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org.exolab.castor.util.Messages Class Reference

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class  EmptyResourceBundle

Static Public Member Functions

static String format (String message, Object arg1)
static String format (String message, Object arg1, Object arg2)
static String format (String message, Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3)
static String format (String message, Object[] args)
static String message (String message)
static void setLocale (Locale locale)

Static Public Attributes

static final String ResourceName = "org.exolab.castor.util.resources.messages"

Static Package Functions

 [static initializer]

Detailed Description

I18N message formatting class. A static factory for obtaining messages and formatting messages with arguments.

The resource file org.exolab.castor.util.resources.messages contains a list of all the messages in English. Additional resource files can be added for other languages and locales by placing them in the same package with a language/locale prefix. See the I18N documentation and use of resource bundles in the JDK docs.

Assaf Arkin
2003/03/03 07:09:06

Member Function Documentation

org.exolab.castor.util.Messages.[static initializer] (  )  [static, package]
static String org.exolab.castor.util.Messages.format ( String  message,
Object  arg1,
Object  arg2,
Object  arg3 
) [static]

Format the named message using three argument and return the full message text.

message The message name
arg1 The first argument
arg2 The second argument
arg3 The third argument
The full message text

References org.exolab.castor.util.Messages.format().

static String org.exolab.castor.util.Messages.format ( String  message,
Object  arg1,
Object  arg2 
) [static]

Format the named message using two argument and return the full message text.

message The message name
arg1 The first argument
arg2 The second argument
The full message text

References org.exolab.castor.util.Messages.format().

static String org.exolab.castor.util.Messages.format ( String  message,
Object[]  args 
) [static]

Format the named message using any number of arguments and return the full message text.

message The message name
args Argument list
The full message text
static String org.exolab.castor.util.Messages.format ( String  message,
Object  arg1 
) [static]

Format the named message using a single argument and return the full message text.

message The message name
arg1 The first argument
The full message text

Referenced by org.exolab.castor.util.Messages.format().

static String org.exolab.castor.util.Messages.message ( String  message  )  [static]

Return the text of the named message without formatting.

message The message name
The full message text
static void org.exolab.castor.util.Messages.setLocale ( Locale  locale  )  [static]

Set the locale to use for loading messages. Calling this method will reload all the messages based on the new locale name.

message The message name
The full message text

References org.exolab.castor.util.Messages.ResourceName.

Member Data Documentation

final String org.exolab.castor.util.Messages.ResourceName = "org.exolab.castor.util.resources.messages" [static]

The name of the resource holding all the messages in the English language. Resources for other languages and locales use the same name with a language/locale prefix.

Referenced by org.exolab.castor.util.Messages.setLocale().

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