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Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef mswINS_DATA_RECORD_H
00002 #define mswINS_DATA_RECORD_H
00003 /*******************************************************************************
00004 * E.S.O. - VLT project
00005 *
00006 * "@(#) $Id: mswINS_DATA_RECORD.h,v 1.115 2003/11/12 14:33:37 vltsccm Exp $"
00007 *
00008 * who       when      what
00009 * --------  --------  ----------------------------------------------
00010 * rkarban  06/08/99  add virtual destructor
00011 * gchiozzi  17/07/98  Added fields for detector reference pixel and adapter focus offset.
00012 * gchiozzi  02/09/97  Modified table format.
00013 * gchiozzi  11/02/97  Created
00014 */
00016 /************************************************************************
00017  *
00018  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
00019  */
00020 #ifndef __cplusplus
00021 #error This is a C++ include file and cannot be used from plain C
00022 #endif
00024 #include "msw.h"
00025 #include "eccsErr.h"
00026 #include "evhDB_CMD_SEND.h"
00027 #include "fndARRAY.h"
00028 #include "fndOBJECT.h"
00029 #include "fndSTRING.h"
00030 #include "eccsDB_TABLE.h"
00032 // support classes mswINS_DATA_RECORD et al.
00033 // -----------------------------------------------------
00034 // These support class is used to hold and manipulate data from
00035 // the instrument data description table
00037 typedef vltBYTES32 mswINSID;
00038 typedef vltBYTES32 mswINSMODE;
00040 class  mswINS_DATA_RECORD: public eccsDB_TABLE_RECORD, public eccsERROR_CLASS
00041 {
00042   public:
00043     mswINS_DATA_RECORD();
00044     mswINS_DATA_RECORD( const mswINS_DATA_RECORD& );
00045     mswINS_DATA_RECORD& operator           =( const mswINS_DATA_RECORD& );
00046     virtual ~mswINS_DATA_RECORD();
00048     // Pack() and Unpack() methods used while accessing the database table
00049     // to convert from RTAP internal format to C class members
00050     virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT Pack( void *buffer );
00051     virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT Unpack( void *buffer );
00053     // Methods to retrieve/set the instrument data configuration
00054     // in the format of a command message buffer
00055     virtual const char   *Data();
00056     virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT Data(const char *msgBuffer);
00058     // Empties the record
00059     virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT CleanUp();
00061     // Checks if a given mswINSID correspond to this record
00062     const vltLOGICAL IsInsId(const mswINSID &insId) const;
00064     // Data member read access methods
00065     const mswINSID   &InsId() const;
00066     const mswINSMODE &InsMode() const;
00067     const vltINT32    FocusStation() const;
00068     const char       *FocusStationName() const;
00069     const vltDOUBLE   RotOffset() const;
00070     const vltDOUBLE   FocusOffset() const;
00071     const vltDOUBLE   AdFocusPos() const;
00073     const vltDOUBLE   PixelSizeX() const;
00074     const vltDOUBLE   PixelSizeY() const;
00075     const vltDOUBLE   RefX() const;
00076     const vltDOUBLE   RefY() const;
00078     const vltDOUBLE   VigAreaSizeX() const;
00079     const vltDOUBLE   VigAreaSizeY() const;
00080     const vltDOUBLE   VigAreaCntX() const;
00081     const vltDOUBLE   VigAreaCntY() const;
00083     const vltDOUBLE   PointAxisOffX() const;
00084     const vltDOUBLE   PointAxisOffY() const;
00086     const char       *DetectorLCU() const;
00088   private:
00089     mswINSID    insId;           // identifier for a pair (ins,detector)
00090     mswINSID    insMode;         // identifier for instrument mode
00091     vltINT32    focusStation;    // instrument focus station (defines in mswDefines.h)
00093     vltDOUBLE   rotOffset;       // rotator offset (deg)
00094     vltDOUBLE   focusOffset;     // optimal focus offset (mm)
00095     vltDOUBLE   adFocusPos;      // optimal adapter focus Pos (mm)
00097     vltDOUBLE   pixelSizeX;      // detector pixel size in X (arcsec/pixel)
00098     vltDOUBLE   pixelSizeY;      // detector pixel size in Y (arcsec/pixel)
00099     vltDOUBLE   refX;            // detector reference pixel X (pixel)
00100     vltDOUBLE   refY;            // detector reference pixel Y (pixel)
00102     vltDOUBLE   vigAreaSizeX;    // vignetting area: X size (arcsec)
00103     vltDOUBLE   vigAreaSizeY;    // vignetting area: Y size (arcsec)
00104     vltDOUBLE   vigAreaCntX;     // vignetting area: X offset of center 
00105                                  // with respect to center (arcsec)
00106     vltDOUBLE   vigAreaCntY;     // vignetting area: Y offset of center
00107                                  // with respect to center (arcsec)
00109     vltDOUBLE   pointAxisOffX;   // X pointing axis offset (arcsec)
00110     vltDOUBLE   pointAxisOffY;   // Y pointing axis offset (arcsec)
00112     vltBYTES256 detectorLCU;     // environment and process name
00114     fndSTRING cmdString;
00115 };
00118 // include inline code for support classes
00119 #include "mswINS_DATA_RECORD.icc"
00121 #endif 

Generated on Wed Dec 3 14:52:15 2003 for ATCS API by doxygen1.2.13.1 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001