La Silla Observatory Science Operation Department NTT UPGRADE 2002-Jul commissioning plan, check list and report. LSO-TRE-ESO-40200-1059 O.Hainaut Fri Jul 26 05:46:21 2002 ============================================================================== Introduction This document constitutes the plan for NTT SciOp staff participation to the 2002-Jul VLTsw upgrade. It constitutes the plan of actions to be performed before the upgrade, the installations to be performed after the upgrade, and the actions to be performed for commissioning the new system. The upgrade actually took place on 2002-Jul-21 to 25 (5n). Dome was opened only during last night because of snow storms. This plan was used as check list, and comments added, constituting the report. ============================================================================== PRE-UPGRADE [x] INS Configuration files to be passed to new machines -> backed up on wlsops2 [ ] send SWC "USER's" password for astro, visitor, service, ins, etc... "NTT MANAGER" password for nttops, instmgr, emsumgr, etc [ ] send SWC a list of latest module nr to be re-installed. emotsf, emoseq, emmtsf, emmseq libtpl sutpl [x] BACKUPs: save all NTT non standard stuff. For each machine, backed up on nttops@wlsops2, in backUpUpgrade_20020720/ ==: needs to be part of upgrade proc. --: to be investigated [x] WT5TCS == ~/tmp: contains night news + various TIO junk --> change name and place? == /vltdata/SPC: lots of SPC. == /vltdata/tmp/aoActivities.log : AO log. == /vltdata/pointing : all POM stuff + catalogues == /vltdata/ENV.../lt5m1/output/* : AO logs [x] WA5TCS -- couple of files - check needed [x] WSOFI == /vltdata/SPC == /vltdata/config -- midwork/io_focuswedge...prg + wedge.fmt where does it come from? [x] WEMMI -- ~/errors/ and ~/redbuffer/ : what's that? --> junk -- ~/errormidwork -> /data/midwork -> /data/ins/midwork : what's that? !! warning: this is a link to /data !!! no space, not backed up. As this is in /data, it should survive --> was another name to ~/midwork. Must exist but contains only tmp junk == /vltdata/SPC == /vltdata/config [x] WG5PL -- ~quality: lots of stuff related to the pipeline. All goes into wg5pl.quality.plStuff. It should countain everything Pierre did. [x] WG5OFF -- midwork was cleaned and backed up. Structure and installation needs to be cleaned. Also backed up in nttops == dataLogs. A proc needs to be defined for archival. [x] WG5DHS == jp2pp-impex-stdcal: in nttops == /data/raw/service: all service obs stuff ============================================================================== REQUESTS [ ] SWC: wt5tcs: Where do we put our logs? --> ls-ntt? [ ] SWC: all: procedure to save SPCs? [ ] SOFI: sofi: need to clean bdfs from midwork (800Mb!) [X] SWC/ELC: wemmi:0.0 needs to be replaced -> done [ ] SWC: set shell to limit size of COREs. cf. bash's ulimit -c -> pending JIbsen [x] NTT: wemmi: ~/errormidwork -> /data/ins/midwork (full of bdfs): what's that? -> these are tmp files from the templates. Content can be zapped at any time, but directory must exist -> need proc to make it. [ ] SWC/DFS: procedure to backup cache and impexes? -> move then to /data, which is preserved, before the upgrade, and back after the upgrade [ ] SWC: w*ins: procedure to backup ins config files -> SWC takes care of this [x] SWC: astro@wg5off, visitor+service@wg5dhs: mouse menu should include nttmenu and NOT include vltmenu -> pecsified ============================================================================== INSTALLATION [x] all accounts: check pw visitor, service, astro, pipeline, ins, sofi, cam, tcs: .5arcsec nttops, emsumgr, sofimgr: lenina4u -> done [x] all accounts: check .rhosts level 1 = untrusted users (.5arcsec): all can enter visitor@wg5dhs astro@ wg5dhs wg5off wemmi wsofi wa5tcs wt5tcs level 2 = trusted users (.5arcsec): trusted users and manager can enter service@wg5dhs ins@wemmi sofi@wsofi cam@wa5tcs tcs@wt5tcs level 3 = managers (lenina4u): managers can enter nttops@ wg5dhs wg5off wemmi wsofi wa5tcs wt5tcs emsumgr@wemmi instmgr@wg5dhs -> done. For pecsification: NOTIFY SWC[x] [x] install nttexec: on nttops@wlsops2: cd SOURCES cmmCopy nttexec tar xvf nttexec.tar nttexec rcp nttexec.tar nttops@:SOURCES (ws = each workstation) cd nttexec/src make all install clean on each nttops@ check SOURCES exists. If not, mkdir SOURCES cd SOURCES/nttexec/src make all install clean -> wt5tcs [x], wa5tgcs [x], wsofi [x], wemmi [x], wg5off [x], wg5dhs [x] [x] install wmmenu and nttmenu on nttops@wlsops2 cd CURRENTLY_MOD (!! not SOURCES) cmmCopy (for all 3 modules) option 1: nttexecAllInstall all install clean option 2: on ntttops@ nttexecInstall all install clean ->wmmenu: wt5tcs [x], wa5tgcs [x], wsofi [x], wemmi [x], wg5off [x], wg5dhs [x] ->nttmenu: wt5tcs [x], wa5tgcs [x], wsofi [x], wemmi [x], wg5off [x], wg5dhs [x] [x] all accounts: configure window mgr -beep: Volume: 100 Tone: 500*sqrt(2)^(i-1), where i is the nr of the machine wg5dhs: 500 wg5off: 707 wemmi: 1000 wsofi: 1414 wa5tcs: 2000 wt5tcs: 2828 Duration: 0.1 -screen: screen saver OFF, screen lock OFF -window: 1: Point in win to make active, 2: all off, 3: place on workspace -startup: Return to home session; logout conf. on. Clean up screen (nothing left but one xterm), and [set home session] wg5dhs [x], wg5off [x], wemmi [x], wsofi [x], wa5tcs [x], wt5tcs [x] Done. For pecsification: NOTIFY [x] [x] re-install NTT-team == files WT5TCS [x] ~/tmp [x] /vltdata/SPC- was installed by SWC, but backup more recent [-] /vltdata/tmp/aoActivities.log - was installed by SWC [-] /vltdata/pointing - was installed by SWC [x] /vltdata/ENV.../lt5m1/output/* WA5TCS nil WSOFI [x] /vltdata/SPC Warning! this is now a link to /data/SPC. [-] /vltdata/config: was installed AND MODIFIED by SWC. [x] midwork/io_focuswedge...prg + wedge.fmt where does it come from? io_foc...prg already installed; re-installed wedge.fmt WEMMI [-] ~/errors/ and ~/redbuffer Not reinstalled as this is not identified [-] ~/errormidwork -> /data/midwork -> /data/ins/midwork Link not re-installed. /data/midwork survived --> old jun [x] /vltdata/SPC warning! this is now a link to /data/SPC [-] /vltdata/config: was installed by SWC WG5PL nil WG5OFF [-] dataLogs. Had survived. WG5DHS [x] jp2pp-impex-stdcal: in nttops physically in INTROOT, linked to ~service and ~visitor [x] /data/raw/service: all service obs stuff now in /data/NTTOPS/ServiceObserving, linked to ~service [x] install nttops [x] midas_proc on wg5off: midas stuff should migrate to /data/NTTOPS/midas_proc, and login.prg linked to ~/midwork [x] stdcal on wg5dhs installed on INTROOT, linked to service and visitor [ ] wg5off: install tmag [x] and pos1 [ ] pos1 does not compile on HPUX?! ============================================================================== COMMISSIONING ALL [x] /vltdata/tmp is writable by user, /vltdata/SPC exists WT5TCS [x] NIGHT: tcs/M1: pointing model A [ ] NIGHT: M1: field astigmatism [x] NIGHT: nttexecAoFocus: check foc values and that it works --> currently does not work! now OK, fixed in nttexecAoFocus [x] wmmenu: check all functions do not work: skycat : will work when scisoft configured: fixed PoM: fixed nttalarm: fixed moveStarOnSlit: short/long: done [x] OSF templates various nttexec names have changed. Fixed. WA5TCS [x] wmmenu: check/fix all functions do not work: nttAlarm: fixed nttAoFocus does not come back: fixed dfsCheckAll (remove) WSOFI [x] check that config files are re-installed. Was done by SWC [x] check status of fall-back init'd wheel? with new VLTsw, fall-back init'd wheel(s) are flagged. Position is stored, and recovered in case of re-start or reboot. -> the instrument can be started up as before the init switch problem [x] status of fallBackInit and fallBackInit'd wheel(s) post upgrade? FILT1 re-centered and init'd [x] observation templates: check version installed. sotpl: SofI obs tpls installed on SofI updated procedure to make IPs -> 1.20 on wg5dhs -> 1.21 on wsofi istut: -> 2.0 [ ] Test all SofI templates. All ok except: SOFI_img_obs_AutoJitterOffset: fixed SOFI_img_obs_GenericImaging: fixed SOFI_img_obs_JitterOffset: STILL NOT OK [x] wmmenu: check all funcions and fix do not work: local login (remove): removed diskMonit: can't execute: will be fixed when nttexec installed on wg5off: OK NTT xterms: move up: moved up xterm on wsodc (remove): removed xterm on wsodc2 (remove): removed INS logmonitor: change name to wsofi: done [x] NIGHT check focus offset looks good, considering that we had fitting res = 0.19 [x] NIGHT: measure Zero Points Measurements done, pending analysis WEMMI [x] check that config files are re-installed. [x] check modules version. Last one should be installed. COMMON: libtpl: corrected several jitter.pth into jitter.path installed -> 2.1 EMMI emotsf: EMMI obs.templ TSFs: 1.7 (latest) instead of 1.1 (installed) few changes in TSFs installation proc and makefile still need work installed and checked -> 1.8 emoseq: EMMI obs templ SEQs: 1.7 instead of 1.4 -> 1.7 emmseq: EMMI Maint.tpl SEQs: 2.0 instead of 1.6 -> 2.0 emmtsf: 1.1 (obsolete) was installed bug in makefile fixed -> 1.6 SUSI2 sutpl: SUSI2 obs tpls: installation procedure improved installed and checked -> 1.37 [x] wmmenu: check all funcions and fix -EMMI [x] FIERAs: FIERA crashe before 2d exposure. Check work-around A procedure was sent by Tanaka [x] RED: check CRPIX and image integrity. symmetry OK, size OK [ ] Test all Obs/cal templates BUGS! -> new version RILD_img_tec_SetFoc BIMG_img_cal_TelFocus: had wrong filter and wrong detector BLMD_spec_tec_SetFoc.seq: error in libtplCommon: libplt_spec_cal_focus: tplLog "Best Focus: $z accuracy: $sig" -> z not found Pending test: *flexure* *linearity* [ ] CCD test red [ ], blue [ ] red fails miserabely, bc of a CCD problem. Tracked down not to be related to the upgrade (FIERA was restaured as before upgr) [ ] NIGHT: check focus offset. [ ] NIGHT: check zero points --> no time. [x] check that setup on ws corresponds to what is actually mounted -SUSI [x] FIERAs: FIERA crashe before 2d exposure. Check work-around a procedure was sent by JCGTanaka [ ] Test all Obs/cal templates all ok except -SUSI_...Jitter: problem with /vltdata/SPC. FIXED -SUSI_...Double: crashes CCD: No. actually, some params are not set. [ ] check that setup on ws corresponds to what is actually mounted [ ] CCD test [x] NIGHT: measure Zero Points Measurements done, pending analysis [ ] NIGHT: check focus offset WG5OFF [x] SciSoft IV [x] insalled? April2002 [x] .bashrc contains /scisoft/bin/Setup.bash? NO. fixed. [x] Midas [x] does it start? [x] basic commands (load, stat, get/cur...)? [x] are NTT commands configured? [ ] GUIs: cre/gui help, long, echelle? NO! help empty. This is a detail. [x] IRAF ds9: does it start xgterm -e cl : does it start? display toto.fits[1]: displays? [x] XMos install configure test [x] wmmenu: check all funcions and fix WG5DHS [x] check that IP modules are aligned with Instr. workstation [x] EMMI [x] SUSI [x] SOFI: installed IP is from 1.15, while 1.20 is on wsofi. Looks ok [x] P2PP: [x] starts? [x] load all templates in engineering mode: no error? [x] communication with BOB [x] JOT: starts? communication with BoB? in?, out? EMMI [x], SuSI [x], SofI [x] [x] wmmenu: check all funcions and fix [x] visitor [x] service --oOo--