Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Package Attributes

alma.demo.dyncomp.JDynAct Class Reference

Inherits javax::swing::JDialog, java::awt::event::ActionListener, and java::awt::event::WindowListener.

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 JDynAct (String managerLoc)
void actionPerformed (ActionEvent ae)
boolean releaseComponent (String url)
void windowActivated (WindowEvent e)
void windowClosing (WindowEvent e)
void windowDeactivated (WindowEvent e)
void windowDeiconified (WindowEvent e)
void windowIconified (WindowEvent e)
void windowOpened (WindowEvent e)
void windowClosed (WindowEvent e)

Static Public Member Functions

static void main (String[] args)

Package Attributes

JComboBox nameCB
JComboBox idlCB
JComboBox implCB
JComboBox containerCB
JPanel variableAreaP
JTable activatedT
JPopupMenu popMenu
Client theClient

Detailed Description

acaproni Nov 3, 2003

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Constructor & Destructor Documentation

alma.demo.dyncomp.JDynAct.JDynAct ( String  managerLoc  ) 

Member Function Documentation

void alma.demo.dyncomp.JDynAct.actionPerformed ( ActionEvent  ae  ) 
static void alma.demo.dyncomp.JDynAct.main ( String[]  args  )  [static]

The starting point of the program

References alma.demo.dyncomp.JDynAct.JDynAct().

boolean alma.demo.dyncomp.JDynAct.releaseComponent ( String  url  ) 
void alma.demo.dyncomp.JDynAct.windowActivated ( WindowEvent  e  ) 
void alma.demo.dyncomp.JDynAct.windowClosed ( WindowEvent  e  ) 
void alma.demo.dyncomp.JDynAct.windowClosing ( WindowEvent  e  ) 
void alma.demo.dyncomp.JDynAct.windowDeactivated ( WindowEvent  e  ) 
void alma.demo.dyncomp.JDynAct.windowDeiconified ( WindowEvent  e  ) 
void alma.demo.dyncomp.JDynAct.windowIconified ( WindowEvent  e  ) 
void alma.demo.dyncomp.JDynAct.windowOpened ( WindowEvent  e  ) 

Member Data Documentation

JComboBox alma.demo.dyncomp.JDynAct.idlCB [package]
JComboBox alma.demo.dyncomp.JDynAct.implCB [package]
JComboBox alma.demo.dyncomp.JDynAct.nameCB [package]
JPopupMenu alma.demo.dyncomp.JDynAct.popMenu [package]

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