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Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef tcsLogFits_H
00002 #define tcsLogFits_H
00003 /*******************************************************************************
00004 * E.S.O. - VLT project
00005 *
00006 * "@(#) $Id: tcsLogFits.h,v 1.136 2003/11/27 15:09:57 vltsccm Exp $"
00007 *
00008 * who       when      what
00009 * --------  --------  ----------------------------------------------
00010 * gchiozzi  03/04/98  created
00011 */
00013 /************************************************************************
00014  *
00015  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
00016  */
00018 #include "log.h"
00020 ccsCOMPL_STAT tcsLogFitsSetModule(const ccsMODULEID module);
00021 const char   *tcsLogFitsGetModule();
00023 ccsCOMPL_STAT tcsLogFitsSetDict(const logDICTIONARY mask);
00024 const char   *tcsLogFitsGetDict();
00026 ccsCOMPL_STAT tcsLogFitsSetLevel(vltINT32 level);
00027 vltINT32      tcsLogFitsGetLevel();
00029 ccsCOMPL_STAT tcsLogFitsSetMask(const logMASK mask);
00030 const char   *tcsLogFitsGetMask();
00032 ccsCOMPL_STAT tcsLogFitsComment (const char *who,
00033          const char *text,
00034          vltINT32    level);
00035 ccsCOMPL_STAT tcsLogFitsEvent(logFITS_TYPE  fitsType,
00036             const char   *text,
00037             vltINT32      level);
00038 ccsCOMPL_STAT tcsLogFitsAction(const logCATEGORY fitsCat,
00039              const logFITS_KEY fitsSys,
00040              const logACTION   fitsAction,
00041              vltINT32          level);
00043 ccsCOMPL_STAT tcsLogFitsParLogical(const logCATEGORY fitsCat,
00044            const logFITS_KEY fitsSys,
00045            const logFITS_KEY fitsParam,
00046            const vltLOGICAL  value,
00047            vltINT32          level);
00048 ccsCOMPL_STAT tcsLogFitsParInt32(const logCATEGORY fitsCat,   
00049          const logFITS_KEY fitsSys,   
00050          const logFITS_KEY fitsParam, 
00051          const vltINT32    value,     
00052          vltINT32          level);
00053 ccsCOMPL_STAT tcsLogFitsParDouble(const logCATEGORY fitsCat,   
00054           const logFITS_KEY fitsSys,   
00055           const logFITS_KEY fitsParam, 
00056           const vltDOUBLE   value,     
00057           vltINT32          level);
00058 ccsCOMPL_STAT tcsLogFitsParChar(const logCATEGORY fitsCat,   
00059         const logFITS_KEY fitsSys,   
00060         const logFITS_KEY fitsParam, 
00061         const char       *value,     
00062         vltINT32          level);
00064 ccsCOMPL_STAT tcsLogFitsParUChar(const logCATEGORY    fitsCat,   
00065          const logFITS_KEY    fitsSys,   
00066          const logFITS_KEY    fitsParam, 
00067          const unsigned char *value,     
00068          vltINT32             level);
00070 #if 0
00071 ccsCOMPL_STAT tcsLogFitsParArray(const logCATEGORY fitsCat,
00072          const logFITS_KEY fitsSys,
00073          const logFITS_KEY fitsParam,
00074          vltINT16          numbElem,
00075          vltINT16          elemSize,
00076          const void       *array,
00077          vltINT32          level);
00078 #endif
00080 #endif 

Generated on Wed Dec 3 14:52:21 2003 for ATCS API by doxygen1.2.13.1 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001