- Member ACS::Callback::negotiate (in TimeInterval time_to_transmit, in CBDescOut desc)
- This method is not currently being utilized in the latest ACS release.
- Member ACS::CBDescIn::negotiable_timeout
- This field is not currently being utilized in the latest ACS release.
- Member ACS::CBDescIn::normal_timeout
- This field is not currently being utilized in the latest ACS release.
- Member ACS::CBDescOut::estimated_timeout
- This field is not currently being utilized in the latest ACS release.
- Class ACS::Monitordouble
- There should be a seperate MonitordoubleSeq interface.
- Class ACS::Monitorlong
- There should be a seperate MonitorlongSeq interface.
- Class ACS::Monitorstring
- string properties should return monitors of this type.
- Member acscommon::ALMADOMAIN
- Should this be renamed ALMA_DOMAIN?
- Member acsdaemon::ServiceDefinitionBuilder::add_services_definition (in services_definition_xml definition)
- Should we specify that illegal duplicate services will be stripped off automatically? If not, then this method would be useless for merging real configurations with one naming service each, but still could be useful to add a setup snippet about optional notification services etc. Perhaps the typical usage will be for system integrators to dynamically construct a services description from a few disjoint building blocks, in order to reuse commonalities among operational and testing environments while having some services run differently.
- Member acsdaemon::services_definition_xml
- Define the xml schema, e.g. based on the current format the OMC uses to define subsystem containers and components.
- Class acsdaemon::ServicesDaemon
- About asynchronous calls that use DaemonSequenceCallback: describe the possible exceptions and intermediate/final result!
- Member acsdaemon::ServicesDaemon::start_services (in services_definition_xml definition, in boolean reuse_services, in DaemonSequenceCallback callback)
- We must define if (and using which rules) the services description should be validated before actually executing the startup, and what exceptions / notifications should be sent to the callback interface. Or should we validate during the synchronous call and throw a BadParameterEx if the service description is invalid because of missing or too many services?