Public Member Functions | Protected Attributes | Package Functions

antlr.ImportVocabTokenManager Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for antlr.ImportVocabTokenManager:
antlr.SimpleTokenManager antlr.TokenManager

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

Object clone ()
void define (TokenSymbol ts)
void define (String s, int ttype)
boolean isReadOnly ()
int nextTokenType ()

Protected Attributes

Grammar grammar

Package Functions

 ImportVocabTokenManager (Grammar grammar, String filename_, String name_, Tool tool_)

Detailed Description

Static implementation of the TokenManager, used for importVocab option

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Member Function Documentation

Object antlr.ImportVocabTokenManager.clone (  ) 
void antlr.ImportVocabTokenManager.define ( TokenSymbol  ts  ) 

define a token.

Reimplemented from antlr.SimpleTokenManager.

void antlr.ImportVocabTokenManager.define ( String  s,
int  ttype 

define a token. Intended for use only when reading the importVocab file.

References antlr.SimpleTokenManager.maxToken, and antlr.TokenSymbol.setTokenType().

boolean antlr.ImportVocabTokenManager.isReadOnly (  ) 

importVocab token manager is read-only if output would be same as input

Reimplemented from antlr.SimpleTokenManager.

References antlr.SimpleTokenManager.readOnly.

int antlr.ImportVocabTokenManager.nextTokenType (  ) 

Get the next unused token type.

Reimplemented from antlr.SimpleTokenManager.

Member Data Documentation

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