
ESO — Reaching New Heights in Astronomy

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Details - VIRAC2 source catalogue

Position Name Description Data Type Data Size UCD Physical Unit
1 sourceid unique source identified INT64 1;meta.main
2 astfit_epochs number of epochs used for astrometric solution INT16 1 meta.number;time.epoch
3 astfit_params number of astrometric solution parameters INT16 1 meta.number
4 duplicate flag indicating a likely duplicate entry INT16 1 meta.code
5 ref_epoch astrometric reference epoch DOUBLE 1 time.epoch yr
6 ra right ascension DOUBLE 1 pos.eq.ra;meta.main deg
7 ra_error uncertainty on right ascension DOUBLE 1 stat.error;pos.eq.ra mas
8 de declination DOUBLE 1 pos.eq.dec;meta.main deg
9 de_error uncertainty on declination DOUBLE 1 stat.error;pos.eq.dec mas
10 parallax trigonometric parallax DOUBLE 1 pos.parallax.trig mas
11 parallax_error uncertainty on trigonometric parallax DOUBLE 1 stat.error;pos.parallax.trig mas
12 pmra proper motion in right ascension DOUBLE 1;pos.eq.ra mas/yr
13 pmra_error uncertainty on proper motion in right ascension DOUBLE 1 stat.error;;pos.eq.ra mas/yr
14 pmde proper motion in declination DOUBLE 1;pos.eq.dec mas/yr
15 pmde_error uncertainty on proper motion in declination DOUBLE 1 stat.error;;pos.eq.dec mas/yr
16 ra_de_corr correlation between ra and dec FLOAT 1 stat.correlation
17 ra_parallax_corr correlation between ra and parallax FLOAT 1 stat.correlation
18 ra_pmra_corr correlation between ra and proper motion in ra FLOAT 1 stat.correlation
19 ra_pmde_corr correlation between ra and proper motion in dec FLOAT 1 stat.correlation
20 de_parallax_corr correlation between dec and parallax FLOAT 1 stat.correlation
21 de_pmra_corr correlation between dec and proper motion in ra FLOAT 1 stat.correlation
22 de_pmde_corr correlation between dec and proper motion in dec FLOAT 1 stat.correlation
23 parallax_pmra_corr correlation between parallax and proper motion in ra FLOAT 1 stat.correlation
24 parallax_pmde_corr correlation between parallax and proper motion in dec FLOAT 1 stat.correlation
25 pmra_pmde_corr correlation between proper motion in ra and proper motion in dec FLOAT 1 stat.correlation
26 chisq chi squared of astrometric fit FLOAT 1
27 uwe unit weight error of astrometric fit FLOAT 1
28 phot_z_mean_mag mean Z band magnitude FLOAT 1 phot.mag;stat.mean;em.opt.I mag
29 phot_z_std_mag standard deviation of Z band magnitude FLOAT 1 stat.stdev;phot.mag;em.opt.I mag
30 phot_z_n_epochs number of Z band epochs contributing to statistics INT16 1 meta.number
31 z_n_obs approximate number of Z band observations INT16 1 meta.number
32 z_n_det number of Z band detections INT16 1 meta.number
33 z_n_amb number of Z band detections shared with another source INT16 1 meta.number
34 phot_y_mean_mag mean Y band magnitude FLOAT 1 phot.mag;stat.mean;em.IR.NIR mag
35 phot_y_std_mag standard deviation of Y band magnitude FLOAT 1 stat.stdev;phot.mag;em.IR.NIR mag
36 phot_y_n_epochs number of Y band epochs contributing to statistics INT16 1 meta.number
37 y_n_obs approximate number of Y band observations INT16 1 meta.number
38 y_n_det number of Y band detections INT16 1 meta.number
39 y_n_amb number of Y band detections shared with another source INT16 1 meta.number
40 phot_j_mean_mag mean J band magnitude FLOAT 1 phot.mag;stat.mean;em.IR.J mag
41 phot_j_std_mag standard deviation of J band magnitude FLOAT 1 stat.stdev;phot.mag;em.IR.J mag
42 phot_j_n_epochs number of J band epochs contributing to statistics INT16 1 meta.number
43 j_n_obs approximate number of J band observations INT16 1 meta.number
44 j_n_det number of J band detections INT16 1 meta.number
45 j_n_amb number of J band detections shared with another source INT16 1 meta.number
46 phot_h_mean_mag mean H band magnitude FLOAT 1 phot.mag;stat.mean;em.IR.H mag
47 phot_h_std_mag standard deviation of H band magnitude FLOAT 1 stat.stdev;phot.mag;em.IR.H mag
48 phot_h_n_epochs number of H band epochs contributing to statistics INT16 1 meta.number
49 h_n_obs approximate number of H band observations INT16 1 meta.number
50 h_n_det number of H band detections INT16 1 meta.number
51 h_n_amb number of H band detections shared with another source INT16 1 meta.number
52 phot_ks_mean_mag mean Ks band magnitude FLOAT 1 phot.mag;stat.mean;em.IR.K mag
53 phot_ks_std_mag standard deviation of Ks band magnitude FLOAT 1 stat.stdev;phot.mag;em.IR.K mag
54 phot_ks_n_epochs number of Ks band epochs contributing to statistics INT16 1 meta.number
55 ks_n_obs approximate number of Ks band observations INT16 1 meta.number
56 ks_n_det number of Ks band detections INT16 1 meta.number
57 ks_n_amb number of Ks band detections shared with another source INT16 1 meta.number
58 ks_first_epoch epoch of first Ks band detection DOUBLE 1 time.epoch;stat.min d
59 ks_last_epoch epoch of last Ks band detection DOUBLE 1 time.epoch;stat.max d
60 ks_skew skewness of Ks band magnitudes FLOAT 1 stat.value;phot.mag;em.IR.K
61 ks_p0 0th percentile of Ks band magnitudes FLOAT 1 stat.value;phot.mag;em.IR.K mag
62 ks_p1 1st percentile of Ks band magnitudes FLOAT 1 stat.value;phot.mag;em.IR.K mag
63 ks_p2 2nd percentile of Ks band magnitudes FLOAT 1 stat.value;phot.mag;em.IR.K mag
64 ks_p4 4th percentile of Ks band magnitudes FLOAT 1 stat.value;phot.mag;em.IR.K mag
65 ks_p5 5th percentile of Ks band magnitudes FLOAT 1 stat.value;phot.mag;em.IR.K mag
66 ks_p8 8th percentile of Ks band magnitudes FLOAT 1 stat.value;phot.mag;em.IR.K mag
67 ks_p16 16th percentile of Ks band magnitudes FLOAT 1 stat.value;phot.mag;em.IR.K mag
68 ks_p25 25th percentile of Ks band magnitudes FLOAT 1 stat.value;phot.mag;em.IR.K mag
69 ks_p32 32nd percentile of Ks band magnitudes FLOAT 1 stat.value;phot.mag;em.IR.K mag
70 ks_p50 50th percentile of Ks band magnitudes FLOAT 1 stat.value;phot.mag;em.IR.K mag
71 ks_p68 68th percentile of Ks band magnitudes FLOAT 1 stat.value;phot.mag;em.IR.K mag
72 ks_p75 75th percentile of Ks band magnitudes FLOAT 1 stat.value;phot.mag;em.IR.K mag
73 ks_p84 84th percentile of Ks band magnitudes FLOAT 1 stat.value;phot.mag;em.IR.K mag
74 ks_p92 92nd percentile of Ks band magnitudes FLOAT 1 stat.value;phot.mag;em.IR.K mag
75 ks_p95 95th percentile of Ks band magnitudes FLOAT 1 stat.value;phot.mag;em.IR.K mag
76 ks_p96 96th percentile of Ks band magnitudes FLOAT 1 stat.value;phot.mag;em.IR.K mag
77 ks_p98 98th percentile of Ks band magnitudes FLOAT 1 stat.value;phot.mag;em.IR.K mag
78 ks_p99 99th percentile of Ks band magnitudes FLOAT 1 stat.value;phot.mag;em.IR.K mag
79 ks_p100 100th percentile of Ks band magnitudes FLOAT 1 stat.value;phot.mag;em.IR.K mag
80 ks_mad median absolute deviation from the median Ks band magnitude FLOAT 1 stat.value;phot.mag;em.IR.K mag
81 ks_med_err median uncertainty of Ks band magnitudes FLOAT 1 stat.median;stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.K mag
82 ks_Stetson_I Stetson I index for Ks band magnitudes DOUBLE 1 src.var.index
83 ks_Stetson_J Stetson J index for Ks band magnitudes DOUBLE 1 src.var.index
84 ks_Stetson_K Stetson K index for Ks band magnitudes DOUBLE 1 src.var.index
85 ks_Stetson_group_count number of observation groups used for Stetson indices INT32 1 meta.number
86 ks_eta von Neumann eta index DOUBLE 1 src.var.index
87 ks_eta_f modified von Neumann eta index DOUBLE 1 src.var.index