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Session parameters

Below follows a description of all parameters that can be set by the SET/OPTOPUS command, the commands which use these parameters and the default values. These parameters are stored in keywords and will be use as default values for subsequent OPTOPUS commands. If an OPTOPUS command the default value is not used the command will, in addition to actual OPTOPUS operation, also overwrite the setting of this parameter and hence will change the default value.

SET/OPTOPUS OLDEQ=1950.0 ! set the equinox
CREATE/OPTOPUS mydata mytable ? 2000.0 ! use another equinox
SHOW/OPTOPUS ! equinox value is now 2000.0

Table H.5: Command parameters
Parameter Description
OLDEQ Equinox of RA and DEC coordinates of objects and guidestars in input table. Format must be: YEAR.yyyyy. Default value is "1950.0".
Parameter Description
CRA Right ascension of the center of the Optopus plate. Input format must be: HH,MM,SS.sss. Default value is "00,00,00.000".
CDEC Declination of the center of the Optopus plate. Input format must be: +/-DD,AM, Default value is "00,00,00.00".
ACFLAG Character flag. Y or y (for yes) and N or n (for no) are the only values. If ACFLAG is set to Y (default) the automatic determination of the plate center enabled.
PFLAG Character flag. Y or y (for yes) and N or n (for no) are the only values. If PFLAG is set to Y the automatic precession of the plate center enabled. Default is Y.
OLDEQ Old equinox of the plate center (if not yet precessed). Input format must be: YEAR.yyyyy. Default value is "1950.0".
NEWEQ New equinox of the plate center. Must be the same used to precess RA and DEC of objects and guidestars with the command PRECESS/OPTOPUS. Input format must be: YEAR.yyyyy. Default value is "2000.0".
Parameter Description
LABEL Character string used to identify the plot. Default value is ``Optopus plate''.
EWFLAG Character string. Y or y (for yes) and N or n (for no) are the only values. If EWFLAG is set to Y the EAST-WEST flipping of the plots is enabled. Default value is ``N''.
Parameter Description
NEWEQ New equinox used to precess RA and DEC coordinates of objects and guide stars in input table. Must be the same as used to precess center coordinates with the command HOLES/OPTOPUS. Input format must be: YEAR.yyyyy. Default value is 2000.0.

Table H.6: Command parameters (cont.)
Parameter Description
DATE Year, month and day of the observation. The permitted input formats are:
  • YEAR,MONTH(number),DAY or
  • YEAR.yyyyy,0,0
Default value is 1999.,12.,31.
EXTIM Exposure time in minutes of Optopus plate. Default value is 0.0.
WRANGE Wavelength range to optimize the corrections for atmospheric refraction. Input format must be: LAMBDA1,LAMBDA2 both in Ångstrom. Default value is: 3800,8000
SITSLT Sidereal time interval during which a given Optopus plate will probably be used. Input format must be:, Default value is: 00.00,00.00
OST Optimal sidereal time for correction determinations, that is sidereal time for which the corrections for atmospheric refraction are calculated. Input format must be: Default value is: 00.00.
ASTFLAG Character flag. Y or y (for yes) and N or n (for no) are the only values. ASTFLAG set to Y enables the automatic calculation of the optimal sidereal time for correction determinations. Default is Y.

=01 =11 =1992

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