These CCG pages are read-only and kept for historic reason - CCG is now ITUG
Subject: Computer Coordination Group (CCG) Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2008 07:23:17 +0200 From: Dieter Suchar <> To: Robert A. E. Fosbury <>, Bruno Leibundgut <>, Gautier Mathys <>, Mustafa Basbilir <>, Andreas Kaufer <>, Alan Moorwood <>, Hans Jahreiss <>, Roland Block <>, Fernando Comerón <>, Michèle Péron <>, Hans Rykaczewski <>, Martin Cullum <>, Roberto Gilmozzi <>

Dear Division Heads and colleagues,

As you know, the Computer Coordination Group (CCG) was set up at the request of the Management IT Committee (MICE), to represent the ESO User community in IT matters.

I'm forwarding you a letter on behalf of the CCG asking you for your help in supporting the attendance of your representative.

Best regards, Dieter Suchar Chairman of the CCG


See attachments for letter and table of attendance

-- MartinePeltzer - 28 Apr 2008

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action SizeSorted ascending Date Who Comment
PDFpdf CCG_Attendance_20080220.pdf r1 manage 38.0 K 2008-04-28 - 12:50 MartinePeltzer Table of attendance up to Feb 2008
PDFpdf CCG_letter_to_Division_Heads_and_colleagues.pdf r1 manage 46.8 K 2008-04-28 - 12:49 MartinePeltzer Letter from CCG Chairman
Topic revision: r1 - 2008-04-28 - MartinePeltzer
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