Large Satellite Constellations
their Impact on Astronomy

Olivier R .Hainaut

Simulation of the effect on observations

This web-tool generates maps of the sky above an observatory, showing the number of satellite trails detected with an instrument. The method is described in our paper Bassa, Hainaut and Galadi (2021) PDF. The code is available on GitHub:ohainaut/SatConAnalytic.

You can set the parameters of the telescope and instrument, and adjust the position of the sun, then generate the plot (it takes a couple of seconds). Please call this page only for casual exploration. If you want to generate many plots, please contact us.


Select what you want to compute:


Select a telescope/instrument

    • Latitude=deg
    • Field of View=deg
    • Resolution (or pixel size)=arcsec
    • Exposure time=s
    • Limiting magnitude (5sigma in exp.time)=mag

Observation conditions

Set the position of the Sun. If the requested position is impossible, the system will chose something.

  • Sun declination:
  • Elevation of the Sun=deg. (>0: day; <-18: night)


Pick one of the constellation sets: