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Re: MIDAS> Patch for 24-bit and 16-bit video

Me again,

I am not very familiar with the patch command, and the way you indicate
on you home page does not seem to work on Digital... would ther be a way
to avoid using this command (by sending me the modified versions of the
codes, so that I can compile all the patched MIDAS distribution as a

| Vincent LE BRUN                                                 |
| Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille/Universite de Provence |
| B.P. 8  - 13376 MARSEILLE CEDEX 12                              |
| Tel: (33) 4 91 05 69 78                Fax: (33) 4 91 66 18 55  |
| vincent.lebrun@astrsp-mrs.fr / http://www.astrsp-mrs.fr/lebrun  |