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New patch file for MIDAS 98NOV

Dear Midas users

In our anonymous ftp account in "ftphost.hq.eso.org" a new patch
file is available (540KB):

This is a summary of what has been fixed with this patch:

# 980910 - fix set/format T problem:
# 980911 - for expanding FRAMACC usage:
# 980914 - for adding areatable.prg in APP_PROC:
# 980914 - for adding m$ftset():
# 980915 - update SCFINF:
# 980916 - work on m$len(), m$strln():
# 980916 - fixing JP's VMS warnings (PG):
# 980916 - fixing JP's VMS warnings:
# 980918 - use fast median sorting:
# 980918 - fix bug with SPEC option and subframes:
# 980921 - add interval option to statistics + new REBIN/STATIST:
# 980922 - update error message in coordinate extraction:
# 980922 - fix bug in COMPUTE/KEYW with long tokens:
# 980923 - update COPY/AD command:
# 980924 - fix problems with Xstation name in CREATE/DISPLAY:
# 980924 - update MODIFY/PIX (SW):
# 980925 - fix problems with long keyword constants:
# 980925 - fix problems with old m$log() function
# 980928 - fix problems with verify10.prg (RGB mode)
# 980928 - update verifications for VMS (no direct FITS access there
# 980928 - cleanup the LUT,ITT ASCII <-> binary business and new

Please notice that patch files have to be applied in consecutive
order. Example: if you have 98NOVpl1.0 installed, in order to upgrade 
to pl1.5 you will have to install patch98NOVpl1.0-1.1.tar.Z first then 
patch98NOVpl1.2-1.3.tar.Z and so on. Finally run a complete MIDAS

Unfortunately there are not yet binaries for 98NOVpl1.5 available.

Best regards,
| Carlos Guirao                            Internet: cguirao@eso.org
| European Southern Observatory            Phone:   +49-89-32006-434
| Karl-Schwarzschild-Strasse, 2            Fax:     +49-89-3202-362 
| D-85748 Garching bei Muenchen                                     