La Silla Observatory - Science Operation Department
La Silla SciOp Administrative Structure and Work-Packages
From: | O. Hainaut, Head of SciOp |
J. Melnick, La Silla Director
| La Silla Teams and Departments: LED, SWC, ISG, Logistics,
ESO Admin
Paranal SciOp
Dec.23, 2002
Please not that, as of Jan.1, 2003, the La Silla Science Operation Department will
have the following structure, following the definitions included in the SciOp
re-engineering documents LSO-PLA-ESO-90000-1 to -6. This memorandum
updates the original implementation memo (LSO-MEM-ESO-90000-1, Jul.2,
2002); changes are in italic.
Administrative Structure:
- Deputies to the Head of SciOp: Emilio Barrios, Paul Le Saux
- Astronomers' Section Leader:
- Head: Rene Mendez (replacing Michael Sterzik).
- Members of the Section are: M.Billeres, Th.Dall, V.Doublier, C.Foellmi, L.Germany, G.Hau, G.LoCurto,
E.Pompei, J.Pritchard, I.Saviane, L.Schmidtobreick, F.Selman,
- TIO Section A:
- Head: Eduardo Matamoros.
- Members of the Section are: M.Castillo, J.Cortes, C.Esparza, M.Pizarro, G.Roman, A.Sanchez.
- TIO Section B:
- Head: Jorge Miranda.
- Members of the Section are: K.Aubel, D.Castex, A.Gonzalez,
F.Labrana, C.LaFuente, E.Wenderoth.
- MET Section was dissolved on Sep.30, 2002:
Technical Structure and contacts:
- The main entry point for La Silla SciOps is lasilla@eso.org . The front page of the SciOp Web site is http://www.eso.org/lasilla/sciops
- Instrument Forces:
- Imaging Instrument Force (WFI and SuSI2). Leader: R.Mendez. Email: ls-imaging@eso.org
- Visible Spectro-Imager Instrument Force (EFOSC2 and EMMI). Leader: E.Pompei. Email: ls-spectro@eso.org
- Infra-Red Instrument Force (TIMMI2, ADONIS and SofI): Leader:
V.Doublier (replacing M.Sterzik). Email: ls-infrared@eso.org
- High-Resolution Spectrograph Instrument Force (FEROS, CES, HARPS, EMMI/Ech). Leader: J.Pritchard. Email: ls-highres@eso.org
- Telescope Force (NTT, 3.6m, 2.2m, 1.54m, 1.52m, 1m, DIMM). Leader: O.Hainaut. Email: ls-telescopes@eso.org
- Telescope Coordinators: ls-ntt@eso.org, ls-360@eso.org, ls-220@eso.org.
- Mailing lists: the following mailing lists are available:
- ls-astro@eso.org: all the astronomers of SciOp
- ls-tios@eso.org: all the TIOs of SciOp
- ls-openg@eso.org: all the Operation Engineers of SciOp
- ls-sciops@eso.org: all of SciOp (= merging of the 3 previous lists).
Budget Work Package Structure:
For Fyr 2003, including budget preparation, the WP will be reshuffled as following:
- 632 SciOp Management
- WP Manager: Olivier Hainaut
- Deputy: P.LeSaux
- WP Approver: Jorge Melnick
- 633 SciOp Operation
- WP Manager: Paul Le Saux
- Deputy: Emilio Barrios
- WP Approver: Olivier Hainaut
- 634 Imaging Instrument Force Projects
- WP Manager: Rene Mendez
- Deputy: Paul Le Saux
- WP Approver: Olivier Hainaut
- 637 Visible Spectro-Imagers Instrument Force Projects
- WP Manager: Emanuela Pompei
- Deputy: Paul Le Saux
- WP Approver: Olivier Hainaut
- 642 IR Instrument
Force Project
- WP Manager: Vanessa Doublier
- Deputy: Emilio Barrios
- WP Approver: Olivier Hainaut
- 643 High-Resolution Spectrographs IFo Projects
- WP Manager: John Pritchard
- Deputy: Emilio Barrios
- WP Approver: Olivier Hainaut
- 694 Telescope Projects
- WP Manager: Emilio Barrios
- Deputy: Paul Le Saux
- WP Approver: Olivier Hainaut