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Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*****************************************************************************
00002  * E.S.O. - VLT Project
00003  *
00004  * "@(#) $Id: ccdLcuPriority.h,v 4.1 2003/10/30 15:32:27 vltsccm Exp $"
00005  *
00006  * who         when     what
00007  * --------- -------- ---------------------------------------------------
00008  * alongino  09/05/98 priorities moved from ccdLcuInternal.h
00009  * pduhoux   25/05/98 improved priorities as of SPR980215
00010  */
00012 /*
00013  ****************************************************************************
00014  * This header file belongs to the CCD LCU software. It contains global data
00015  * which is needed commonly by all CCD LCU modules.
00016  ****************************************************************************
00017  */
00019 #ifndef CCDLCUPRIORITY_H
00020 #define CCDLCUPRIORITY_H
00022 #ifdef __cplusplus
00023 extern "C" {
00024 #endif
00026 /*
00027  ****************************************************************************
00028  * Includes
00029  ****************************************************************************
00030  */
00032 /* 
00033  * System Includes 
00034  */
00035 /* 
00036  * CCD include files 
00037  */
00038 /*
00039  ****************************************************************************
00040  * Data Types and Literals
00041  ****************************************************************************
00042  */
00043 /* task priorities */
00044 /* They have been moved from ccdLcuInternal.h in order to avoid to
00045    have to recompile the whole CCD LCU sw whenever one wants to reshuffle 
00046    priorities */
00047 #define ccdTASK_PRIO_BASE  15
00048     /*
00049      *# Command Interpreters' priorities
00050      */
00051 #define ccdTASK_PRIO_SRV_CON (ccdTASK_PRIO_BASE + 20)          /* = 35 */
00052 #define ccdTASK_PRIO_SRV_RDT (ccdTASK_PRIO_BASE + 21)          /* = 36 */
00053 #define ccdTASK_PRIO_SRV_SHT (ccdTASK_PRIO_BASE + 21)          /* = 36 */
00054 #define ccdTASK_PRIO_SRV_IP  (ccdTASK_PRIO_BASE + 22)          /* = 37 */
00055 #define ccdTASK_PRIO_SRV_IT  (ccdTASK_PRIO_BASE + 23)          /* = 38 */
00056 #define ccdTASK_PRIO_SRV_TEL (ccdTASK_PRIO_BASE + 24)          /* = 39 */
00057 #define ccdTASK_PRIO_SRV_TMP (ccdTASK_PRIO_BASE + 24)          /* = 39 */
00058 #define ccdTASK_PRIO_SRV_AUX (ccdTASK_PRIO_BASE + 24)          /* = 39 */
00060     /*
00061      *# Time Critical tasks' priorities
00062      */
00063 #define ccdTASK_PRIO_READ    (ccdTASK_PRIO_BASE)               /* = 15 */
00064 #define ccdTASK_PRIO_SHUT    (ccdTASK_PRIO_BASE)               /* = 15 */
00065 #define ccdTASK_PRIO_WIPE    (ccdTASK_PRIO_BASE + 1)           /* = 16 */
00066 #define ccdTASK_PRIO_POLL    (ccdTASK_PRIO_BASE + 1)           /* = 16 */
00067 #define ccdTASK_PRIO_TIME    (ccdTASK_PRIO_BASE + 2)           /* = 17 */
00068 /* It is not nice (fishy ?) that an action task must have lower priority
00069  * than the server, As a matter of fact test 22 would fail on wait if
00070  * ccdTASK_PRIO_CTRL would be less than ccdTASK_PRIO_SRV_CON
00071  * Maybe simply a different priority to ccdWAIT would solve the problem
00072  * For the lines below SPR 980215 cannot be fulfilled
00073  */
00074     /*
00075      *# Time Not Critical tasks' priorities
00076      */
00077 #define ccdTASK_PRIO_CTRL    (ccdTASK_PRIO_SRV_CON + 10)       /* = 45 */ 
00078 #define ccdTASK_PRIO_WAIT    (ccdTASK_PRIO_CTRL    -  1)       /* = 44 */ 
00079 #define ccdTASK_PRIO_PROC    (ccdTASK_PRIO_SRV_IP  + 10)       /* = 47 */ 
00080 #define ccdTASK_PRIO_TRAN    (ccdTASK_PRIO_SRV_IT  + 10)       /* = 48 */ 
00082     /*
00083      *# Tool tasks' priorities (LOADIMG/DUMPIMG)
00084      */
00085 #define ccdTASK_PRIO_TOOL    100
00087 #ifdef __cplusplus
00088 }
00089 #endif
00091 #endif  /* ! CCDLCUPRIORITY_H */
00093 /************************************************************************/
00095 /*___o0o___*/

Generated on Wed Dec 3 14:52:12 2003 for ATCS API by doxygen1.2.13.1 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001