ITEM_TITLE Flat field lamp (robotic) ITEM_ANAME fflamp ITEM_REPORT FFLAMP

The flux of the robotic flat-field lamp is measured in a pattern involving the L543.1 setup in every slit system. A single flat frame is measured.

The lightpath between the lamp and the detector also includes interference filters. Hence any effect observed in the efficiency trending could be due to either the lamp or the filter.

The parameter giraffe_flat..flattype is either ROB=robotic, or NAS=nasmyth. Here it is always ROB. TITLE QC1 parameters TABLE_NAME qc1_parameter TABLE_TYPE QC1_TABLE TABLE_ROW1 [calculated by QC procedure] SEP giraffe_flat..flux TITLE Trending Panels of the trending plot: TABLE_NAME boxes15 TABLE_TYPE FIGURE_1B TABLE_IMG1 "../img/fflamp1.gif" width="732" height="258" border="1" TABLE_CAP1 Boxes 1-5: FF lamp efficiency. Data are from HC calibrations in the L543 setup, for all five fibre systems

The lower panel shows the same data, plotted together, to reveal any slit-specific effects.

TABLE_NAME box6 TABLE_TYPE FIGURE_1 TABLE_IMG1 "../img/fflamp2.gif" width="180" height="201" border="1" TABLE_CAP1 Box 6: Same data as above, all fibre TABLE_CAP1 systems plotted together. In this plot, "coherent" changes in the signal can TABLE_CAP1 be best seen, indicative of a lamp problem, as opposed to changes in a single TABLE_CAP1 fibre system indicating a problem with that fibre system.

Plots of spectrally resolved relative fibre transmission can be found here.

TITLE Scoring&thresholds Upper thresholds both in the FFLAMP and the FFLEVEL reports are motivated by detecting saturation in the flat-fields. The flux value for saturation (for an exposure time fixed in the templates) depends on the setup (central wavelength) and can only loosely be defined in the HC settings. The lower threshold is set empirically to detect lamp failures and compromised flat field quality resulting in insufficient SNR.

The QC1 values are averaged across the whole CCD and therefore include both illuminated regions (with the fibre signal) and inter-fibre regions (without a signal).

TITLE History TABLE_NAME history TABLE_TYPE HISTORY TABLE_ROW1 around 2007-10-01 SEP flux strongly decreased due to gripper problem; adjusted properly afterwards TABLE_ROW2 around 2008-01-14 SEP Low flux observed, due to bad positioning of the calibration mirror located inside of the OzPoz calibration unit TABLE_END TITLE Algorithm The mean exposure level of the raw file across the whole file is measured (mean_raw) and then divided by the exposure time, the result is the flux and comes in ADU/sec. For historical reasons the calculation is done by the QC procedure.