Public Member Functions | Static Public Attributes | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes

antlr.ParseTreeRule Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for antlr.ParseTreeRule:
antlr.ParseTree antlr.BaseAST antlr.collections.AST

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 ParseTreeRule (String ruleName)
 ParseTreeRule (String ruleName, int altNumber)
String getRuleName ()
String toString ()

Static Public Attributes

static final int INVALID_ALT = -1

Protected Member Functions

int getLeftmostDerivation (StringBuffer buf, int step)

Protected Attributes

String ruleName
int altNumber

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

antlr.ParseTreeRule.ParseTreeRule ( String  ruleName  ) 
antlr.ParseTreeRule.ParseTreeRule ( String  ruleName,
int  altNumber 

Member Function Documentation

int antlr.ParseTreeRule.getLeftmostDerivation ( StringBuffer  buf,
int  step 
) [protected, virtual]

Do a step-first walk, building up a buffer of tokens until you've reached a particular step and print out any rule subroots insteads of descending.

Implements antlr.ParseTree.

References antlr.BaseAST.getFirstChild(), antlr.collections.AST.getNextSibling(), antlr.collections.AST.toString(), and antlr.ParseTreeRule.toString().

String antlr.ParseTreeRule.getRuleName (  ) 
String antlr.ParseTreeRule.toString (  ) 

Member Data Documentation

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