Content-type: text/html Manpage of vltpatchRelease


Section: User Commands (1)
Updated: 13/04/06-09:42
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vltpatchRelease - patch the VLTSW_RELEASE, or report its patch-level



vltpatchRelease -level <level>
vltpatchRelease -report



In its first form this script will install the patches on the VLTSW
(release as defined by the environment variable VLTSW_RELEASE), up to and
including the level <level> (by default the highest available number).

In its second form the script will report the installation of patches on
the VLTSW release.

This module does not install anything when a "make install" is executed
under the src subdirectory. This is to avoid that older versions of this
module linger around, and misleading information about the state of the
VLTSW release would be produced.



The patches are defined in the library file vltpatchList<release>.tcl, and
- for the patches that do not correspond to VLTSW modules - the patchfiles
themselves are in this module's subdirectory config/<release>/. I.e. there
is per <release> one file listing the patches plus possibly one set of



The environment variable VLTSW_RELEASE is used to determine on which
release the patches should be installed or reported.
The environment variable VLTSW_CCSTYPE is used to determine if a a
particular patch is applicable or not.
The environment variable VLTROOT is used to write the file vltpatch.log
and it may also be used in the configuration file to point to reference
Other environment variables may be used by the configuration file and by
the Makefiles of the patched modules - see also CAUTIONS section.



The following exit values can be returned:
- 0 if all went OK
- 1 if wrong number of arguments is passed
- 2 if the VLTSW_RELEASE is not as expected
- 3 if this utility is not run as user vltmgr
- 5 if "what" executed on the reference file did not produce the expected
    version info
- 6 if the "make all man install" of a module failed
- 7 if any of the to be replaced files (or the reference file for a
    module) is currently in use, thereby preventing the installation of
    the patched version
- 8 if the renaming of the original files failed
- 9 if the copying of the new files failed
- 10 if the permissions of a patched file could not be set

In case any of the above error codes 1-10 are returned, the script will
stop immediately after finding the reported error.

In case of a successful patch installation, the original files will still
be available: the original name will get "_prePatchLevel<n>" appended to
it, whereby <n> is the patch-level corresponding to that particular patch.



Do this on a quiet system, i.e. to avoid that files being patched (in
particular shared libraries) are accessed or edited during this operation.

Switching from one release to another, or from one CCS-type to another,
needs to be done via a new login. This is the safest way to ensure that
*all* environment variables (incl. PATH, WIND_BASE, etc.) are set
correspondingly. The vltpatchRelease utility itself and the Makefiles of
any of the patched modules may use more or other environment variables
than the ones listed above.



fuser(1), vltpatchList<release>(n)




This document was created by man2html, using the manual pages.
Time: 09:42:34 GMT, April 13, 2006