Basic sketch of my current research interests and plans

Invited scientific talks (listed the most relevant ones)

Talk at the University of Waseda “Another way to look at the Circumgalactic Medium gas", "Resolving the Extragalactic Universe with ALMA & JWST" Tokyo, November 2023

Invited Talk at the University of Tokyo “The JWST and ALMA view on galaxy formation", Tokyo October 2023

Invited Talk at the Fukui University of Technology “Astronomy is a fascinating subject as old as human history", Fukui, Japan, November 2023

Invited Talk at the Sexten workshop “The Interstellar medium of high redshift galaxies”, "From ALMA to the E- ELT : Characterizing ISM and galaxy properties from near and far-infrared emission“, Sexten 2020

At Nobeyama Observatory Thursday Seminar, “Extreme excitation in high redshift galaxies: APEX and ALMA observations of the Atomic Carbon (CI) and Carbon monoxide (CO) emission lines”, 2018

Nobeyama Observatory Thursday Seminar, “The dust, atomic and molecular mass functions and the star formation rate function of a complete sample of nearby galaxies”, 2018

ALMAJ Seminar “ Detection of faint sources in continuum and in the line in ALMA deep fields”, 2018

Extreme excitation in high redshift galaxies: APEX and ALMA observations of the Atomic Carbon (CI) and Carbon monoxide (CO) emission lines – Observatory of Brera, December 5 2018

Extreme excitation in high redshift galaxies: APEX and ALMA observations of the Atomic Carbon (CI) and Carbon monoxide (CO) emission lines University of Padua, December 7 2018

ALMA scientific capabilities and its science with AGN, Workshop, "AGN11, Where black holes and galaxies meet", Italian AGN National Congress, Trieste, Italy, Sept 2014

Discovery Science with ALMA spectroscopic and imaging capabilities, 1st EU-FP7 Workshop: Science Goals of a Sub‐arcsecond Far-infrared Space Observatory February 17-18, 2014, Rome (Italy)

Candidate protoclusters in the Herschel/PACS blind surveys, Royal Observatory of Edinburgh, February 2011

Candidate protoclusters in the Herschel/PACS blind surveys, Durham University, February 2011

Cosmology projects and science operations with the Atacama Large submillimetre/Millimetre Array (ALMA), at the Paul Scherer Institut, Zurich, March 11 2010

Synergies between ALMA, SKA and E-ELTs for Cosmological Projects , Astronomy with Megastructures: Joint science with the E-ELT and SKA, Crete, Greece, May 2010

Protocluster candidates and physics of the intergalactic medium: my scientific interests in ALMA, OSF, JAO, Chile, August 2010

Protoclusters search with Spitzer and Herschel and ALMA Follow-ups, University of Manchester, 28 September 2010

AGN observations with current and future submm/mm facilities, The Origin of Galaxies Lessons from the Distant Universe, Obergurgl, Austria, 12 - 17 December 2009

Star formation activity of high redshift obscured Spitzer sources in the field of a radio AGN. A test bed for ALMA' Workshop on “Interstellar Medium and Star formation with ALMA’’. in honour of Tom Wilson, Madrid 16-17 June 2008

Herschel/Alma synergies for the extragalactic observations, MPE Infrared group retreat at Kloster Seeon December 10-12 2007

Herschel observations of optically obscured Spitzer sources, MPE Infrared group retreat at Kloster Seeon December 10-12 2007

Extragalactic science with ALMA', Origins of galaxies: exploring galaxy evolution with the new generation of infrared millimetre facilities', Obergurgl, Austria, March 2007

AGN feeding, growth, formation from an observer perspective, Cosmology seminar at MPA, Oct 30, 2007

The very centre of active galaxies as seen by ALMA, kick-off meeting Research area F, Oct 16, 2007, Garching

Dust and Gas in Quasars, Star Formation near and far: The Promise of ALMA, Marciana Marina, Elba, May 2003

The properties of Extremely Red Objects, International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA), Trieste, Italy, May 2002

Type 1 AGN and their link to ULIRGS, Issues in Unification of AGNs, Marciana Marina, Elba, May 2001

Dust in evolving galaxies, Highlights of Astronomy, XXIVth General Assembly of the IAU - 2000 Manchester, UK, 7 - 18 August 2000

The extragalactic sky through the new submm/mm projects, Sezione Astrofisica Sessione Radio mm/submm, Societa’ Italiana di Fisica, Firenze, Italy, September 1997

Submillimeter Observations of Galaxies, UNAM, Mexico City, April 1996

The Intergalactic/Interstellar Medium in front of the Supernova 1987a, ESO Workshop on the 'Stellar evolution and Dynamics of the Outer Halo of the Galaxy ', April 7-9 1987, Garching

Organisation of workshops/conferences

• Member of the SOC of the EAS Special Session SS27 "Towards mapping the sub-millimeter Universe with AtLAST " , EAS, July 2024

• Member of the SOC of the EAS Symposium "Exploring the high-redshift Universe with ALMA" , EAS, June-July 2021

• Member of the SOC: Early stages of Galaxy Cluster Formation: mergers, high-z clusters, and protoclusters (chairs: Andra Stroe, and Tony Mroczkowski), June 2021

• Co-chair (together with Robert Laing, and Baobab Lu) Imaging the Polarized Sky from 10 GHz to 1 THz, 25-27 October 2017, ESO,

• Member of the SOC: Early stages of Galaxy Cluster Formation: mergers, high-z clusters, and protoclusters (chairs: Andra Stroe, and Tony Mroczkowski), July 2017

• Member of the SOC: ALMA session at the EWASS 2017 conference, 26-30 June, 2017

• Member of the SOC: Revolution in Astronomy with ALMA, Conference, Tokyo, Dec 2014

• Member of the SOC: “The First Year of ALMA Science'', Conference, Puerto Varas, Chile, December 2012

• Member of the SOC: ALMA/Herschel Archival Workshop (chair: E. Hatziminaoglou), April 2014

• Co-chair (together with L. Testi and G. Pilbratt) in ‘The Impact of Herschel surveys on ALMA early science’, Workshop, Garching November 2010

• Member of the SOC: Gas and Stars in Galaxies: a multiwavelength 3D perspective, ESO Garching, June 2008