General information
Pipelines are used at ESO to process both calibration data and science data
and to retrieve quality information.
There is a dedicated
pipeline for each VLT and VLTI instrument.
Find general information about ESO reduction pipelines here.
The main functionalities of the pipelines are:
- create master calibration data,
- reduce science frames,
- extract QC information from the data.
QC Garching creates master calibration data from all raw calibration data. The
raw data are stored in the ESO Archive and are public. They are
quality-checked and used for data reduction and for trending.
For selected instrument modes, we offer science-grade data products processed
with the pipelines.
There are two instances of the data reduction pipelines:
- at the instrument workstation on Paranal, running in automatic mode,
- at HQ Garching, run by the Quality Control Group in the optimized mode.
The automatic mode is used for quick look and for on-site quality
control. It processes all raw data sequentially, as they arrive from the
instrument. If calibration products ("master calibrations") are required for
processing science data, these are taken from a database with standard,
pre-manufactured calibration products. The automatic mode is not tuned to
obtain the best possible results.
The optimized mode is the mode, which uses all data of a night, including the
daytime calibrations. The calibration data are sorted and grouped according to
their dependencies. Master calibration data are created. Their quality is
The GIRAFFE pipeline supports both the old and the current CCD, with
some modified static calibration files describing the changes in alignment.
The geometry of the old CCD is the same as for the current one, 2kx4k. The current CCD features
increased efficiency in the red, and reduced fringing. It is in operations
since 2008-05-26.
The GIRAFFE pipeline is publicly available here. Under this link
you also find the pipeline Users Manual.
Find the description of GIRAFFE data processing and pipeline recipes for
calibrations here and for
science data here.
The pipeline supports almost all GIRAFFE settings, find the list here.
For GIRAFFE Medusa1/2 modes, more than 1 million
science-grade 1D spectra are available covering the entire
data history. They are available on the phase3 archive interface.
Data format
GIRAFFE has a single CCD with 2048 photon-sensitive columns and 4096 rows. To these add 50 pre-scan and 50 post-scan columns.
Until 2008-03-13, the CDD was an EEV chip optimized for the blue ("Bruce",
also called the "old CCD").
Since 2008-05-26, GIRAFFE has an e2v CCD ("Carreras") with much higher red efficiency and lower fringing (also called the "new CCD").
Find more details about the GIRAFFE CCD format and properties here.
GIRAFFE raw frames have 2148x4096 pixels. Pixel size is 15x15 microns. There is only one read-mode available, which is unbinned, low gain. Raw frames have a size of 17.4 MB each.
Bruce had three columns with hot pixels, at x=416-418, starting at y=1466. Carreras has none.
Raw data come as FITS files with three header units (HDU). The main plane (HDU1) has the header with all primary keywords and telescope, positioner, detector, observation, instrument etc. keywords, as well as the pixel data. Two extensions (HDU2 and HDU3) host binary tables. The first binary table is the OzPoz table. It includes the association of the objects and the fibre buttons, and also contains fibre positioner keywords. This is the PAF file generated by FPOSS (the fibre positioner observation support software tool), with some OzPoz information added (such as R, Theta and errors).
The second binary table contains the fibre description and the association between fibre buttons and fibre position in the slits, and also includes lab-measured fibre transmission values. This table is static.
Find here a description of the GIRAFFE binary tables. The User Manual has also a detailed description of the GIRAFFE raw data structure.
Pipeline products have varying formats. Typical for almost all products beyond the extraction step is that the X axis records the fibre index, while the Y coordinate records pixels or wavelength bins. Hence typically there is one column per fibre.
More details are described here.
Spectral format
Except for the BIAS and DARK calibration frames, all GIRAFFE data come in a specific data format which is due to the fibre systems being projected onto the detector. The format is described here.
The GIRAFFE spectrograph receives light from the fibre positioner called OzPoz. It consists of two plates which are functionally identical. Each plate hosts three fibre systems (Medusa, IFU, UVES), one plate accomodates another IFU system called 'Argus'.
The Medusa system has nominally 137 fibres which are projected into one slit
called Medusa (where n is 1 or 2). The slit is subdivided into
- 8 subslits with nine object fibres each
- 5 subslits with 12 object fibres and 1 calibration fibre each.
The calibration fibres can be used for simultaneous calibrations (SimCal mode)
or as object fibre (OzPoz mode).
Find more about the MEDUSA spectral format here.
Schematic layout of the MEDUSA spectral format. Blue solid
lines: object fibres. Red dotted lines: calibration fibres. The directions of
the increasing fibre number in the slit (FPS) and of increasing wavelength are
The IFU fibre system has 320 fibres being projected into one slit called
IFU (where n is 1 or 2). The slit is subdivided into
- 10 subslits with 20 object fibres and 1 sky fibre each,
- 5 subslits with 19 object fibres and 1 sky fibre and 1 calibration fibre
The calibration fibre can be used for simultaneous calibrations (SimCal mode)
or as object fibre (OzPoz mode).
Find more about the IFU spectral format here.
Schematic layout of the IFU spectral format. Blue solid lines:
object fibres. Red dotted lines: calibration fibres. Green dots: sky fibres.
The directions of the increasing fibre number in the slit (FPS) and of
increasing wavelength are indicated.
The Argus fibre system is similar to
the IFU system. It also has 15 sky fibres.
Find more about the ARGUS spectral format here.
Schematic layout of the ARGUS spectral format. Blue solid
lines: object fibres. Red dotted lines: calibration fibres. Green dots: sky
fibres. The directions of the increasing fibre number in the slit (FPS) and of
increasing wavelength are indicated. Note that the direction of FPS is
inverted with respect to IFU and Medusa.