Public Member Functions | Static Public Attributes

cern.laser.console.Behaviour Interface Reference

Inheritance diagram for cern.laser.console.Behaviour:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

String getDailyPrinter ()
void setDailyPrinter (String newPrinter)
boolean isDailyPrinting ()
void setDailyPrinting (boolean newDailyPrinting)
boolean isAlarmDistinguished ()
void setAlarmDistinguished (boolean newAlarmDistinguished)
boolean isAlarmAutoTerminated ()
void setAlarmAutoTerminated (boolean newAlarmAutoTerminated)
boolean isAlarmAutoKlaxon ()
void setAlarmAutoKlaxon (boolean newAlarmAutoKlaxon)
String getKlaxonVolume ()
void setKlaxonVolume (String newKlaxonVolume)
String[] getColumnsToDisplay ()
void setColumnsToDisplay (String[] newColumnNames)

Static Public Attributes

static final String SILENT_VOLUME = "SILENT"
static final String LOW_BELL_VOLUME = "LOW_BELL"
static final String HIGH_BELL_VOLUME = "HIGH_BELL"
static final String KLAXON_VOLUME = "KLAXON"
static final String[] volumes

Detailed Description

The alarm console behaviour. It defines the dynamic behaviour of an alarm console display on alarm change reception, alarm rendering and printing.


Member Function Documentation

String [] cern.laser.console.Behaviour.getColumnsToDisplay (  ) 

Get the column names to be displayed.

the column names.
String cern.laser.console.Behaviour.getDailyPrinter (  ) 

Get the printer name for alarm daily printing.

the daily printing printer name
String cern.laser.console.Behaviour.getKlaxonVolume (  ) 

Get the alarm klaxon volume.

the alarm klaxon volume.
boolean cern.laser.console.Behaviour.isAlarmAutoKlaxon (  ) 

Check the alarm auto klaxon flag.

true iff alarm auto klaxon is enabled. In auto klaxon mode ALL new alarms automatically cause the klaxon. In reverse only alarms in klaxon list will cause the klaxon.
boolean cern.laser.console.Behaviour.isAlarmAutoTerminated (  ) 

Check the alarm auto terminate flag.

true iff alarm auto terminate is enabled. In auto terminate mode terminated alarms are automatically acknowlwdged and therefore removed from the screen.
boolean cern.laser.console.Behaviour.isAlarmDistinguished (  ) 

Check the alarm distinction flag.

true iff alarm distinction is enabled. In alarm distinguished mode new alarms are displayed with a special icon meaning that they have just arrived on the screen.
boolean cern.laser.console.Behaviour.isDailyPrinting (  ) 

Check the alarm daily printing flag.

true iff daily printing is enabled.
void cern.laser.console.Behaviour.setAlarmAutoKlaxon ( boolean  newAlarmAutoKlaxon  ) 

Set the alarm auto klaxon flag.

newAlarmAutoKlaxon if true alarm auto klaxon is enabled.
void cern.laser.console.Behaviour.setAlarmAutoTerminated ( boolean  newAlarmAutoTerminated  ) 

Set the alarm auto terminate flag.

newAlarmAutoTerminated if true alarm auto terminate is enabled.
void cern.laser.console.Behaviour.setAlarmDistinguished ( boolean  newAlarmDistinguished  ) 

Set the alarm distinction flag.

newAlarmDistinguished if true alarm distinction is enabled.
void cern.laser.console.Behaviour.setColumnsToDisplay ( String[]  newColumnNames  ) 

Set newColumnNames

newColumnNames the column names.
void cern.laser.console.Behaviour.setDailyPrinter ( String  newPrinter  ) 

Set the printer name for alarm daily printing.

newPrinter the daily printing printer name
void cern.laser.console.Behaviour.setDailyPrinting ( boolean  newDailyPrinting  ) 

Set the alarm daily printing flag.

newDailyPrinting if true daily printing is enabled.
void cern.laser.console.Behaviour.setKlaxonVolume ( String  newKlaxonVolume  ) 

Set the alarm klaxon volume.

newKlaxonVolume the alarm klaxon volume.

Member Data Documentation

final String cern.laser.console.Behaviour.HIGH_BELL_VOLUME = "HIGH_BELL" [static]

High bell klaxon.

final String cern.laser.console.Behaviour.KLAXON_VOLUME = "KLAXON" [static]


final String cern.laser.console.Behaviour.LOW_BELL_VOLUME = "LOW_BELL" [static]

Low bell klaxon.

final String cern.laser.console.Behaviour.SILENT_VOLUME = "SILENT" [static]

No klaxon.

final String [] cern.laser.console.Behaviour.volumes [static]
Initial value:

Predefined klaxon volumes array.

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