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00001 #ifndef SCAN_LITE_INTERNAL_H
00002 #define SCAN_LITE_INTERNAL_H
00003 /*******************************************************************************
00004 * E.S.O. - VLT project
00005 *
00006 * "@(#) $Id: scanLiteInternal.h,v 2.52 2003/11/08 21:12:07 vltsccm Exp $"
00007 *
00008 * who       when      what
00009 * --------  --------  ----------------------------------------------
00010 * tebert    16/07/99  created
00011 */
00013 /************************************************************************
00014  *
00015  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
00016  */
00017 #include "scanLite.h"
00019 #define SSCONN        "SSCONN"
00021 #define scanDEFAULT_SSMA_SIZE   12400
00022 #define scanOPEN                 1000
00023 #define scanCLOSE                1001
00024 #define scanDIRECT               1002
00026 /*
00027  * 'scan config' point: alias
00028  */
00029 #define rtSCAN_CONFIG_PT        "scan config"
00031 #define rtCP_COMM_MODE          ".communication mode"
00032 #define rtCP_DEV_TYPE           ".device type"
00033 #define rtCP_CONTROL            ".control"
00034 #define rtCP_STATUS             ".status"
00036 #define rtSD_SI_CNTRL           ".scan input control"
00037 #define rtSD_SI_STATUS          ".scan input status"
00038 #define rtSD_SI_FAIL_THRSHLD    ".failure threshold"
00039 #define rtSD_SCAN_INPUT         ".scan input"
00040 #define rtSD_SO_CNTRL           ".scan output control"
00041 #define rtSD_SO_STATUS          ".scan output status"
00042 #define rtSD_SCAN_OUTPUT        ".scan output"
00043 #define rtSD_FAIL_THRSHLD       ".dev fail threshold"
00044 #define rtSD_CONFIG_OPT         ".config optimization"
00045 #define rtSD_SSMA_UPDATE_LIM    ".SSMA update limit"
00046 #define rtSD_DEBUG_LEVEL        ".debug level"
00048 #define rtSI_POINT_CONTROL      "point control"
00049 #define rtSI_POINT_STATUS       "point status"
00050 #define rtSI_POLL_TYPE_MASK     "poll type mask"
00051 #define rtSI_ST_BUFFER_SIZE     "st buffer size"
00052 #define rtSI_SSMA_OFFSET        "SSMA offset"
00053 #define rtSI_NO_OF_ELEMENTS     "# of elements"
00054 #define rtSI_RTAP_DE_TYPE       "RTAP DE type"
00055 #define rtSI_DEADBAND_TYPE      "deadband type"
00056 #define rtSI_DEADBAND           "deadband"
00057 #define rtSI_LINK_ADDRESS       "link address"
00058 #define rtSI_RESERVED_FLD       "reserved1"
00059 #define rtSI_FIRST_FIELD_NO     0
00060 #define rtSI_LAST_FIELD_NO      10
00062 #define rtCP_POLL_TYPES         ".poll types"
00063 #define rtCP_PRBX_TYPES         ".PRBX types"
00065 #define rtSC_SCAN_TASKS         ".scan tasks"
00066 #define rtST_SCAN_TASK_NAME     "scan task name"
00068 #define rtE_ST_FUNC_UNSUPPORTED   0x00100011
00069 #define rtE_SS_CONFIG_ERR         0x00200022
00070 #define rtE_ST_TIMEOUT            0x00300033
00071 #define rtE_ST_DCD_ERROR          0x00400044
00072 #define rtE_ST_CTS_ERROR          0x00500055
00073 #define rtE_ST_BAD_CRC            0x00600066
00075 /*
00076  * scan system scan task capability & communication port modes
00077  */
00078 #define rtPOLLED_PRBX           0       /* capability and mode */
00079 #define rtPOLLED_PRBX_SRBX      1       /* capability and mode */
00080 #define rtSRBX                  2       /* SRBX only mode */
00082 #define scanMAX_PLINS_IN_LIST   255
00084 typedef struct
00085     {
00086     ccsNODE        node;
00087     msgPROCESSID   procId;
00088     rtSsConnection handle;
00089     } scanHANDLE;
00091 typedef struct 
00092     {
00093     rtInt8    startDay;
00094     rtInt8    startHour;
00095     rtInt8    startMin;
00096     rtInt8    startSec;
00097     rtUInt8   intervalDays;
00098     rtUInt8   intervalHours;
00099     rtUInt16  intervalMins;
00100     rtUInt32  intervalSecs;
00101     rtUInt16  intervalMSecs;
00102     } rtPTypesRecord;
00105 typedef struct
00106     {
00107     int ssmaSize;
00108     int ssmaOffset;
00109     } scanSSMA;
00111 typedef struct
00112     {
00113     vltUINT32      command;
00114     vltUINT32      counter;
00115     rtSsConnection handle;
00116     } scanTYPE_HDR;
00118 typedef struct
00119     {
00120     msgHEADER     msgHeader;
00121     scanTYPE_HDR  scanHeader;
00122     char          body [msgMAXLEN - sizeof(msgHEADER) - sizeof(scanTYPE_HDR)];
00123     } scanCOMMAND;
00125 /*
00126  * hooks
00127  */
00128 void  rtCpInitHook        (void);
00129 void  rtCpShutdownHook    (void);
00130 rtInt rtDepMsgHook        (rtMsgHeader *message);
00131 void  rtPostCntrlHook     (void);
00132 void  rtPostDirCmdHook    (void);
00133 void  rtPostInitDvceHook  (rtPlin scanDevicePlin);
00134 void  rtPostPollHook      (void);
00135 void  rtPostPollTypeHook  (void);
00136 void  rtPostPrbxHook      (void); 
00137 void  rtPostPrbxTypeHook  (void);
00138 void  rtPostReadHook      (void); 
00139 void  rtPostRequestHook   (void); 
00140 void  rtPostWriteHook     (void); 
00141 void  rtPreCntrlHook      (void); 
00142 void  rtPreDirCmdHook     (void); 
00143 void  rtPreInitDvceHook   (rtPlin scanDevicePlin); 
00144 void  rtPrePollHook       (void); 
00145 void  rtPrePollTypeHook   (void);
00146 void  rtPrePrbxHook       (void); 
00147 void  rtPrePrbxTypeHook   (void);
00148 void  rtPreReadHook       (void); 
00149 void  rtPreRequestHook    (void);
00150 void  rtPreWriteHook      (void); 
00152 rtInt rtRequestCapability (void);
00153 rtInt rtSetCwp            (rtPlin plin);
00154 rtInt rtUpdateInputStatus (rtInt record, rtSsState status);
00155 void  rtUpdatePlinList    (rtPlin plin);
00156 rtInt rtUpdateSsma        (rtScanInputRecord *scanRecord, rtUInt8 *buffer, rtUInt32 size,
00157                            rtUInt16 recnum);
00158 rtInt rtSetNewStatus      (rtScanInputRecord *scanRecord, rtUInt16 recnum, 
00159                            rtSsState newStatus);
00160 rtInt rtGetSiTableSize    (void);
00161 rtInt rtEnableDeviceInput (void);
00162 rtInt rtFailDeviceInput   (void);
00163 void  rtMoveMemA          (void *destination, const void *source, rtUInt32 count);
00164 rtInt rtGetDbCwp          (rtDbConnection connection);
00165 rtSsState rtGetScanInputStatus (void);
00167 rtInt32 rtDevPtDisabled   (rtPointId *pointId, rtInt scanInputPts);
00168 rtInt32 rtDevPtEnabled    (rtPointId *pointId, rtInt scanInputPts);
00169 rtInt32 rtDirectCmd       (rtUInt8 *writeCommand, rtUInt16 commandLength,
00170                            rtUInt16 timeOut, rtSsDcAction commandAction, 
00171                            rtUInt8 *replyBuf, rtUInt16 maxReplyBufSize);
00172 void    rtDisableCommPort (void);
00173 rtInt32 rtInitDevice      (rtPlin scanDevicePlin, rtUInt8 retries, rtUInt16 timeout);
00174 FILE   *rtInitCommPort    (void);
00175 rtInt32 rtDisableDevice   (rtSsCqAction action, rtPlin scanDevicePlin, rtUInt8 retry,
00176                            rtUInt16 timeOut);
00177 rtInt32 rtRestartDevice   (rtPlin scanDevicePlin, rtUInt8 retry, rtUInt16 timeout,
00178                            rtLogical rst_type);
00181 #endif 

Generated on Wed Dec 3 14:52:18 2003 for ATCS API by doxygen1.2.13.1 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001