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Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef pomFits_H
00002 #define pomFits_H
00003 /******************************************************************************
00004 * E.S.O. - VLT project
00005 *
00006 * "@(#) $Id: pomFits.h,v 1.69 2003/09/17 16:04:58 vltsccm Exp $"
00007 *
00008 * who       when      what
00009 * --------  --------  -------------------------------------------------------
00010 * rkarban   14/05/97  created
00011 */
00013 /******************************************************************************
00014  * General definitions, to be used by code and database classes.
00015  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00016  */
00018 #ifndef __cplusplus
00019 #error This is a C++ include file and cannot be used from plain C
00020 #endif
00023 /*
00024  * Database point and attribute names
00025  */
00027 #define pomFITS_DB_ENTRY_POINT        "pom:pomFits"
00028 #define pomFITS_DB_STATE              "state"
00029 #define pomFITS_DB_SUBSTATE           "substate"
00030 #define pomFITS_DB_CONTROL_POINT      "control"
00031 #define pomFITS_DB_CONTROL_STATE      "state"
00032 #define pomFITS_DB_CONTROL_SIMULATION "simulation"
00033 #define pomFITS_DB_CONTROL_VERBOSE    "verbose"
00035 const char * const pomMEAS_TRK_ACTPOS  = ":Appl_data:TCS:trk:data:position:actPos";
00036 // pinky data DB paths
00037 const char * const pomFITS_DB_wdx = ":internal:pinkyData.wdx";
00038 const char * const pomFITS_DB_wdd = ":internal:pinkyData.wdd";
00039 const char * const pomFITS_DB_wds = ":internal:pinkyData.wds";
00040 const char * const pomFITS_DB_wdz = ":internal:pinkyData.wdz";
00041 const char * const pomFITS_DB_wdr = ":internal:pinkyData.wdr";
00042 const char * const pomFITS_DB_sigmaFactor = ":internal:pinkyData.sigmaFactor";
00043 const char * const pomFITS_DB_sigmaIncrement = ":internal:pinkyData.sigmaIncrement";
00044 const char * const pomFITS_DB_rejectTreshold = ":internal:pinkyData.rejectTreshold";
00045 // pinky data defaults DB paths
00046 const char * const pomFITS_Default_wdx = ":internal:pinkyDefaults.wdx";
00047 const char * const pomFITS_Default_wdd = ":internal:pinkyDefaults.wdd";
00048 const char * const pomFITS_Default_wds = ":internal:pinkyDefaults.wds";
00049 const char * const pomFITS_Default_wdz = ":internal:pinkyDefaults.wdz";
00050 const char * const pomFITS_Default_wdr = ":internal:pinkyDefaults.wdr";
00051 const char * const pomFITS_Default_sigmaFactor = ":internal:pinkyDefaults.sigmaFactor";
00052 const char * const pomFITS_Default_sigmaIncrement=":internal:pinkyDefaults.sigmaIncrement";
00053 const char * const pomFITS_Default_rejectTreshold =":internal:pinkyDefaults.rejectTreshold";
00055 /*
00056  * pomFITS Commands
00057  */
00059 const char* const pomFITS_APPEND_CMD = "APPEND";
00060 const char* const pomFITS_CALL_CMD   = "CALL";
00061 const char* const pomFITS_CLIST_CMD  = "CLIST";
00062 const char* const pomFITS_END_CMD    = "END";
00063 const char* const pomFITS_FIN_CMD    = "FIN";
00064 const char* const pomFITS_FIT_CMD    = "FIT";
00065 const char* const pomFITS_FIX_CMD    = "FIX";
00066 const char* const pomFITS_G_CMD      = "G";
00067 const char* const pomFITS_GC_CMD     = "GC";
00068 const char* const pomFITS_GAM_CMD    = "GAM";
00069 const char* const pomFITS_GDIST_CMD  = "GDIST;";
00070 const char* const pomFITS_GHYST_CMD  = "GHYST";
00071 const char* const pomFITS_GMAP_CMD   = "GMAP";
00072 const char* const pomFITS_GSCAT_CMD  = "GSCAT";
00073 const char* const pomFITS_INDAT_CMD  = "INDAT";
00074 const char* const pomFITS_INMOD_CMD  = "INMOD";
00075 const char* const pomFITS_INPRO_CMD  = "INPRO";
00076 const char* const pomFITS_MESLEV_CMD = "MESLEV";
00077 const char* const pomFITS_LOSE_CMD   = "LOSE";
00078 const char* const pomFITS_OUTMOD_CMD = "OUTMOD";
00079 const char* const pomFITS_PLOT_CMD   = "PLOT";
00080 const char* const pomFITS_PLOTEQ_CMD = "PLOTEQ";
00081 const char* const pomFITS_PLOTAA_CMD = "PLOTAA";
00082 const char* const pomFITS_QUIT_CMD   = "QUIT";
00083 const char* const pomFITS_SHOW_CMD   = "SHOW";
00084 const char* const pomFITS_SLIST_CMD  = "SLIST";
00085 const char* const pomFITS_START_CMD  = "START";
00086 const char* const pomFITS_UNFIT_CMD  = "UNFIT";
00087 const char* const pomFITS_USE_CMD    = "USE";
00088 const char* const pomFITS_TPTRUN_CMD = "RUN";
00090 #endif // 

Generated on Wed Dec 3 14:52:16 2003 for ATCS API by doxygen1.2.13.1 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001