CRIRES and VISIR, ESO's latest tools for infrared studies of PNe
beyond the Milky Way
H.U. Käufl
European Southern Observatory, Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 2,
D-85748 Garching, Germany
CRIRES and VISIR are the last instruments of the first generation of
instrumentation. CRIRES is a cryogenic pre-dispersed long-slit (~40'')
spectrograph with a nominal resolution λ/Δλ~105
(i.e. ~3 km/s). It covers the 1-5.5μm
wavelength regime. In
combination with adaptive optics CRIRES has a spatial resolution and a
respective slit size of 0.2 arcsec. However in the absence of guide
stars, or
if the maximum spectral resolution is not mandatory, the slit can be
and adjusted, either to the seeing or to the astrophysical
requirements. The CRIRES focal plane is equipped with a mosaic of four
10242 pix InSb
arrays. This will allow for a quasi-instantaneous access to 2% of the
spectrum in one exposure while Nyquist sampling.
VISIR is a multi-mode instrument for imaging and spectroscopy between 8
24μm. The camera has a field of view of typically
30×30 acsec2.
It is fully difraction limited, i.e. at λ~10 μm the spatial
resolution is ~300 mas. In spectrosocpy mode VISIR offers
three ranges of spectral resolution up to a typical resolution
λ/Δλ~ 3×104 (i.e. ~10 km/s).
Both arms are equipped with one 2562 pix As:Si BIB array
VISIR is presently being commissioned on VLT-UT3 while CRIRES shall
arrive on
Paranal in mid 2005.
Both instruments, in combination with the VLT 8m UTs will allow for
studies of Planetary Nebulae way beyond the Magellanic Clouds.