SPEAKER: Lovisi TITLE: Spectroscopic properties of Blue Straggler Stars in Galactic Globular Clusters - Part 2 ABSTRACT: In the framework of the COSMIC-LAB project (devoted to unveil the complex interplay between dynamics and stellar evolution), we will present the results of a spectroscopic campaign recently conducted in 5 Milky Way dense stellar systems, namely 47 Tucanae, M4, NGC 6397, M30 and omega Centauri. From a total of ~200 high-resolution spectra acquired with the ESO-VLT FLAMES spectrograph, we derived the kinematical and chemical properties of a large sample of BSS in each cluster. We will discuss the main kinematic properties of the BSS, in terms of radial and rotational velocities. In particular we will discuss the occurrence of fast rotating BSS in different environments and the possible interpretation in light of the main formation channels.