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00001 #ifndef SCAN_LITE_H
00002 #define SCAN_LITE_H
00003 /*******************************************************************************
00004 * E.S.O. - VLT project
00005 *
00006 * "@(#) $Id: scanLite.h,v 2.52 2003/11/08 21:12:07 vltsccm Exp $"
00007 *
00008 * who       when      what
00009 * --------  --------  ----------------------------------------------
00010 * tebert    14/07/99  created
00011 */
00013 /************************************************************************
00014  *
00015  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
00016  */
00018 #define rtRTAP_SCAN_MNGR         CCSSCANMANAGER
00019 #define rtSD_SI_STATUS_AIN       3
00020 #define rtCP_STATUS_AIN          3
00022 #define rtCNTRL_DISABLE_SS       0      /* disable scan system */
00023 #define rtCNTRL_ENABLE_SS        1      /* enable scan system */
00024 #define rtCNTRL_DISABLE_CP       2
00025 #define rtCNTRL_ENABLE_CP        3
00026 #define rtCNTRL_DISABLE_SD_SI    4
00027 #define rtCNTRL_ENABLE_SD_SI     5
00028 #define rtCNTRL_DISABLE_SD_SO    6
00029 #define rtCNTRL_ENABLE_SD_SO     7
00030 #define rtCNTRL_DISABLE_SD_SI_PT 8
00031 #define rtCNTRL_ENABLE_SD_SI_PT  9
00032 #define rtCNTRL_DISABLE_SD_SO_PT 10
00033 #define rtCNTRL_ENABLE_SD_SO_PT  11
00034 #define rtCNTRL_COMM_PORT_MODE   12
00035 #define rtCNTRL_POLL_PERIOD      13
00036 #define rtCNTRL_PRBX_PERIOD      14
00037 #define rtCNTRL_POLL_TYPE        15
00038 #define rtCNTRL_PRBX_TYPE        16
00039 #define rtCNTRL_FORCE_POLL_TYPE  17
00040 #define rtCNTRL_FORCE_PRBX_TYPE  18
00041 #define rtCNTRL_FORCE_POLL       19
00042 #define rtCNTRL_FORCE_PRBX       20
00043 #define rtCNTRL_COLD_RST_DEVICE  21
00044 #define rtCNTRL_WARM_RST_DEVICE  22
00045 #define rtCNTRL_SNAP             23
00046 #define rtCNTRL_SNAP_WITH_VERIFY 24
00047 #define rtCNTRL_SET_TIME         25
00049 #define rtQUERY_SS_STATE         0
00050 #define rtQUERY_SCAN_TASK_STATE  1
00052 #define rtSS_MAX_CNTRL_CNT      255
00054 #define rtSCAN_DISABLE                  0
00055 #define rtSCAN_ENABLE                   1
00056 typedef rtUInt32 rtSsAction;
00058 #define rtSCAN_DISABLED                 0
00059 #define rtSCAN_ENABLED                  1
00060 #define rtSCAN_FAILED                   2
00061 #define rtSCAN_UNKNOWN                  3
00062 typedef rtUInt32 rtSsState;
00064 typedef rtUInt16 rtSsDcAction;
00066 /*
00067  * scan system rtSsmaQuality definitions
00068  */
00069 typedef enum    
00070     {
00071     rtSSMA_NO_DATA = 0,
00072     rtSSMA_OK,
00073     rtSSMA_FAILED,
00074     rtSSMA_DISABLED
00075     } rtSsmaQuality;
00077 typedef rtInt        rtSsConnection;
00079 typedef struct
00080     {
00081     rtBitfld  ptControl:8;   
00082     rtBitfld  ptStatus:8;    
00083     rtBytes4  pollTypes;
00084     rtUInt16  stBuffSize;
00085     rtUInt32  offset;
00086     rtUInt16  elemCnt;
00087     rtBitfld  rtapDeType:8;   
00088     rtBitfld  deadbandType:8;
00089     rtDouble  deadband;
00090     rtDbXref  linkAddress;
00091     rtInt32   reserved;
00092     } rtScanInputRecord;
00094 #define rtSS_MAX_CNTRL_CNT  255
00095 #define rtSS_MAX_QUERY_CNT  128
00097 typedef struct
00098     {
00099     rtInt32  status[rtSS_MAX_CNTRL_CNT];
00100     } rtSsCntrlSsCpSd;
00102 typedef struct
00103     {
00104     rtInt32 status[rtSS_MAX_CNTRL_CNT];
00105     } rtSsCntrlRestartDev;
00107 typedef struct
00108     {
00109     rtInt32   status;
00110     rtSsState state;
00111     } rtScanState;
00113 typedef struct
00114     {
00115     rtScanState  scanState[rtSS_MAX_QUERY_CNT];
00116     } rtSsQueryState;
00118 typedef rtUInt16        rtSsCqAction;
00120 typedef struct
00121     {
00122     rtSsCqAction    action;
00123     rtUInt16        addrCnt;
00124     rtDbAddress    *addr;
00125     rtUInt8        *buffer;
00126     rtUInt16        size;
00127     rtUInt16        actual;
00128     } rtSsCq;
00130 typedef struct
00131     {
00132     rtSsDcAction    action;
00133     rtDbAddress     addr;
00134     rtUInt8        *data;
00135     rtUInt16        dataSize;
00136     rtUInt16        timeOut;  
00137     rtUInt8        *reply;
00138     rtUInt16        replySize;
00139     rtInt32         status;
00140     } rtSsDirectCommand;
00142 rtInt   rtOpenSsma        (void);
00143 rtInt   rtCloseSsma       (void);
00144 rtInt   rtSpareSsma       (void);
00145 rtInt   rtSizeSsma        (void);
00146 rtInt   rtSetSsmaStatus   (rtScanInputRecord *scanRecord, rtSsState newStatus);
00147 rtInt   rtReadSsma        (rtUInt32 offset, rtSsmaQuality *ssmaQlty, rtUInt8 *failCnt,
00148                            rtUInt32 dataSize, rtUInt8 *dataBuffer, rtUInt16 stBuffSize, 
00149                            rtUInt8 *stBuffer);
00150 rtInt   rtReadSsmaWithLock(rtUInt32 offset, rtSsmaQuality *ssmaQlty, rtUInt8 *failCnt,
00151                            rtUInt32 dataSize, rtUInt8 *dataBuffer, rtUInt16 stBuffSize, 
00152                            rtUInt8 *stBuffer);
00153 rtInt   rtWriteSsma       (rtUInt32 offset, rtSsmaQuality ssmaQlty, rtUInt8 failCnt,
00154                            rtUInt32 dataSize, rtLogical writeData, rtUInt8 *dataBuffer,
00155                            rtUInt16 stBuffSize, rtUInt8 *stBuffer);
00156 void    rtTriggerCe       (void);
00157 rtSsConnection rtOpenScanSys(rtChar *env);
00158 rtInt   rtControlScanSys  (rtSsConnection ssConnection, rtSsCq *ssCq);
00159 rtInt32 rtCloseScanSys    (rtSsConnection ssConnection);
00160 rtInt   rtDirectCmdSS     (rtSsConnection ss_connection, rtSsDirectCommand *ss_dc);
00161 rtInt   rtQueryScanSys    (rtSsConnection ssConnection, rtSsCq *ssCq);
00163 #endif 

Generated on Wed Dec 3 14:52:18 2003 for ATCS API by doxygen1.2.13.1 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001