
UVES QC1 values related to bias frames

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QC1 database interface

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1. General keywords

mjd_obs float MJD-OBS of (first) raw file
civil_date datetime Empty Description
calibfile varchar given name of associated calibration file
origfile varchar original file name of (first) raw file (PSO convention)
pipefile varchar pipefile_name of associated calibration file
arcfile varchar arcfile_name of (first) raw file
cdbfile varchar product unique identifier in cdb
tpl_start varchar TPL start time

2. QC1 keywords

median_master float median value of master bias
sigma_master float RON value of master bias
sigma_raw float RON value of first raw frame
struct_row float structure in X direction
struct_col float structure in Y direction
mean_ratio_ref float ratio to reference frame
sigma_ratio_ref float sigma of mean_ratio_ref


3. Instrument keywords

bin varchar binning in X and Y direction
chip varchar CCD ID (B/U/L)
det_out1_conad float conversion from ADUs to electrons

4. Options

time range: from to
format: plain ASCII HTML


Send comments to: <Reinhard.Hanuschik@eso.org>