Task 11000  

Instrumentation Coordination of tasks 11100 to 11300


Task nr. Descriptive title Short description and specific objectives of the task
11100 Point designs Objectives: produce point designs for 3 instruments.
Tasks: Pursue 3 conceptual designs to establish full scientific potential and implications for Telescope design. Candidates are:
- WFSPEC (Wide-Field seeing-limited or ground-layer-corrected Optical/NIR Spectrometer)
- MOMSI (Multi-Object and Multi-field Spectrometer and Imager for operation with MCAO in the NIR/optical)
- MIDIR (Mid-IR spectrometer and imager).
11200 Other designs Objectives: produce instruments conceptual designs.
Tasks: Phase A studies of 8 instrument concepts to understand telescope design impacts & scientific relevance, and provide broader perspective on ELT instrumentation requirements. Also, investigation of innovative concepts
11300 Atmospheric dispersion compensation Initial study of atmospheric dispersion and its compensation carried out to feedback to the other Phase A studies.


Workpackage managers
WP nr. Manager Affiliation
11000 C. Cunningham
R. Bacon (deputy)
M. Redfern (deputy)
11100 C. Cunningham ROE
11200 C. Cunningham ROE
11300 C. Cunningham ROE


last modified: 2006/04/12
© ESO Education & Public Relations Department
Karl-Schwarzschild-Strasse 2, D-85748 Garching, Germany