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Specifying Keywords
As is the case for descriptors, keywords also have a name (max. 15 chars.),
a type and a length (i.e. no. of elements). However, this length is fixed, and
once the keywords are created with a certain size, they cannot be extended.
The possible types for keywords are:
real, integer, character and double precision.
Like for descriptors there are no mixed types possible.
In order to write a value to a keyword, the same format as for descriptors
is used.
WRITE/KEYWORD Keyname/C/1/8 AKeyword
This command would write the ASCII string AKeyword into the character
keyword Keyname and
WRITE/KEYWORD Keyname/I/1/2 17,-22
would write the values 17 and -22 into the integer
keyword Keyname (elements 1 and 2).
Single keyword elements can also be written in a more direct way, via
key = value, e.g. to set the 12th element of keyword INPUTR
to 1.234, use
inputr(12) = 1.234
The value can also be an expression made up of constants and elements
of any MIDAS data structure, see the subsection 3.6.2.
Some of the commands dealing with keywords are:
Keywords and descriptors can be copied to each other via COPY/KD and
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