
ESO — Reaching New Heights in Astronomy

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Details - VIRAC2 time series - Rejected Sources

Position Name Description Data Type Data Size UCD Physical Unit
1 sourceid unique source identifier INT64 1;meta.main
2 catid unique catalogue identifier INT64 1
3 mjdobs epoch of observation DOUBLE 1 time.epoch;meta.main d
4 filter observation bandpass STRING 10 instr.bandpass
5 seeing observation seeing DOUBLE 1 instr.obsty.seeing arcsec
6 ra right ascension DOUBLE 1 pos.eq.ra deg
7 de declination DOUBLE 1 pos.eq.dec deg
8 era error on right ascension DOUBLE 1 stat.error;pos.eq.ra mas
9 edec error on declination DOUBLE 1 stat.error;pos.eq.dec mas
10 mag magnitude FLOAT 1 phot.mag mag
11 emag error on magnitude FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag mag
12 phot_flag photometric error flag INT16 1 meta.code.error;phot.mag
13 x detector X position FLOAT 1 pos.cartesian.x pixel
14 y detector Y position FLOAT 1 pos.cartesian.y pixel
15 ex error on detector X position FLOAT 1 stat.error;pos.cartesian.x pixel
16 ey error on detector Y position FLOAT 1 stat.error;pos.cartesian.y pixel
17 cnf_ctr CASU confidence value of centroid pixel INT32 1 meta.code.qual
18 chi dophot chi of detection FLOAT 1
19 objtype dophot object type INT16 1 meta.code.class
20 ext VIRCAM detector number INT16 1;instr.det
21 ast_res_chisq chi squared of astrometric residual FLOAT 1
22 ambiguous_match flag indicating shared detection LOGICAL 1 meta.code