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00001 #ifndef tcsDefines_H
00002 #define tcsDefines_H
00003 /*******************************************************************************
00004 * E.S.O. - VLT project
00005 *
00006 * "@(#) $Id: tcsDefines.h,v 1.136 2003/11/27 15:10:02 vltsccm Exp $"
00007 *
00008 * who       when      what
00009 * --------  --------  ----------------------------------------------
00010 * rkarban 2001-03-26 change TCS dictionary, alias to ALL
00011 * rkarban 2000-03-02 additional TCSID, TARGET_TCS definitions
00012 * gchiozzi  03/06/97  Added macros for compile time ID
00013 * gchiozzi   03/06/97  Added definitions for ASM_TCS and AUX_TCS
00014 * kwirenst  27/04/97  Added defines for telescope number
00015 * rkarban   17/04/97  add define tcsTRK_DUT_BACKUP_FILE
00016 * gchiozzi  21/02/97  Added defines for TCS env vars
00017 * rkarban   12/02/97  add define tcsTRK_PC_BACKUP_FILE
00018 * nttmgr  04/12/96  Added defines for SETUP FILE tcs global Dictionary and Alias table
00019 * gchiozzi  08/11/96  Moved telescope site constant in tcs.db
00020 * gchiozzi  01/10/96  Added telescope site constants
00021 * gchiozzi  18/08/95  Fixed bug in define name
00022 * gchiozzi  20/07/95  created
00023 */
00025 /************************************************************************
00026  *
00027  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
00028  */
00030 /* 
00031  *  Defines for the target telescope.
00032  *  The default target is VLT
00033  *  Up to now VLT, NTT, ASM, ATS, SID, TP6
00034  */
00036 #define VLT_TCS   1
00037 #define NTT_TCS   2
00038 #define ASM_TCS   3
00039 #define ATS_TCS   4
00040 #define SID_TCS   5
00041 #define TP6_TCS   6 /* 3.6M telescope */
00042 #define VST_TCS   7 /* VLT Survey Telescope */
00044 #ifndef TARGET_TCS
00045 #warning TARGET_TCS not defined. Using default value VLT_TCS 
00046 #define  TARGET_TCS VLT_TCS
00047 #endif
00049 /* 
00050  *  Defines for telescope number (to be used for var. TCSID).
00051  *  The default is VLT Control Model
00052  */
00054 #define VLT_CM   0
00055 #define VLT_UT1  1
00056 #define VLT_UT2  2
00057 #define VLT_UT3  3
00058 #define VLT_UT4  4
00060 #define ASM_PL 1 /* ASM Paranal */
00061 #define ASM_LS 2 /* ASM La Silla */
00063 #define VLTI_AT_CM 0 /* VLTI Auxiliary Telscopes */
00064 #define VLTI_AT1   1
00065 #define VLTI_AT2   2
00066 #define VLTI_AT3   3
00068 #define VLTI_SID_CM 0 /* VLTI Siderostats */
00069 #define VLTI_SID1   1
00070 #define VLTI_SID2   2
00072 #define VLT_ST_CM 0 /* VLT Survey Telescope */
00073 #define VLT_ST1   1
00075 #ifndef TCSID
00076 #define  TCSID VLT_CM
00077 #endif
00079 /*
00080  * Macro to free an object and invalidate its pointer
00081  */
00082 #define DELETE_OBJECT(object) do                        \
00083                                   {                     \
00084                                   if (object != NULL)   \
00085                                       {                 \
00086                                       delete object;    \
00087                                       object = NULL;    \
00088                                       }                 \
00089                                   } while (0)
00091 /*
00092  * the maximum buffer size for printf buffers used in tcs
00093  * used to check for overflows
00094  */
00096 #define tcsPRINTF_BUFFER_SIZE 1024
00098 /*
00099  * Macros used to build the targetTCS string Id
00100  */
00102 /* Support macros to handle parameters substitution */
00103 #define tcsREPLACE_IT(date,time,targ) "@(#) $TCS Compile Id - Date: " date " Time: " time " Target: " #targ " $"
00104 #define tcsTARGET_IT(date,time,targ) tcsREPLACE_IT(date,time,targ)
00106 /* Real macro to be used in the code */
00107 /* 
00108  * It MUST be called in the following way:
00109  *      tcsTCS_RCSID("@(#) $Id: tcsDefines.h,v 1.136 2003/11/27 15:10:02 vltsccm Exp $")
00110  * to be concatenated with rcsId and with version strings
00111  */
00112 #define tcsTCS_RCSID(id)                                                                         \
00113    static const char *rcsId = id tcsTARGET_IT(__DATE__, __TIME__, TARGET_TCS);                         \
00114    static const void *use_rcsId = ((const void)&use_rcsId,(const void *) &rcsId);
00116 /*
00117  * Module name
00118  */
00119 #define tcsMOD "tcs"
00121 /* Defines for TCS environment variables and default values */
00122 /* for their contents                                       */
00124 /* Root point for TCS database branch */
00125 #define tcsDBPOINT     "TCS_DBPOINT"
00126 #define tcsDBPOINT_DEF ":Appl_data:TCS"
00128 /* Environment where TCS is running */
00129 #define tcsENVNAME     "TCS_ENVNAME"
00131 /* Contents of message buffer for standard commands used globally */
00132 /* and to be propagated to prsAction                              */
00133 #define tcsMSG_BUFF_ALL "ALL"
00135 /* Standard OK message for replies */
00136 #define tcsOK_MSG        "OK"
00138 /* File names for SETUP FILE tcs global Dictionary and Alias table */
00139 #define tcsSETUP_FILE_DICTIONARY "ALL"
00140 #define tcsSETUP_FILE_ALIAS "ALL"
00142 /* 
00143  *a constant shared by trk and trkws; this has to be moved to a common
00144  * trk module some time !!!!
00145  */
00147 #define tcsTRK_PC_BACKUP_FILE "trkPcData.dat"
00148 #define tcsTRK_DUT_BACKUP_FILE "trkDut.dat"
00149 #define tcsTRK_SETROT_BACKUP_FILE "trkSetrot.dat"
00151 #define tcsCMD_LOGFITS "LOGFITS"
00153 #define tcsDB_TRANSFER_DEST_ENV            "destEnv"
00154 #define tcsDB_TRANSFER_LCU_SERVER          "lcuServer"
00155 #define tcsDB_TRANSFER_TIMEOUT             "timeout"
00156 #define tcsDB_TRANSFER_CMDS                "commands"
00158 #endif 

Generated on Wed Dec 3 14:52:21 2003 for ATCS API by doxygen1.2.13.1 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001