source parameters |
environmental parameters |
QC1 database (advanced users):
Click on CURRENT to see the current trending (Health Check).
Click on HISTORY to see the historical evolution of the trending. |
Quality Control within the VLT data flow is mainly performed on calibration products. The main purpose is to monitor and asses the technical performance of the instrument and the atmospheric properties. E.g. a user defines a constraint of 1.0'' seeing. The executed OB is checked at the observatory immediately and the OB gets a QC grade within the QC0 process, meaning the constraint set is checked. The result of the QC0 process is a statement like: The seeing equals or is better than the constraint. When the science images are processed the average image quality can be derived from the science product. The QC1 parameter (in this case the QC1 parameter is dependent on the actual atmospheric seeing and instrumental parameters like the filter wavelength and the performance of the optical alignment like focus). The QC1 process although applied to science products still measures instrumental and atmospheric properties. It also measures properties of the sources (like source fluxes or intensities), but is does not measure how far the science products are suitable to perform the intended science goal of the underlying observing proposal.
There follows for each dark product type a QC1 plot.
The first two are of the Hawaii array, the latter three are of the Aladdin array.
The Figure caption is equal for all four plots.
Figure caption
Upper Left:
Source positions, source fluxes and source fwhm as found by the eclipse peak command. |
Upper Right
Sky background for each raw frame in counts/pixel. Plot range is +-10% of the background mean. |
Middle Right
FWHM histogram of the sources found by the eclipse peak command. |
Lower Left:
Quality Control and pipeline processing parameters |
Lower Right
Jitter offset positions as read from the SEQ.CUMOFFSET.X,Y keys of the raw frame stack. |
statistical parameters |
The eclipse command stcube is applied to the coadded product science image.
QC1 parameters
parameter |
QC1 database: table, name |
procedure |
maximum |
isaac_imgobs, imgobs_max |
- the maximum counts in the science image product |
minimum |
isaac_imgobs, imgobs_min |
- the minimum counts in the science image product |
average |
isaac_imgobs, imgobs_mean |
- the average counts in the science image product |
median |
isaac_imgobs, imgobs_median |
- the median counts in the science image product |
total counts |
isaac_imgobs, imgobs_tot |
- the total counts in the science image product |
standard deviation |
isaac_imgobs, imgobs_std |
- the standard deviation of the counts in the science image product |
top coaddition parameters |
The ISAAC pipeline image recipe is one of the few recipes that applies a source detection algorithm to find a suitable correlation star that must be present in every raw OBJECT frame of the raw frame stack. The images are coadded according the cross-correlation results of this star. (A simpler way would be to coadd the images according to the nominal telescope jitter offsets registered in the fits headers of each raw frame. This simpler method is not suitable in the case of ISAAC). The pipeline recipe coadds only those raw frames, in which the correlation star is found and in which the cross correlation parameter is better than a certain threshold.
QC1 parameters
parameter |
QC1 database: table, name |
procedure |
number of pipeline products |
isaac_imgobs, no_prod |
- number of product frames generated by the pipeline recipe |
number of submitted raw frames |
isaac_imgobs, pro_datancom |
- number of science raw frames of the AB |
number generated raw frames |
isaac_imgobs, tpl_nexp |
- the number of raw frames intended to be generated by the template |
number of OBJECT frames |
isaac_imgobs, no_obj |
- number of raw frames with DPR.TYPE=OBJECT |
number of SKY frames |
isaac_imgobs, no_sky |
- number of raw frames with DPR.TYPE = SKY |
number of rejected frames |
isaac_imgobs, no_rej |
- number of raw frames rejected by cross-correlation analysis for coadding |
top operational parameters |
Early experience has shown that instrumental background features cannot sufficiently be reduced by the pipeline in case the integration time per raw frame is large and the continuous change in paralactic angle is large within the template. Therefore some operational business rules apply.
QC1 parameters
parameter |
QC1 database: table, name |
procedure |
differential paralactic angle |
isaac_imgobs, qc_parang |
- average change in paralactic angle per raw frame of the science stack in degrees per frame |
differential rotator angle |
isaac_imgobs, qc_absort |
- average change in rotator adaptor angle per raw frame of the science stack in degrees per frame |
integration time per frame |
isaac_imgobs, ditndit |
- DET.DIT times DET.NDIT is the integration time per raw frame. It should be less than 100 sec in order to avoid non-reducible fringe patterns in the residual sky background. |
top source description parameters |
The eclipse command stcube is applied to the coadded product science image and the statistical values are read.
QC1 parameters
parameter |
QC1 database: table, name |
procedure |
number of sources |
isaac_imgobs, objects |
- number of detected sources in the coadded image |
image quality |
isaac_imgobs, qc_iq |
- average image quality in arcsec. An extended sources filter applied. |
FWHM/arcsec |
isaac_imgobs, qc_fwhm_ac |
- take the median of the FWHM of all detected sources. Do not apply any extended sources filtering. |
FWHM/pixel |
isaac_imgobs, qc_fwhm_pix |
- as qc_fwhm_ac, but in pixels |
fwhm mode |
isaac_imgobs, qc_mode |
- the mode of the fwhm histogram (robust against the tail of extended sources), an independent check on the qc_iq |
sky brightness |
isaac_imgobs, qc_sky_mag |
- the sky background is converted ( -2.5 log counts) in instrumental magnitudes per square arc second . The |
top environmental parameters |
A number of environmental parameters are collected. values are read.
QC1 parameters
parameter |
QC1 database: table, name |
procedure |
telescope |
isaac_imgobs, tel_azi |
- average azimuth of the telescope [deg] |
telescope |
isaac_imgobs, tel_alt |
- average altitude of the telescope [deg] |
wind |
isaac_imgobs, wind_azi |
- azimuth of the ambient wind direction [deg] |
wind |
isaac_imgobs, wind_speed |
- speed of the ambient wind [km/s] |
wind |
isaac_imgobs, ang_wind_tel |
- angle between the azimuth component of the ambient wind direction and the telescope pointing |
coherence |
isaac_imgobs, time_diff |
- the wind (speed and direction) is registered with a certain frequency and read from a separate database. For the query and join the time when the wind was measured (mjd_obs) has to be matched with MJD_OBS. The time_diff parameter in sec shows how close in time the wind was measured with respect to the observing time. |
air mass |
isaac_imgobs, tel_airm |
- the average air mass within the stack of raw frames |
DIMM seeing |
isaac_imgobs, tel_ambi_fwhm |
- the average DIMM seeing |
ambient temperature |
isaac_imgobs, tel_ambi_temp |
- the average ambient temperature |
ambient relative humidity |
isaac_imgobs, tel_ambi_rhum |
- the average ambient relative humidity |
The ISAAC Hawaii image quality has been compared with Paranal site monitor seeing values. See here.