Plot ? |
Symb ? |
Source * |
Average ? |
Thresholds ? |
N_ data |
QC1 parameter |
Data downloads |
Remarks |
method |
value |
unit |
method |
value |
1 |
| QC1DB |
2.28e+03 |
MB |
none | |
242 |
dataflow_ALL |
all (full time range)
| 1. monthly data volume (all VLT+VLTI but no survey cameras, compressed GBytes) |
1 |
| QC1DB |
none |
MB |
none | |
242 |
dataflow_CAL |
all (full time range)
| b) CAL only (UT 0.40...0.99) |
1 |
| QC1DB |
none |
MB |
none | |
242 |
dataflow_SCI |
all (full time range)
| c) SCI only (UT 0.00...0.39) |
2 |
| QC1DB |
1.39e+03 |
MB |
none | |
134 |
dataflow_ALL |
all (full time range)
| 2. MUSE only (MUSE part of data in plot1) a) all MUSE data |
2 |
| QC1DB |
none |
MB |
none | |
134 |
dataflow_CAL |
all (full time range)
| b) CAL only (UT 0.40...0.99) |
2 |
| QC1DB |
none |
MB |
none | |
126 |
dataflow_SCI |
all (full time range)
| c) SCI only (UT 0.00...0.39) |
3 |
| QC1DB |
983 |
MB |
none | |
200 |
dataflow_ALL |
all (full time range)
| 3. VIRCAM@VISTA (compressed GBytes) a) all VIRCAM data |
3 |
| QC1DB |
none |
MB |
none | |
200 |
dataflow_CAL |
all (full time range)
| b) CAL only (UT 0.40...0.99) |
3 |
| QC1DB |
none |
MB |
none | |
200 |
dataflow_SCI |
all (full time range)
| c) SCI only (UT 0.00...0.39) |
4 |
| QC1DB |
893 |
MB |
none | |
166 |
dataflow_ALL |
all (full time range)
| 4. OMEGACAM@VST (compressed GBytes) a) all OMEGACAM data |
4 |
| QC1DB |
none |
MB |
none | |
166 |
dataflow_CAL |
all (full time range)
| b) CAL only (UT 0.40...0.99) |
4 |
| QC1DB |
none |
MB |
none | |
166 |
dataflow_SCI |
all (full time range)
| c) SCI only (UT 0.00...0.39) |
*Data sources: QC1DB: QC1 database; LOCAL: local data source
Plot 1 | data source: | dataflow_monthly_stat (QC1 database) |
dataset: (numbers below apply to this dataset) | dataflow_ALL | |
mean: | 2.28e+03 | MB |
thresholds: | none | |
N_data plotted: | 242 |
[click plot for closeup] |
Plot 2 | data source: | dataflow_monthly_stat (QC1 database) |
dataset: (numbers below apply to this dataset) | dataflow_ALL | |
mean: | 1.39e+03 | MB |
thresholds: | none | |
N_data plotted: | 134 |
[click plot for closeup] |
Plot 3 | data source: | dataflow_monthly_stat (QC1 database) |
dataset: (numbers below apply to this dataset) | dataflow_ALL | |
mean: | 983 | MB |
thresholds: | none | |
N_data plotted: | 200 |
[click plot for closeup] |
Plot 4 | data source: | dataflow_monthly_stat (QC1 database) |
dataset: (numbers below apply to this dataset) | dataflow_ALL | |
mean: | 893 | MB |
thresholds: | none | |
N_data plotted: | 166 |
[click plot for closeup] |
This plot
This plot displays the monthly data volume, in compressed GBytes, created by VLT, VLTI and the survey telescopes.
The data volume is read from the ngas_files database table. It refers to
compressed files and represents the data volume relevant for transfer.
The data stream is divided into "ALL" data, "SCIENCE" (all data acquired between mjd.00
... mjd.40), and "CALIBRATION" (all other data).
A continuosly sustained 10 Mbit/s bandwidth corresponds
to 3240 GB on this plot. The big increase as of 2014-02 is due to the onset of
MUSE data production. This instrument produces more data than all other VLT
instruments together and is monitored separately in plot #2.
Note: The latest data point in the current plot usually refers to a month
which is not yet finished. Its value will therefore continue to increase until
a new last month starts.
General information
Click on any of the plots to see a close-up version.
The latest date is indicated on top of the plot.
If configured,
- data points belonging to the latest date are specially marked
- statistical averages are indicated by a solid line, and thresholds by broken lines
- outliers are marked by a red asterisk. They are defined as data points outside the
threshold lines
- "aliens" (= data points outside the plot Y limits) are marked by a red arrow (↑ or ↓)
- you can download the data for each parameter set if the 'Data downloads' link shows up