SCIENCE OPERATION DEPARTMENT Re-Engineering Project Document Review: 1: First Steps: 2002-01-10 quick-off meeting LSO-MIN-ESO-90000-1 2: Common Control Room LSO-MIN-ESO-90000-2 [should this also get a doc Nr?] Prepared by: M.Kurster 2002-02-22 O.Hainaut 2002-03-02 INTRODUCTION These documents were opened for review from the end of Jan. till 18 February 2002. The comments were collected and sorted by Martin Kurster, and are listed below, together with answers and remarks on the document changes etc. Nicenesses etc were stripped off. Some observations perhaps interesting for the process: 1) Many comments (but mostly from Emilio) are on Doc#1, which was originally not meant to be reviewed 2) There was only one comment directly on Doc#2. 3) The comments started spontaneously before the formal review process - these emails were also included in this review. 4) Many informal discussion took place after the meeting, which influenced the final document; while these make de-facto part of the review process, it is not possible to report on them here. SUMMARY Evaluation criteria for approver: --- Accepted: in which case the corresponding point of the document be modified, --- Rejected: give reasons why the proposed modification cannot be accepted, --- Acknowledged: simply ask the comment for further consideration, but introduce no modifications. Commenter Date Comment on Evaluation Doc#1 Quick-Off 2002-01-10 E. Barrios 14 Jan Location CR Accepted as part of Re-Ing. G. Andreoni 15 Jan WebCam page Acknowledged E. Barrios 15 Jan Attendance Accepted Location CR Accepted TRAM entries Accepted Task list Accepted M. Sterzik 18 Jan Plan and PR for CR Accepted E. Barrios 19 Jan Location CR Accepted as part of Re_Ing. E. Matamoros 11 Feb Schedule/Full TIOs Accepted Safety in SO-Dept. Accepted Doc#2 Ctrl Room 2002-01-22 E. Barrios 24 Jan CR access Accepted DETAILED COMMENTS: ---------------------------------------------------------------- On Doc#1, E. Barrios, 14 Jan: ACCEPTED "Jorge porque no es posible incluir en el proceso de re-ingenieria de Science Operation, la ubicacion del edificio ?. Es la oportunidad para minimizar la conduccion nocturna, ya sea para ir a los telescopios o al middnight snack en el hotel . El auto asignado al usuario a lo mejor podria obviarse. Tambien hay que tener en cuenta que los telescopios estan conectados al 2p2 con cables de fibras monomode de seis pares de los cuales en el caso del 360 solo usamos uno. Si extendemos este cable a la nueva sala de control obviamente cerca del 2p2, cada par permitiria una coneccion al telescopio de 1Gb. Banda mas que suficiente (6x1Gb) para Web Monitoring aplications (Video/audio/panels), Realtime Display (RTD), data transfering and archiving. Funcionando de este modo y con la globalizacion de la banda ancha, la observacion remota sera un hecho." ->A meeting to discuss the new building and its location was organized; its minutes constitute Doc#2 in this review. ----------------------------------------------------------------- On Doc#1, G. Andreoni, 15 Jan: ACKNOWLEDGED "devices like this may be very useful with a centralized control room." ->Thx, we will most likely order some of these, at our investigation does not reveal any realistic alternative. ----------------------------------------------------------------- On Doc#1, E. Barrios, 15 Jan: ACCEPTED IN ALL SUB-POINTS "1.- Rodrigo wasn't there" Corrected, thx. 2.- Question about building location. "Why it has to be near the sarcofago ? Is it foreseen future building extension(ampliaciones) like a second floor or new rooms ? As I know the mecano is coming, but it can be installed any where. For the NTT this building is a must, but if we are going to operate our telescopes remotly, let's do it near the hotel. This will minimize the night car driving and the middnight snack and also the network topology changes. Actually 360ESO is connected to 220ESO with 6 singlemode(1Gb/pair) fiber pairs cable but using only one pair. For the NTT I don't know, but probably is the same type of fiber cable. So we have the chance to be connected from the remote control room to the telescope with a wide band subnets(6x1G). Multi channel video/audio monitoring and RTD and data transfering and any other web application for monitoring won't be a problem. Of course, the suggested place is between the 2p2Tel and the Hotel. Why do not we try to include the building location in the re-engineering process ? we are not the NTT team, we are LaSilla Science Operation Team." -> This comment was one of the main triggers for the Control Room Building discussion (cf. Doc#2). 3.- Motivation "In other words our Equivalent Telescope has less intruments then less manpower requirements. Scheduling ... data entry to either TRAM or any other administrative tool have to be a secretary task and also it has to be an entry to the personal Administration affairs like hollydays overtimes, working hours counting etc.." -> Point taken. "We mentioned the possibility to have a (fraction of) a secretary for taking care of these secretarial work" was included in the document, and this will also be expanded in the document (then chapter of SciOp Plan) about sciOp internal management. 4.- Tasks of the SciOp ... "Task to be perform by 12 TIOS + 2 Oper.Ing + 10 Supp.Astronomers + 2p2Team Configuration Control + Access control ++ To Telescope ++ Through the network ++ Real time Monitoring (Web Cams) ++ ..... + Metrics ++ Downtime ++ Tel&Ins performance ++ ... + Upgrades ++ Electronic ++ Optics ++ Software ++ Mechanic ++ Cryogenic ++ ...... + Maintenance Plan" -> this was included almost texto in "4- Tasks of the SciOp Department" of doc#1, which served then as bases for the creation of the various working groups. ----------------------------------------------------------------- On Doc#1, M. Sterzik, 18 Jan, ACCEPTED "If we consider the joint control room as one of the major issues in this re-engineering process, it deserves a thorough treatment, i.e. a project review. In my opinion, there are more arguments than just a "nicer view" that favor a different location. Most importantly, this project should be properly planned and reviewed without pressure. I do miss this so far." -> a brainstorming and discussion session took place on Jan.22. The technical aspects of the control room building were reviewed in December (structure/architecture/network/infrastructure/ergonomy, etc). ----------------------------------------------------------------- On Doc#1, E. Barrios, 19 Jan, ACCEPTED "I already give my comments to Jorge Melnick about this new building location and he is agree with the fact that it has to be included in the re-ingeniering process. Remember the new building is a mecano, then can be installed any where. The nice view is not the main point but not the less important, we have the chance to define our work space better than what we already have. Other good points are minimize the night driving, subnet conection to Telescope with 6x1Gb fiber already done to 2p2 (remote controll need wide band for realtime monitoring like web cameras, audio, safety signal from fire detectors, smoke detector, local meteo sensor, etc .....). It is realistic to think that in the future this building may be extended in real life nothing is set. If not why it was decide this new building instead to use the 360mt 3th floor. I'll send you Jorge's answer to my comments. Remember we want to be LaSilla Science Operation then let's discuse every thing in a transparent way." -> This was addressed by the Jan.22 meeting (doc#2) ------------------------------------------------------------------ On Doc#1, E. Matamoros, 11 Feb, ACCEPTED "- En el punto 2.- Motivation of the re-engineering, Es importante tomar en cuenta que la actual estructura (schedule) de los TIO's es fundamental para el conocimiento de la instrumentacion usada durante las noches de observacion. Por favor no volver atras con el "Night Assistant", limita mucho a los TIO's y los aisla de la parte instrumental." -> Absolutely! This is extensivelly discussed in the "general operation plan" LSO-PLA-ESO-9000-1, which resulted from a large assembly of TIOs, Astro and OpEng on Feb.14. Actually, the future situation of the TIOs will constitute a leap forward, not a step backward. "- En el punto 4.- Tasks of the SciOp Department, No olvidar las tareas de SAFETY en el nuevo departamento." -> Thx! It has been added, and a working group has been constituted. ================================================================== On Doc#2, E. Barrios, 24 Jan, ACCEPTED "Regarding the building place, we have to take in account easy access under bad weather conditions (ice, fog, snow, water-ice) to the new control room for remote Telescope status check. Under heavy snowing condition it's take some time to get the roads clean. This is a pro for site 2/3." -> Point taken. It has been added to the Doc. ---oOo---