read input signals.

This implementation includes the following C libraries:

· canio - library of routines to access the canio module
· canstack - ESD canOpen manager and slave libraries

The following hardware and software environment is required to run the driver software described:

· a standard 6U VMEbus chassis with bus backplane and power supply
· at least one ESD CAN card with NTCAN firmware V 0.C
· a CAN network cable between Beckhoff module and CAN card
· at least one Beckhoff CANopen analog/digital I/O module ( one bus coupler and several bus terminals )
· at least one Motorola MVME2604 or MVME2700 CPU board, any version
· please note that the canstack binaries do NOT run on Motorola MVME-167 68k boards!
· VxWorks 5.4 or 5.5 operating system
· lcudrv for common driver functions, version 1.34
· lculog for internal logging, version 1.12
· lcc3 and lqs modules

1.3 Reference Documents

The following documents contain additional information and are referenced in the text.

[1] VxWorks Version 5.4 or 5.5. Programmer's Guide
Wind River Systems
[2] VxWorks Version 5.4 or 5.5 Reference Manual
Wind River Systems
[3] VLT Software Programming Standards
VLT-PRO-ESO-10000-0228, Issue 1.0
[4] CCS-LCU Digital I/O Driver Specification
VLT-SPE-ESO-17210-0283, Issue 2.0
[5] VLT SW Common Software - Overview
VLT-MAN-ESO-17200-0888, Issue 1.0
[6] VLTCommon Software - Installation Manual
VLT-MAN-ESO-17200-0642, Issue 4.0
[7] VLT Software Problem Report Change Request User Manual
[8] CCS-LCU Driver Development Guide and User Manual
VLT-SPE-ESO-17210-0375, Issue 2.2
[9] VLT CANOpen Specifications
[10] ESD VME-CAN4, CAN Controller for 4 CAN Nets
Hardware Manual
[11] ESD VME-CAN2, CAN Controller for 4 CAN Nets
Manual for the local firmware
[12] Beckhoff, CANopen Coupler BK5120, Technical Documentation
[13] Beckhoff, KL1104_d, 4 Channel 24 V DC Digital Input Terminal
Specifications, Datasheet
[14] Beckhoff, KL2134_d, 4 Channel 24 V DC Digital Output Terminal
Specifications, Datasheet
[15] Beckhoff, KL3102_ci, 2 Channel Analog Input Terminal -10...10 V
Configuration Instructions
[16] Beckhoff, KL3102_d, 2 Channel -10 V/0...10 V Analog Input Terminal
Specifications, Datasheet
[17] Beckhoff, KL4132_ci, 2 Channel Analog Output Terminal -10...10 V
Configuration Instructions
[18] Beckhoff, KL4132_d, 2 Channel -10 V/0...10 V Analog Output Terminal
Specifications, Datasheet
[19] CANOpen Manager, Revision 2.0, ESD GmbH, Order Number P.1405.80

1.4 Abbreviations And Acronyms

The following abbreviations and acronyms are used in this document:

canio Name of the CANopen analog/digital I/O module
CAN Control Area Network
CCS Central Control Software
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (USA)
aio Name of the analog I/O board software
acro Name of the digital I/O board software
LCU Local Control Unit
OS Operating System
SW Software
VLT Very Large TelescopeWS Workstation

1.5 Stylistic Conventions

The following styles are used:

bold - in the text, for commands, filenames, prefixes/suffixes as they have to be typed.
italic - in the text, for parts that have to be substituted with the real content before typing.
teletype - for examples.
<name> in the examples, for parts that have to be substituted with the real content before typing.

bold and italic are also used to highlight words.

Items which are subject to change in future versions are marked in this way (AuthorRemark)..

7 Very important items are marked in this way (Warning).

Changes to the previous issue of this document are marked with Change-Bars.

1.6 Naming Conventions

This implementation follows the naming conventions as outlined in the VLT Programming Standards [3].

1.7 Problem Reporting/Change Request

See [7] for instructions.

The document is prepared according to the IEEE 1063-1987 (Standard for SW User Documentation) as recommended in sect. 4.2.14 page 34 of the SW Management Plan - Issue 2.0, 21/05/92.

Quadralay Corporation
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