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alma.acs.exceptions.CorbaExceptionConverter Class Reference

List of all members.

Static Public Member Functions

static void convertErrorTraceToJavaException (ErrorTrace et, AcsJException jEx)
static Throwable convertHiddenErrorTrace (Throwable thr)

Static Public Attributes

static final String PROPERTY_JAVAEXCEPTION_CLASS = "javaex.class"
static final String PROPERTY_JAVAEXCEPTION_MESSAGE = "javaex.msg"

Static Package Functions

static Throwable recursiveGetThrowable (ErrorTrace et)

Detailed Description

hsommer created Sep 26, 2003 10:53:40 AM

Member Function Documentation

static void alma.acs.exceptions.CorbaExceptionConverter.convertErrorTraceToJavaException ( ErrorTrace  et,
AcsJException  jEx 
) [static]
static Throwable alma.acs.exceptions.CorbaExceptionConverter.convertHiddenErrorTrace ( Throwable  thr  )  [static]

Checks if a given Throwable is of a CORBA type generated by the ACS error system. If so, the embedded error trace is converted to a chain of AcsJ-style exceptions.

The check is based on the fact that all ACS error system exceptions derive from org.omg.CORBA.UserException, and have a field errorTrace of type alma.ACSErr.ErrorTrace.

The converted Throwable, or thr itself if no conversion is necessary, or if the conversion failed with an exception.

References alma.acs.exceptions.CorbaExceptionConverter.recursiveGetThrowable().

static Throwable alma.acs.exceptions.CorbaExceptionConverter.recursiveGetThrowable ( ErrorTrace  et  )  [static, package]

Converts an ErrorTrace object to a Java Throwable. The chain of caused-by exceptions is translated, too.

See the comment on class substitution at DefaultAcsJException.

Throwable current implementation always returns a subclass of AcsJException, but don't rely on it yet.

References alma.acs.exceptions.CorbaExceptionConverter.PROPERTY_JAVAEXCEPTION_CLASS, and alma.acs.exceptions.CorbaExceptionConverter.PROPERTY_JAVAEXCEPTION_MESSAGE.

Referenced by alma.acs.exceptions.CorbaExceptionConverter.convertHiddenErrorTrace().

Member Data Documentation

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