Technical Experience

Observing and data reduction

(a) Since my Master and PhD works I have been contributing in building instruments and observing with submm/mm interferometries and single dishes. I am PI of tens of observing proposals for all major ground-based and space observatories (ESO, La Silla and Paranal, JSMT at the Hawaii, IRAM 30m

(b) I have reduced myself all the corresponding observations becoming familiar with most of the data reduction packages, I acquired a good knowledge of the CASA package for the reduction of the ALMA data.

(c) I participated in the quality assurance of the ALMA data, in the antenna integration tests (AIV) and commissioning of the ALMA antennae at the VLA Test Facility (Socorro, US) and of the ALMA array at the Observatory Support Facility (Chile), participation in astronomer on duty shifts for science verification and PI observations.

(d) I have acquired skills in FIR and submillimetric photometry and spectroscopy working with the ISO, Herschel and Spitzer data and now with JWST MIRI instrument

(e) I have also wide observing experience in optical spectroscopy and photometry

Software development:

(a) Development of the PACS Scientific Simulator

(b) Simulations of particle irradiation on bolometers and photoconductors by means of Geant4 software (Monte Carlo simulations of radiation effects on the Herschel instruments)

Laboratory experience

(a) cryogenic techniques

(b) bolometer detectors

(c) cooled optics and optical project of an off-axis millimetric telescope (Graduate and Doctorate Theses).