Since the official release of the JAN2006 VLT Common SW, a number of problems have been detected, that can in some cases affect the proper operation of a JAN2006 environment. For that reason, all responsibles of VLTSW  installations are advised to install the corresponding patches at their earliest convenience.


The patch procedure has been simplified and automated to a large extent by using the module vltpatch.
Before starting the patch installation, make sure your system is quiet, i.e. no users are accessing any of the VLT software, and all CCS-environments have been stopped.
Now, to install the patches, you have to perform the following commands:

In addition you can have a VLTSW patch-level report using the command : ../bin/vltpatchRelease -report

The man page of vltpatchRelease will show you how to use this utility.


VLTSW patch level 1 ( vltpatch 2.2 )

The patch-level one officially released on 2006-04-13. It is contained in vltpatch 2.2. The man page vltpatchListJAN2006 gives the list of patches.