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calibration recipes
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SINFONI: Calibration recipes
DARK recipe | Distortion recipe | Linearity recipe | FLAT recipe | WAVE recipe | STD recipe

DARK recipe


Purpose: Dark frames are obtained to monitor the technical performance of the detector, and to correct subsequent data for pixel-to-pixel dark current variations and pixels with very high dark currents (i.e. hot pixels). Darks generally come in stacks of 3 raw frames and are routinely measured during each night when SINFONI is operational. All raw darks of a given DIT are processed into master dark frames and hot pixel maps and are quality-checked on the mountain and by QC Garching. Since SINFONI darks are generally not stable, all master dark frames are stored in the calibration archive.


TPL.ID SINFONI_ifs_cal_Darks
grouping DET.DIT
recipe/call esorex sinfo_rec_mdark sof


PRO.CATG contents
MASTER_DARK average of three raw frames (used in cascade)
BP_MAP_HP hot (high dark current) pixel map

QC parameters derived by the pipeline:

QC.DARKMED.AVE average of the median dark current measured in each of 3 raw darks
QC.DARKMED.STDEV standard deviation of dark current in 3 raw dark frame medians
QC.DARK.FPN windowed and non-robust scatter in a area on the chip
QC.RON.RMS scatter in Fixed-Pattern-Noise
QC.RON1 RON of first consecutive pair of raw frames (raw2-raw1)
QC.RON2 RON of second consecutive pair of raw frames (raw3-raw2)
QC.BP_MAP.BADPIX number of bad (hot) pixel
QC.DARK.FPN windowed and non-robust scatter in a area on the chip

Distortion recipe
DARK recipe | Distortion recipe | Linearity recipe | FLAT recipe | WAVE recipe | STD recipe


Purpose: Distortion frames are obtained to monitor the optical distortion and the distances between the slitlets. They come in stacks of 79 raw frames consisting of:

  • 75 north/south fibre images
  • 2 flat lamp images (one each of lamp-on, lamp-off)
  • 2 wavelength lamp calibrations (one each of lamp-on, lamp-off)

    Distortions are made for all wavebands (J, H, K, and H+K) at the 25 mas pixel scale. They are routinely measured once per month and after each instrument intervention. They are all processed into DISTORTION and SLITLETS_DISTANCES product tables that are quality-checked on the mountain and by QC Garching. All master master distortion and slitlet tables are stored in the calibration archive.


    TPL.ID SINFONI_ifs_tec_NorthSouth
    grouping INS.SETUP.ID : S1_J, S2_H, S3_K, S4_H+K
    recipe/call esorex sinfo_rec_distortion sof


    PRO.CATG contents used further in cascade
    DISTORTION table with polynomial distortion coefficients YES
    SLITLETS_DISTANCE table with slitlet positions YES
    WAVE_LAMP_STACKED arc lamp used to located edges of slitlets NO
    MASTER_FLAT_LAMP master flat (only used to flat-field distortions) NO
    BP_MAP_DIST bad pixel map from raw flats YES
    FIBRE_NS_STACKED stacked fibre lamp-on minus stacked fibre lamp-off frames NO
    FIBRE_NS_STACKED_ON stacked fibre lamp-on frames NO
    FIBRE_NS_STACKED_OFF stacked fibre lamp-off frames NO
    FIBRE_NS_STACKED_DIST undistorted stack of fibre lamp-on minus fibre lamp-off frames NO

    QC parameters

    QC.COEFF00 .. QC.COEFF12 Polynomial distortion coefficients
    QC.XSHIFT.UL x-shift of the upper left quadrant center (512,1536)
    QC.XSHIFT.UR x-shift of the upper right quadrant center (1536,1536)
    QC.XSHIFT.LL x-shift of the lower left quadrant center (512,512)
    QC.XSHIFT.LR x-shift of the lower right quadrant center (1536,512)
    QC.XSHIFT.CC x-shift of the chip center (1024,1024)
    QC.SL.DISTAVE average of slitlet distances
    QC.SL.DISTRMS scatter in slitlet distances

    Linearity recipe
    DARK recipe | Distortion recipe | Linearity recipe | FLAT recipe | WAVE recipe | STD recipe


    Purpose: Linearity frames are created in order to monitor the response properties of the detector. They come in stacks of several pairs of lamp-on and lamp-off frames, spanning a range of detector DITs (usually 1 to 45 seconds). Linearities are made for all wavebands (J, H, K, and H+K) at the 25 mas pixel scale and are routinely measured approximately every 20 days and after every intervention. They are all processed into several coeffient frames and are quality-checked on the mountain and by QC Garching. All master master linearity cubes are stored in the calibration archive.


    TPL.ID SINFONI_ifs_tec_LinDet
    grouping INS.SETUP.ID : S1_J, S2_H, S3_K, S4_H+K
    recipe/call esorex sinfo_rec_detlin sof


    PRO.CATG contents
    BP_COEFFS a cube with each plane a different linearity coefficient: plane[0], plane[1], plane[2]
    LIN_DET_INFO table with flux vs. DIT information
    GAIN_INFO table with ADU level vs. gain information
    BP_MAP_NL non-linearity bad pixel map (used for cascade)

    QC parameters:

    QC.BPM.LIN0.MEAN mean linearity polynomial coefficient
    QC.BPM.LIN1.MEAN mean linearity polynomial coefficient
    QC.BPM.LIN2.MEAN mean linearity polynomial coefficient
    QC.BPM.LIN3.MEAN mean linearity polynomial coefficient
    QC.BPM.LIN4.MEAN mean linearity polynomial coefficientmean
    QC.BPM.NBADPIX total number of non-linear pixels
    QC.GAIN computed gain

    FLAT recipe
    DARK recipe | Distortion recipe | Linearity recipe | FLAT recipe | WAVE recipe | STD recipe


    Purpose: Flat frames are created to correct and monitor the pixel-to-pixel response properties of the detector. They come in stacks of several pairs of lamp-on and lamp-off frames. They are routinely measured and are processed into a master bad pixel map and a master flat. They are quality-checked on the mountain and by QC Garching. All master master linearity cubes are stored in the calibration archive.


    TPL.ID SINFONI_ifs_cal_LampFlats
    DPR.TYPE (5 on/off pairs) FLAT,LAMP
    grouping INS.SETUP.ID : S1_J, S2_H, S3_K, S4_H+K
    grouping INS.OPTI1.NAME : 0.025, 0.1, 0.25
    required master calibrations BP_MAP_NL (from linearity), REF_BP_MAP (static calibration)
    recipe/call esorex sinfo_rec_mflats sof


    PRO.CATG contents
    MASTER_LAMP_FLAT average of three on /off pairs (used for cascade)
    BP_MAP_NO bad pixel map (from raw flat frames)
    MASTER_BP_MAP bad pixel map (combined NL and NO) (used for cascade)

    QC parameters:

    QC.LFLAT.FPN1 standard deviation of a certain region in the product frame (central quarter: [512, 512: 1536, 1536]
    QC.LFLAT.FPN2 standard deviation of another region in the product frame (single slitlet: [1350, 1000: 1390, 1200]
    QC.SPECFLAT.NCNTSAVG QC.SPECFLAT.NCNTSSTD median counts of each ON-OFF frame; then an average of the N=5 median values and the standard deviation of the 5 median values
    QC.SPECFLAT.OFFFLUX the median counts of the off-lamp frames
    QC.BP-MAP.NBADPIX number of bad pixels

    WAVE recipe
    DARK recipe | Distortion recipe | Linearity recipe | FLAT recipe | WAVE recipe | STD recipe


    Purpose: Arc frames are created to derive the wavelength solution and calibrate the observations. They come in stacks of several pairs of lamp-on and lamp-off frames. They are routinely measured every morning. They are all processed into a several product frames. They are quality-checked on the mountain and by QC Garching. All master wavelength calibration products are stored in the calibration archive.


    TPL.ID SINFONI_ifs_cal_Arcs
    DPR.TYPE (3 on/off pairs) FLAT,WAVE
    grouping INS.SETUP.ID : S1_J, S2_H, S3_K, S4_H+K
    grouping INS.OPTI1.NAME : 0.025, 0.1, 0.25
    required master calibrations SLITLETS_DISTANCE (from distortion)
    required master calibrations DISTORTION (from distortion)
    required master calibrations REF_TABLE (static calibration)
    required master calibrations MASTER_FLAT_LAMP (from mflats)
    required master calibrations MASTER_BP_MAP (from mflats)
    required master calibrations SLIT_POS (will maybe disappear)
    recipe/call esorex sinfo_rec_wavecal sof


    PRO.CATG contents
    WAVE_MAP wavelength solution per column (used for cascade)
    SLIT_POS table with 32 slit-begin slit-end numbers (used for cascade)
    WAVE_LAMP_STACKED the stacked raw wave frames
    WAVE_COEF_SLIT table with dispersion coefficients per column
    WAVE_FIT_PARAMS table with arc line fit results

    QC parameters:

    QC.WAVE.ALL number of found lines
    QC.WAVE.NPIXSAT number of saturated pixels
    QC.WAVE.MAXFLUX maximum of off-lamp subtracted frame
    QC.COEF0.AVG Average wavecal coefficient (central wavelength)
    QC.COEF1.AVG Average wavecal coefficient (linear dispersion)
    QC.COEF2.AVG Average wavecal coefficient (quadratic term)
    QC.COEF0.MED Median wavecal coefficient (central wavelength)
    QC.COEF1.MED Median wavecal coefficient (linear dispersion)
    QC.COEF2.MED Median wavecal coefficient (quadratic term)
    QC.FWHM.MED Median FullWidth@HalfMaxium of all arc lines
    QC.FWHM.AVG Average FullWidth@HalfMaxium of all arc lines

    STD recipe
    DARK recipe | Distortion recipe | Linearity recipe | FLAT recipe | WAVE recipe | STD recipe


    Purpose: Telluric Standard stars are taken to provide a telluric absorption template on top of a bright spectrum of a star with negligible stellar features. Science spectra are not corrected for telluric absorption features


    TPL.ID SINFONI_ifs_cal_StandardStar
    DPR.TYPE (usually 1) STD and SKY,STD
    grouping INS.SETUP.ID : S1_J, S2_H, S3_K, S4_H+K
    grouping INS.OPTI1.NAME : 0.025, 0.1, 0.25
    required master calibrations SLITLETS_DISTANCE (from distortion)
    required master calibrations DISTORTION (from distortion)
    required master calibrations MASTER_FLAT_LAMP (from mflats)
    required master calibrations MASTER_BP_MAP (from mflats)
    required master calibrations SLIT_POS (from wavecal)
    required master calibrations FIRST_COL (static calibration)
    required master calibrations WAVE_MAP (from wavecal)
    required master calibrations ATM_REF_CORR (static calibration)
    recipe/call esorex sinfo_rec_jitter sof


    PRO.CATG contents
    COADD_STD cube, coadded from jittered cubes, plane50, plane512, plane1024, plane1536, plane2120
    MASK_COADD_STD cube with weight factors
    OBS_STD N object cubes before being co-added
    STD_NODDING_STACKED N stacked object frames before being 'cubed'
    MED_COADD_STD median collapsed COADD_STD
    STD_STAR_SPECTRA table with extracted spectrum and response function
    STD_STAR_SPECTRUM extracted spectrum in fits format

    The columns of the PRO.CATG=STD_STAR_SPECTRA products are:

  • wavelength : in micron
  • counts_tot: the sum of all counts in a given area of each plane of the COADD_STD cube. The area over which all counts are summed is given by the central position of the source plus minus a factor times the FWHM of the Gaussian fit. The default factor is 5, but can be modified in the sinfo_rec_jitter.rc file (generated via esorex --create-config sinfo_rec_jitter). The corresponding command line paramter is --std_star-fwhm_fct). The resulting number of counts are per DIT (not per sec).
  • bkg_tot: the background in counts as derived by a 2D-Gaussian fit to the expected single object in the FOV in the given plane. When the FWHM of the standard star is very large and becomes comparable with the small size of the FOV (dependent on the used camera 0.025, 0.1 or 0.250) the sky estimation might become false. The pipeline checks this case and returns extra information in the recipe log (see pipeline manual for details).
  • counts_bkg: = counts_tot minus bkg_tot, hence this column gives the total counts per DIT of the source. No assumptions on the PSF of the objects are applied. No special extraction algorithm is applied.
  • bb_flux_norm: Using the filter (lambda_c) and the MK type (Teff) of the standard star, get the ratio flux ratio between a black body at lambda and Teff and a reference black body at lambda_c and 10000K.
  • efficiency: a) convert the flux on the detector in erg/s/cm/cm/A units; b) scale the bb_flux_norm to the flux of a 0th magnitude star in the given band; c) devide result of a) by result of b).

    The PRO.CATG=CONVFACTOR is contains only the Mag per counts/sec

    the function determines an intensity conversion factor for the instrument by fitting a 2D-Gaussian to an collapsed image of a standard star with known brightness (only for non-AO observations). Then the resulting Gaussian is integrated and the counts are divided by the exposure time (Fits header information)

    factor = mag / (float)sum * exptime ; QC parameters:
    QC CONVFCT conversion factor
    QC CHECK1 check evaluation box
    QC CHECK2 check evaluation box
    QC CHECK3 check evaluation box
    QC FWHMX standard star FWHM in X
    QC FWHMY standard star FWHM in Y

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