[ ESO ]
ISAAC data reduction:
calibrations SW-arm polarimetry

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SW-arm polarimetric standard star

There is no pipeline support for these calibration data.

Polarimetry Standard Star raw frame. The Wollaston prism and the stripe mask generate a stripe pattern image with alternating polarisation direction (ordinary and extra-ordinary rays).

Purpose. SW-arm polarimetric standard stars are needed to calibrate the Stokes parameters of the polarimetry science frames.

Recipe. Currently no recipe available

SW-arm polarimetry twilight flats

There is no pipeline support for these calibration data.

[sitf.gif 14K] SW-arm twilight flat with Wollaston prism and stripe mask in the optical path.

Purpose. The polarimetry twilight flats show the relative sensitivity (the gain) of the array pixels.

Recipe. Polarimetry is not supported by the pipeline

