Public Member Functions | Static Public Attributes

alma.acs.logging.archive.zoom.ZoomManager Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 ZoomManager ()
 ZoomManager (String folder, LogTypeHelper min, LogTypeHelper max) throws ZoomException
boolean isAvailable ()
void setFilesRepository (String folder) throws ZoomException
void setLevels (LogTypeHelper min, LogTypeHelper max)
String getRepository ()
LogTypeHelper getMinLevel ()
LogTypeHelper getMaxLevel ()
void zoom (String startDate, String endDate, ACSRemoteLogListener logListener, ZoomProgressListener zoomListener, ACSRemoteErrorListener errorListener) throws FileNotFoundException, ZoomException
boolean isLoadingLogs ()
void stopZoom ()

Static Public Attributes

static final String MIN_LEVEL_PROPERTY_NAME = "jlog.archive.zoom.MinLevel"
static final String MAX_LEVEL_PROPERTY_NAME = "jlog.archive.zoom.MaxLevel"
static final String FILES_LOCATION_PROPERTY_NAME = "jlog.archive.zoom.filesFolder"

Detailed Description

The manager of the zoom feature.

A ZoomManager objects is the entity that perform the zooming by delegating to other classes of the zoom package.

The min and max levels, if not passed in the constructor, are initialized from java properties and if those properties does not exist from default values.

Note: only one loading operation is possible at the same time.


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

alma.acs.logging.archive.zoom.ZoomManager.ZoomManager (  ) 
alma.acs.logging.archive.zoom.ZoomManager.ZoomManager ( String  folder,
LogTypeHelper  min,
LogTypeHelper  max 
) throws ZoomException


folder The folder with XML files of logs
min The min log level of logs to read
max The max log level of logs to read
ZoomException If the folder or the levels are invalid

References alma.acs.logging.archive.zoom.ZoomManager.setLevels().

Member Function Documentation

LogTypeHelper alma.acs.logging.archive.zoom.ZoomManager.getMaxLevel (  ) 
The max level for zoomin
LogTypeHelper alma.acs.logging.archive.zoom.ZoomManager.getMinLevel (  ) 
The min level for zoomin
String alma.acs.logging.archive.zoom.ZoomManager.getRepository (  ) 

Return the path of the folder containing XML log files.

If the folder is invalid

The repository of XML files of logs; null if no folder (or an invalid one) is in use

References alma.acs.logging.archive.zoom.FilesManager.filesFolder.

Referenced by alma.acs.logging.archive.zoom.ZoomPrefsDlg.ZoomPrefsDlg().

boolean alma.acs.logging.archive.zoom.ZoomManager.isAvailable (  ) 

Check if the zoom feature is available.

The zoom is available if the files manager and the levels are valid. In particular, the files manager must have a valid folder with a valid set of XML files. The folder is valid if there are XML files to read.

true if the zoom is available; false otherwise.

References alma.acs.logging.archive.zoom.FilesManager.isOperational().

Referenced by,, and alma.acs.logging.archive.zoom.ZoomManager.zoom().

boolean alma.acs.logging.archive.zoom.ZoomManager.isLoadingLogs (  ) 

Return true if a loading is in progress.

true if a loading is in progress

Referenced by

void alma.acs.logging.archive.zoom.ZoomManager.setFilesRepository ( String  folder  )  throws ZoomException

Set the folder to read XML files of logs from.

folder The folder of XML files of logs
ZoomException If the folder is invalid.
void alma.acs.logging.archive.zoom.ZoomManager.setLevels ( LogTypeHelper  min,
LogTypeHelper  max 

Set the levels of the logs to read while zooming

min The minimum log level (can be null)
max The max log level (must be greater then the min; can't be null)

Referenced by alma.acs.logging.archive.zoom.ZoomManager.ZoomManager().

void alma.acs.logging.archive.zoom.ZoomManager.stopZoom (  ) 

Interrupt the zoom.

The method does nothing if no zoom is currently in progress.

Referenced by alma.acs.logging.archive.zoom.ManualZoomDlg.actionPerformed(), and alma.acs.logging.table.LogEntryTable.zoomReadingFile().

void alma.acs.logging.archive.zoom.ZoomManager.zoom ( String  startDate,
String  endDate,
ACSRemoteLogListener  logListener,
ZoomProgressListener  zoomListener,
ACSRemoteErrorListener  errorListener 
) throws FileNotFoundException, ZoomException

Member Data Documentation

final String alma.acs.logging.archive.zoom.ZoomManager.FILES_LOCATION_PROPERTY_NAME = "jlog.archive.zoom.filesFolder" [static]

The name of the property containing the folder where ARCHIVES writes files into.

Note: this way of getting the folder could change in further releases.

Referenced by alma.acs.logging.archive.zoom.ZoomManager.ZoomManager().

final String alma.acs.logging.archive.zoom.ZoomManager.MAX_LEVEL_PROPERTY_NAME = "jlog.archive.zoom.MaxLevel" [static]

The name of the property of the min log level of the zoom

Referenced by alma.acs.logging.archive.zoom.ZoomManager.ZoomManager().

final String alma.acs.logging.archive.zoom.ZoomManager.MIN_LEVEL_PROPERTY_NAME = "jlog.archive.zoom.MinLevel" [static]

The name of the property of the min log level of the zoom

Referenced by alma.acs.logging.archive.zoom.ZoomManager.ZoomManager().

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