12. Service Management

Document ID:



Last modification:

February 29, 2024










Marcus Schilling

Document History



Changed/ reviewed












CII v4: updated, Public doc


This document is classified as Public.


This document is a user manual for the service management of the ELT Core Integration Infrastructure software.


This document is aimed at Users and Maintainers of the ELT Core Integration Infrastructure software.

12.1. Overview

This document is a user manual for CII Services management tooling.

12.2. Introduction

This document describes the tools available for the management of CII Services

  • cii-postinstall - for setting up CII services on a host

  • cii-services - for starting / stopping / monitoring of the CII Services

12.3. cii-postinstall

You run the CII-PostInstall on a freshly installed DevEnv machine, or after an upgrade of the DevEnv. You choose a role for the host, and the utility will apply the corresponding configuration steps. For most configuration steps, root privileges are needed.


$ /elt/ciisrv/postinstall/cii-postinstall <role>

Run the command without arguments, or with the “help” argument, to see its help.

12.3.1. Roles

The role “ownserver” configures the services for local development on a single machine:

$ /elt/ciisrv/postinstall/cii-postinstall  role_ownserver

The role “groupserver” does a few more things than the one above. It runs the services with more resources and makes the services/databases accessible from other hosts:

$ /elt/ciisrv/postinstall/cii-postinstall  role_groupserver

The role “groupclient” configures the host to use the services provided by a groupserver. For example, assuming host “elthlccd20” has been post-installed with the role “groupserver”, then, to let applications on your host use the CII Services on that groupserver via the groupserver’s non-deterministic network interface (alternatively, you can specify the IP-Address of the server’s network interface), you do:

$ /elt/ciisrv/postinstall/cii-postinstall  role_groupclient  elthlccd20-cnd

Switching Roles?

It is possible to run the utility again specifying a different role, but your mileage will vary: some role-switches will work, others not.

Redo post-install

It is possible to re-apply/repair/update the already selected role, by doing:

$ /elt/ciisrv/postinstall/cii-postinstall  knownrole
Loading 'known role' for this host: role_groupclient elthlccd20-cnd
Update/Installation started, please wait....

12.3.2. Subcommands

A “role” is a collection of configuration steps, and those configuration steps can also be applied one-by-one, by executing them as a “subcommand”. To see the available subcommands, just pass “commands”:

$ /elt/ciisrv/postinstall/cii-postinstall commands
Available subcommands: role_ownserver  role_groupserver  role_groupclient  knownrole  logsink  oldb  rsyslog  rsyslog_collect  rsyslog_forward  serverlocation  help

12.4. cii-services

The cii-services utility lets you start/stop/monitor the CII services. For some operations, it requires root-privileges -> unless you are running it with root-privileges, it will show a password prompt when needed.


$ cii-services
CII Services Tool (20240220)
Available subcommands: info logs start stop restart enable disable status(deprecated)

12.4.1. Monitoring/Status Check

info install

A deployment-centric view showing which services are running on the current host:

$ cii-services info install
CII Services Tool (20240220)

# install .................. .................
[oldb]    config-client-ini                              |install:
[oldb]    cii-oldb-default-redis   |active:no   |boot:n  |install:
[oldb]    cii-oldb-calc-daemon     |active:no   |boot:n  |install:
[oldb]    cii-oldb-calc-scheduler  |active:no   |boot:n  |install:
[log]     rsyslog                  |active:yes  |boot:y  |install:/usr/sbin/rsyslogd
[log]     systemd-journald         |active:yes  |boot:y  |install:/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-journald
[log]     logrotate                |active:yes  |boot:y  |install:/usr/sbin/logrotate
[trace]   jaeger-all               |active:no   |boot:n  |install:/usr/local/bin/jaeger-all-in-one
[telem]   srv-telemetry            |active:no   |boot:n  |install:
[alarm]   cii_ias                  |active:no   |boot:n  |install:
[alarm]   kafka                    |active:no   |boot:n  |install:
[alarm]   kafka-zookeeper          |active:no   |boot:n  |install:
[alarm]   cii_alarm_mon            |active:no   |boot:n  |install:
[deprec]  filebeat                 |active:no   |boot:n  |install:
[deprec]  logstash                 |active:no   |boot:n  |install:
[deprec]  kibana                   |active:no   |boot:n  |install:
[deprec]  elasticsearch            |active:no   |boot:n  |install:
[deprec]  minio                    |active:no   |boot:n  |install:

info access

A deployment-centric view showing which CII services are being used:

$ cii-services info access
CII Services Tool (20240220)

# discovering ........
# access ...
[oldb]   config-redis   |access:no   |host:localhost  |IP:  |Port:6379
[oldb]   redis-server                |host:           |IP:           |Port:0
[oldb]   pubsub-server               |host:           |IP:           |Port:0
[oldb]   calc-node
[trace]  jaeger         |access:no   |host:localhost  |IP:  |Port:14269
[telem]  telem                       |host:localhost  |IP:  |Port:9115
[alarm]  alarm-ias                   |host:localhost  |IP:
[alarm]  alarm-mon      |access:n/a  |host:localhost  |IP:  |Port:5602

info stats

Details about the usage of the services:

$ cii-services info stats
CII Services Tool (20240220)

# stats ....
config-redis   |total_connections_received:81 |rejected_connections:0
redis-server   |total_connections_received:82 |rejected_connections:0

info function

A feature-centric view, that tells you which features you have available:

$ cii-services info function
CII Services Tool (20240220)

# function ...
Log      |functional:yes
OLDB DP  |functional:yes
OLDB CE  |functional:yes
IntCfg   |functional:yes


Shows journal logs of CII Services. Privileged Operation. Run the command as root:

$ su -c "cii-services logs"
CII Services Tool (20240220)

Service Logs ........

-- No entries --

Jan 29 20:20:23 eltmal28 rsyslogd[946]: imjournal: journal files changed, reloading...  [v8.2306.0-1.fc38 try https://www.rsyslog.com/e/0 ]
Jan 29 20:20:24 eltmal28 rsyslogd[946]: imjournal: journal files changed, reloading...  [v8.2306.0-1.fc38 try https://www.rsyslog.com/e/0 ]
Feb 04 00:00:23 eltmal28 systemd[1]: rsyslog.service: Sent signal SIGHUP to main process 946 (rsyslogd) on client request.

12.4.2. Start / Stop

Privileged Operations. You will be asked for the root password:

$ cii-services start
CII Services Tool (20240220)
Possible args: one or more groups: oldb, log, trace, all, or any unit names from the all group

$ cii-services start all
CII Services Tool (20210706)

$ cii-services stop all
CII Services Tool (20210706)

12.5. Example

How to read the tool’s output:

$ cii-services info

Section 1 reports some info about the tool itself:

CII Services Tool (20240220)

# install .................. .................

Tool version and progress dots. If an error occurs while collecting information, run the command with “-v” or “-vv”.

Section 2 reports which CII services are installed on your host, whether they are running, and whether they are automatically started at machine boot-up:

# install .................. .................
[oldb]    config-client-ini                              |install:
[oldb]    cii-oldb-default-redis   |active:no   |boot:n  |install:/usr/bin/redis-server
[oldb]    cii-oldb-calc-daemon     |active:no   |boot:n  |install:/elt/ciisrv/bin/srv-oldb-calculation
[oldb]    cii-oldb-calc-scheduler  |active:no   |boot:n  |install:/elt/ciisrv/bin/srv-oldb-scheduler
[log]     rsyslog                  |active:yes  |boot:y  |install:/usr/sbin/rsyslogd
[log]     systemd-journald         |active:yes  |boot:y  |install:/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-journald
[log]     logrotate                |active:yes  |boot:y  |install:/usr/sbin/logrotate
[trace]   jaeger-all               |active:no   |boot:n  |install:/usr/local/bin/jaeger-all-in-one
[telem]   srv-telemetry            |active:no   |boot:n  |install:
[alarm]   cii_ias                  |active:no   |boot:n  |install:
[alarm]   kafka                    |active:no   |boot:n  |install:
[alarm]   kafka-zookeeper          |active:no   |boot:n  |install:
[alarm]   cii_alarm_mon            |active:no   |boot:n  |install:

Several services (not: Telemetry and Alarms) are installed on your host. Only the log services are running on your host. Note the log services are recommended to run always. No other CII services are running on your host. If you plan to use CII services running on another host, this is fine. Otherwise, you need to start the services, see above.

Section 3 reports where applications on your host will find the CII services, and whether the cii-services tool was able to access them (= talk to them). The services may be running on your host (previous section) or on another host:

# access ...
[oldb]   config-redis   |access:yes  |host:ciiconfservicehost  |ip:           |port:6379
[oldb]   redis-server                |host:                    |ip:           |port:0
[oldb]   pubsub-server               |host:                    |ip:           |port:0
[oldb]   calc-node
[trace]  jaeger         |access:no   |host:localhost           |ip:  |port:14269
[telem]  telem                       |host:localhost           |ip:  |port:9115
[alarm]  alarm-ias                   |host:localhost           |ip:
[alarm]  alarm-mon      |access:n/a  |host:localhost           |ip:  |port:5602

The empty ip fields tell us that hostname resolution is not configured. This means applications running on your host are not able to locate the CII services. You need to configure your host, see cii-postinstall

Section 4 reports some statistics from the services:

# stats ....

An empty output like this again indicates that the the services are not accessible, but you knew that already.

Sections 5 reports whether the services are working:

# function ....
Log      |functional:yes
OLDB DP  |functional:no
OLDB CE  |functional:no
IntCfg   |functional:yes


  • Log : syslog logging (to /var/log/elt/elt.log)

  • OLDB DP: datapoint storage

  • OLDB CE: calculation engine

  • IntCfg : internal config-storage

Preview: After running post-install and cii-services start, the output will change to something like this:

$ cii-services info
CII Services Tool (20240220)

# install .................. .................
[oldb]    config-client-ini                              |install:
[oldb]    cii-oldb-default-redis   |active:yes  |boot:y  |install:/usr/bin/redis-server
[oldb]    cii-oldb-calc-daemon     |active:yes  |boot:y  |install:/elt/ciisrv/bin/srv-oldb-calculation
[oldb]    cii-oldb-calc-scheduler  |active:yes  |boot:y  |install:/elt/ciisrv/bin/srv-oldb-scheduler
[log]     rsyslog                  |active:yes  |boot:y  |install:/usr/sbin/rsyslogd
[log]     systemd-journald         |active:yes  |boot:y  |install:/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-journald
[log]     logrotate                |active:yes  |boot:y  |install:/usr/sbin/logrotate
[trace]   jaeger-all               |active:no   |boot:y  |install:/usr/local/bin/jaeger-all-in-one
[telem]   srv-telemetry            |active:no   |boot:n  |install:
[alarm]   cii_ias                  |active:no   |boot:n  |install:
[alarm]   kafka                    |active:no   |boot:n  |install:
[alarm]   kafka-zookeeper          |active:no   |boot:n  |install:
[alarm]   cii_alarm_mon            |active:no   |boot:n  |install:
[deprec]  filebeat                 |active:no   |boot:n  |install:/usr/share/filebeat/bin/filebeat
[deprec]  logstash                 |active:no   |boot:n  |install:/usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash
[deprec]  kibana                   |active:no   |boot:n  |install:/usr/share/kibana/bin/kibana
[deprec]  elasticsearch            |active:no   |boot:n  |install:/usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch
[deprec]  minio                    |active:no   |boot:n  |install:/usr/local/bin/minio

# discovering ........
# access ...
[oldb]   config-redis   |access:yes  |host:ciiconfservicehost  |ip:  |port:6379
[oldb]   redis-server   |access:yes  |host:localhost           |ip:  |port:6379
[oldb]   pubsub-server  |access:yes  |host:localhost           |ip:  |port:6379
[oldb]   calc-node      |access:yes  |host:localhost           |ip:  |port:9117
[trace]  jaeger         |access:no   |host:localhost           |ip:  |port:14269
[telem]  telem                       |host:localhost           |ip:  |port:9115
[alarm]  alarm-ias                   |host:localhost           |ip:
[alarm]  alarm-mon      |access:n/a  |host:localhost           |ip:  |port:5602

# stats ....
config-redis   |total_connections_received:6  |rejected_connections:0
redis-server   |total_connections_received:7  |rejected_connections:0

# function ...
Log      |functional:yes
OLDB DP  |functional:yes
OLDB CE  |functional:no
IntCfg   |functional:no