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00001 #ifndef tcsCMD_TRANSFER_H
00002 #define tcsCMD_TRANSFER_H
00003 /******************************************************************************
00004 * E.S.O. - VLT project
00005 *
00006 * "@(#) $Id: tcsCMD_TRANSFER.h,v 1.136 2003/11/27 15:10:06 vltsccm Exp $"
00007 *
00008 * who       when      what
00009 * --------  --------  --------------------------------------------------------
00010 * rkarban 2002-03-12 created from chopwsTRANSFER
00011 */
00013 /******************************************************************************
00014  * Declaration of class tcsCMD_TRANSFER.
00015  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00016  */
00018 #ifndef __cplusplus
00019 #error This is a C++ include file and cannot be used from plain C
00020 #endif
00022 #include <evhOBJ_CALLBACK.h>
00023 #include <evhCOMMAND.h>
00024 #include "tcsCMD_HANDLER.h"
00026 class tcsCMD_TRANSFER : public tcsCMD_HANDLER
00027 {
00028   public:
00029     tcsCMD_TRANSFER(const dbSYMADDRESS dbRoot, const msgCMD cmdName,
00030                   const ccsENVNAME env, const ccsPROCNAME proc, 
00031                   vltINT32 timeout);
00032     virtual ~tcsCMD_TRANSFER();
00033     virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT Init(const ccsENVNAME env, const ccsPROCNAME proc,
00034              vltINT32 timeout);
00035     virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT Reset();
00037   protected:
00038     evhCB_COMPL_STAT Execute(msgMESSAGE &msg, void *udata);
00039     evhCB_COMPL_STAT ReplyCB(msgMESSAGE &msg, void *udata);
00040     evhCB_COMPL_STAT ErrorCB(msgMESSAGE &msg, void *udata);
00041     evhCB_COMPL_STAT TimeoutCB(msgMESSAGE &msg, void *udata);
00043   private:
00044     evhCOMMAND  command;  // command handling with sub-system
00045     ccsENVNAME  destEnv;  // name of destination environment
00046     ccsPROCNAME destProc; // name of destination process
00047     ccsTIMEVAL  timeout;  // reply timeout
00048 };
00050 #endif // !tcsCMD_TRANSFER_H

Generated on Wed Dec 3 14:52:20 2003 for ATCS API by doxygen1.2.13.1 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001