Public Member Functions

cern.laser.definition.CategoryDefinitionHandler Interface Reference

Inheritance diagram for cern.laser.definition.CategoryDefinitionHandler:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void createCategory (CategoryDefinition definition) throws LaserDefinitionException
void download (Writer xmlDefinitionsWriter) throws LaserDefinitionException
void removeCategory (CategoryDefinition definition) throws LaserDefinitionException
void updateCategory (CategoryDefinition definition) throws LaserDefinitionException
void upload (Collection toBeCreated, Collection toBeUpdated, Collection toBeRemoved) throws LaserDefinitionException
void upload (Reader xmlDefinitionsReader) throws LaserDefinitionException

Detailed Description

Provides the service to handle category definitions. Category definitions are organized in trees with a common root. A user can be responsible for one ore more subtrees and a subtree can be administered by one ore more user.

See also:

Member Function Documentation

void cern.laser.definition.CategoryDefinitionHandler.createCategory ( CategoryDefinition  definition  )  throws LaserDefinitionException

Create a new category definition.

definition the category definition
LaserDefinitionNotValidException if the definition failed validation
LaserDefinitionNotAllowedException if the user is not allowed
LaserDefinitionException if the request can not be served

Implemented in cern.laser.definition.impl.CategoryDefinitionHandlerImpl.

void ( Writer  xmlDefinitionsWriter  )  throws LaserDefinitionException

Dump the user definitions in XML format.

xmlDefinitionsWriter the XML definitions writer
LaserDefinitionXMLException if the XML marshalling failed
LaserDefinitionException if the request can not be served

Implemented in cern.laser.definition.impl.CategoryDefinitionHandlerImpl.

void cern.laser.definition.CategoryDefinitionHandler.removeCategory ( CategoryDefinition  definition  )  throws LaserDefinitionException

Remove an category definition by its identifier.

definition the category definition
LaserDefinitionNotFoundException if the category definition was not found
LaserDefinitionNotAllowedException if the user is not allowed
LaserDefinitionException if the request can not be served

Implemented in cern.laser.definition.impl.CategoryDefinitionHandlerImpl.

void cern.laser.definition.CategoryDefinitionHandler.updateCategory ( CategoryDefinition  definition  )  throws LaserDefinitionException

Update a category definition.

definition the new category definition
LaserDefinitionNotFoundException if the category definition was not found
LaserDefinitionNotValidException if the definition failed validation
LaserDefinitionNotAllowedException if the user is not allowed
LaserDefinitionException if the request can not be served

Implemented in cern.laser.definition.impl.CategoryDefinitionHandlerImpl.

void cern.laser.definition.CategoryDefinitionHandler.upload ( Collection  toBeCreated,
Collection  toBeUpdated,
Collection  toBeRemoved 
) throws LaserDefinitionException

Execute a bulk update within one single transaction.

toBeCreated the definitions to create
toBeUpdated the definitions to update
toBeRemoved the definitions to remove
LaserDefinitionNotValidException if the definition failed validation
LaserDefinitionNotFoundException if the definition was not found
LaserDefinitionNotAllowedException if the user is not allowed
LaserDefinitionException if the request can not be served

Implemented in cern.laser.definition.impl.CategoryDefinitionHandlerImpl.

void cern.laser.definition.CategoryDefinitionHandler.upload ( Reader  xmlDefinitionsReader  )  throws LaserDefinitionException

Execute a bulk update within one single transaction.

xmlDefinitionsReader the XML definitions reader
LaserDefinitionXMLException if the XML unmarshalling failed
LaserDefinitionNotValidException if the definition failed validation
LaserDefinitionNotFoundException if the definition was not found
LaserDefinitionNotAllowedException if the user is not allowed
LaserDefinitionException if the request can not be served

Implemented in cern.laser.definition.impl.CategoryDefinitionHandlerImpl.

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