
ESO — Reaching New Heights in Astronomy

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Details - AMUSED: the MUSE Hubble Ultra-Deep Field surveys

Position Name Description Data Type Data Size UCD Physical Unit
1 ID MUSE source identifier (ID) INT16 1;meta.main
2 DataSet MUSE data set (DATASET) (1) STRING 6;meta.dataset
3 Depth Exposure depth at source location (DEPTH) DOUBLE 1 phys.absorption.opticalDepth;obs.exposure h
4 From_type Spectrum extraction type (FROM) (2) STRING 6 meta.code
5 zconf [1/3]Redshift confidence: 1 (low) - 3 (high) (ZCONF) [NULL integer INT8 1 meta.code.qual
6 Mconf [0/3]Matching confidence 0-3 (MCONF) [NULL integer written as an e INT8 1 meta.code.qual
7 Iflag [1/3]Isolation flag (IFLAG) [NULL integer written as an empty stri INT8 1 meta.code
8 zsys Systemic redshift in vacuum (ZSYS) (3) DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc;pos.heliocentric
9 e_zsys Error in systemic redshift (ZSYS_ERR) DOUBLE 1 stat.error
10 r_z Reference redshift line set (REFZ) (4) STRING 9 meta.ref;pos.frame
11 z Reference redshift value in vacuum (Z) DOUBLE 1 src.redshift
12 e_z Error in reference redshift (Z_ERR) DOUBLE 1 stat.error;src.redshift
13 DLyAFit [0/1] Flag to indicate double Ly{alpha} fit (DLYAFIT) INT8 1 meta.code
14 DVAbs Velocity offset with respect to reference redshift for redshift ty DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc;arith.diff km/s
15 e_DVAbs Velocity offset with respect to reference redshift error for redsh DOUBLE 1 stat.error km/s
16 DVBalmer Velocity offset with respect to reference redshift for redshift ty DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc;arith.diff km/s
17 e_DVBalmer Velocity offset with respect to reference redshift error for redsh DOUBLE 1 stat.error km/s
18 DVCIV1548 Velocity offset with respect to reference redshift for redshift ty DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc;arith.diff km/s
19 e_DVCIV1548 Velocity offset with respect to reference redshift error for redsh DOUBLE 1 stat.error km/s
20 DVForbidden Velocity offset with respect to reference redshift for redshift ty DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc;arith.diff km/s
21 e_DVForbidden Velocity offset with respect to reference redshift error for redsh DOUBLE 1 stat.error km/s
22 DVLyalpha Velocity offset with respect to reference redshift for redshift ty DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc;arith.diff km/s
23 e_DVLyalpha Velocity offset with respect to reference redshift error for redsh DOUBLE 1 stat.error km/s
24 DVMgII2796 Velocity offset with respect to reference redshift for redshift ty DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc;arith.diff km/s
25 e_DVMgII2796 Velocity offset with respect to reference redshift error for redsh DOUBLE 1 stat.error km/s
26 RAJ2000 Right ascension (J2000) (RA) DOUBLE 1 pos.eq.ra;meta.main deg
27 DEJ2000 Declination (J2000) (DEC) DOUBLE 1 pos.eq.dec;meta.main deg
28 CENTER reference center (CENTER) (5) STRING 8 meta.ref;pos.frame
29 IN_HST HST matching flag (IN_HST) (6) STRING 9 meta.code
30 IN_ORI [0/1] ORIGIN matching flag (IN_ORI) INT8 1 meta.code
31 IN_DR1 [0/1] DR1 matching flag (IN_DR1) INT8 1 meta.code
32 IN_MXDF [0/1] source is located in MXDF footprint (IN_MXDF) INT8 1 meta.code
33 IN_UDF10 [0/1] source is located in UDF-10 footprint (IN_UDF10) INT8 1 meta.code
34 RAF_ID R15 catalog unique matched ID (RAF_ID) [NULL integer written as an INT32 1
35 RAF_MIDS R15 catalog multiple matched IDs (RAF_MIDS) (7) STRING 14 meta.number
36 CANDELS_ID CANDELS v2 catalog unique matched ID (CANDELS_ID) [NULL integer wr INT32 1
37 CANDELS_MIDS CANDELS v2 catalog multiple matched IDs (CANDELS_MIDS) (7) STRING 13 meta.number
38 id_3DHST 3D-HST catalog unique matched ID (3DHST_ID) [NULL integer written INT32 1 meta.number
39 mids_3DHST 3D-HST catalog multiple matched IDS (3DHST_MIDS) (7) STRING 11
40 ASTRO_ID ASTRODEEP catalog unique matched ID (ASTRO_ID) [NULL integer writt INT32 1
41 ASTRO_MIDS [ ] ASTRODEEP catalog multiple matched IDs (ASTRO_MIDS) (7) STRING 1 meta.number
42 MAG_SRC Source of magnitude (MAG_SRC) (8) STRING 7 meta.bib
43 MAG_AFLAG [0,1]Contamination flag (APER magnitude only) (MAG_AFLAG) (9) [NUL INT8 1 meta.code
44 F606Wmag broadband AB magnitude in F606W HST filter (MAG_F606W) (10) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.R mag
45 e_F606Wmag AB magnitude error in F606W HST filter (MAGERR_F606W) (11) DOUBLE 1 stat.error mag
46 F775Wmag broadband AB magnitude in F775W HST filter (MAG_F775W) (10) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.I mag
47 e_F775Wmag AB magnitude error in F775W HST filter (MAGERR_F775W) (11) DOUBLE 1 stat.error mag
48 F850LPmag broadband AB magnitude in F850LP HST filter (MAG_F850LP) (10) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.I mag
49 e_F850LPmag AB magnitude error in F850LP HST filter (MAGERR_F850LP) (11) DOUBLE 1 stat.error mag
50 logMassP Stellar mass derived from the Prospector SED fit (MASS_PRO) DOUBLE 1 phys.mass log(solMass)
51 e_logMassP_low Lower 1{sigma} percentile of logMassP (LERR_MASS_PRO) DOUBLE 1 stat.error log(solMass)
52 E_logMassP_up Upper 1{sigma} percentile of logMassP (HERR_MASS_PRO) DOUBLE 1 stat.error;stat.max log(solMass)
53 logMassM Stellar mass derived from the Magphys SED fit (MASS_MAG) FLOAT 1 phys.mass log(solMass)
54 e_logMassM_low Lower 1{sigma} percentile of logMassM (LERR_MASS_MAG) FLOAT 1 stat.error log(solMass)
55 E_logMassM_up Upper 1{sigma} percentile of logMassM (HERR_MASS_MAG) FLOAT 1 stat.error;stat.max log(solMass)
56 logSFRP Star formation rate at 100Myr lookback time as derived from the Pr DOUBLE 1 phys.SFR log(solMass/yr)
57 e_logSFRP_low Lower 1{sigma} percentile of logSFRP (LERR_SFR_PRO) DOUBLE 1 stat.error log(solMass/yr)
58 E_logSFRP_up Upper 1{sigma} percentile of logSFRP (HERR_SFR_PRO) DOUBLE 1 stat.error;stat.max log(solMass/yr)
59 logSFRM Star formation rate at 100Myr lookback time as derived from the Ma FLOAT 1 phys.SFR log(solMass/yr)
60 e_logSFRM_low Lower 1{sigma} percentile of logSFRM (LERR_SFR_MAG) FLOAT 1 stat.error log(solMass/yr)
61 E_logSFRM_up Upper 1{sigma} percentile of logSFRM (HERR_SFR_MAG) FLOAT 1 stat.error;stat.max log(solMass/yr)
62 LineSNRMax Name of emission or absorption line with max S/ N (LINE_SNR_MAX) (2) STRING 10;spect.line
63 SNRMax Max S/N (SNR_MAX) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
64 FluxMax Flux of the line with max S/N (FLUX_MAX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux;stat.max 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
65 LyaEmiFlux Flux of the Ly{alpha} emission line (LYALPHA_EMI_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
66 LyaEmiSNR S/N of the Ly{alpha} emission line (LYALPHA_EMI_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
67 LyaEmiEW Rest frame equivalent width of the Ly{alpha} emission line (LYALPH DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
68 LyaEmiVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the Ly{alpha} emission line (LYA DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
69 CIV1548EmiFlux Flux of the CIV1548 emission line (CIV1548_EMI_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
70 CIV1548EmiSNR S/N of the CIV1548 emission line (CIV1548_EMI_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
71 CIV1548EmiEW Rest frame equivalent width of the CIV1548 emission line (CIV1548_ DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
72 CIV1548EmiVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the CIV1548 emission line (CIV15 DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
73 CIV1550EmiFlux Flux of the CIV1550 emission line (CIV1550_EMI_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
74 CIV1550EmiSNR S/N of the CIV1550 emission line (CIV1550_EMI_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
75 CIV1550EmiEW Rest frame equivalent width of the CIV1550 emission line (CIV1550_ DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
76 CIV1550EmiVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the CIV1550 emission line (CIV15 DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
77 HeII1640EmiFlux Flux of the HeII1640 emission line (HeII1640_EMI_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
78 HeII1640EmiSNR S/N of the HeII1640 emission line (HeII1640_EMI_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
79 HeII1640EmiEW Rest frame equivalent width of the HeII1640 emission line (HeII164 DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
80 HeII1640EmiVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the HeII1640 emission line (HeII DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
81 OIII1666EmiFlux Flux of the OIII1666 emission line (OIII1666_EMI_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
82 OIII1666EmiSNR S/N of the OIII1666 emission line (OIII1666_EMI_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
83 OIII1666EmiEW Rest frame equivalent width of the OIII1666 emission line (OIII166 DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
84 OIII1666EmiVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the OIII1666 emission line (OIII DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
85 SiIII1883EmiFlux Flux of the SiIII1883 emission line (SiIII1883_EMI_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
86 SiIII1883EmiSNR S/N of the SiIII1883 emission line (SiIII1883_EMI_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
87 SiIII1883EmiEW Rest frame equivalent width of the SiIII1883 emission line (SiIII1 DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
88 SiIII1883EmiVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the SiIII1883 emission line (SiI DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
89 CIII1907EmiFlux Flux of the CIII1907 emission line (CIII1907_EMI_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
90 CIII1907EmiSNR S/N of the CIII1907 emission line (CIII1907_EMI_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
91 CIII1907EmiEW Rest frame equivalent width of the CIII1907 emission line (CIII190 DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
92 CIII1907EmiVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the CIII1907 emission line (CIII DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
93 CIII1909EmiFlux Flux of the CIII1909 emission line (CIII1909_EMI_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
94 CIII1909EmiSNR S/N of the CIII1909 emission line (CIII1909_EMI_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
95 CIII1909EmiEW Rest frame equivalent width of the CIII1909 emission line (CIII190 DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
96 CIII1909EmiVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the CIII1909 emission line (CIII DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
97 MgII2796EmiFlux Flux of the MgII2796 emission line (MgII2796_EMI_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
98 MgII2796EmiSNR S/N of the MgII2796 emission line (MgII2796_EMI_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
99 MgII2796EmiEW Rest frame equivalent width of the MgII2796 emission line (MgII279 DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
100 MgII2796EmiVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the MgII2796 emission line (MgII DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
101 MgII2803EmiFlux Flux of the MgII2803 emission line (MgII2803_EMI_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
102 MgII2803EmiSNR S/N of the MgII2803 emission line (MgII2803_EMI_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
103 MgII2803EmiEW Rest frame equivalent width of the MgII2803 emission line (MgII280 DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
104 MgII2803EmiVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the MgII2803 emission line (MgII DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
105 OII3726EmiFlux Flux of the OII3726 emission line (OII3726_EMI_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
106 OII3726EmiSNR S/N of the OII3726 emission line (OII3726_EMI_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
107 OII3726EmiEW Rest frame equivalent width of the OII3726 emission line (OII3726_ DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
108 OII3726EmiVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the OII3726 emission line (OII37 DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
109 OII3729EmiFlux Flux of the OII3729 emission line (OII3729_EMI_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
110 OII3729EmiSNR S/N of the OII3729 emission line (OII3729_EMI_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
111 OII3729EmiEW Rest frame equivalent width of the OII3729 emission line (OII3729_ DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
112 OII3729EmiVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the OII3729 emission line (OII37 DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
113 H11EmiFlux Flux of the H11 emission line (H11_EMI_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
114 H11EmiSNR S/N of the H11 emission line (H11_EMI_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
115 H11EmiEW Rest frame equivalent width of the H11 emission line (H11_EMI_EQW) DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
116 H11EmiVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the H11 emission line (H11_EMI_V DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
117 H10EmiFlux Flux of the H10 emission line (H10_EMI_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
118 H10EmiSNR S/N of the H10 emission line (H10_EMI_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
119 H10EmiEW Rest frame equivalent width of the H10 emission line (H10_EMI_EQW) DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
120 H10EmiVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the H10 emission line (H10_EMI_V DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
121 H9EmiFlux Flux of the H9 emission line (H9_EMI_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
122 H9EmiSNR S/N of the H9 emission line (H9_EMI_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
123 H9EmiEW Rest frame equivalent width of the H9 emission line (H9_EMI_EQW) DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
124 H9EmiVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the H9 emission line (H9_EMI_VD) DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
125 NeIII3869EmiFlux Flux of the NeIII3869 emission line (NeIII3869_EMI_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
126 NeIII3869EmiSNR S/N of the NeIII3869 emission line (NeIII3869_EMI_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
127 NeIII3869EmiEW Rest frame equivalent width of the NeIII3869 emission line (NeIII3 DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
128 NeIII3869EmiVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the NeIII3869 emission line (NeI DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
129 HeI3889EmiFlux Flux of the HeI3889 emission line (HeI3889_EMI_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
130 HeI3889EmiSNR S/N of the HeI3889 emission line (HeI3889_EMI_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
131 HeI3889EmiEW Rest frame equivalent width of the HeI3889 emission line (HeI3889_ DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
132 HeI3889EmiVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the HeI3889 emission line (HeI38 DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
133 H8EmiFlux Flux of the H8 emission line (H8_EMI_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
134 H8EmiSNR S/N of the H8 emission line (H8_EMI_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
135 H8EmiEW Rest frame equivalent width of the H8 emission line (H8_EMI_EQW) DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
136 H8EmiVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the H8 emission line (H8_EMI_VD) DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
137 NeIII3967EmiFlux Flux of the NeIII3967 emission line (NeIII3967_EMI_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
138 NeIII3967EmiSNR S/N of the NeIII3967 emission line (NeIII3967_EMI_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
139 NeIII3967EmiEW Rest frame equivalent width of the NeIII3967 emission line (NeIII3 DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
140 NeIII3967EmiVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the NeIII3967 emission line (NeI DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
141 HeEmiFlux Flux of the H{epsilon} emission line (HEPSILON_EMI_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
142 HeEmiSNR S/N of the H{epsilon} emission line (HEPSILON_EMI_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
143 HeEmiEW Rest frame equivalent width of the H{epsilon} emission line (HEPSI DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
144 HeEmiVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the H{epsilon} emission line (HE DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
145 HdEmiFlux Flux of the H{delta} emission line (HDELTA_EMI_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
146 HdEmiSNR S/N of the H{delta} emission line (HDELTA_EMI_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
147 HdEmiEW Rest frame equivalent width of the H{delta} emission line (HDELTA_ DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
148 HdEmiVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the H{delta} emission line (HDEL DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
149 HgEmiFlux Flux of the H{gamma} emission line (HGAMMA_EMI_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
150 HgEmiSNR S/N of the H{gamma} emission line (HGAMMA_EMI_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
151 HgEmiEW Rest frame equivalent width of the H{gamma} emission line (HGAMMA_ DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
152 HgEmiVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the H{gamma} emission line (HGAM DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
153 HbEmiFlux Flux of the H{beta} emission line (HBETA_EMI_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
154 HbEmiSNR S/N of the H{beta} emission line (HBETA_EMI_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
155 HbEmiEW Rest frame equivalent width of the H{beta} emission line (HBETA_EM DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
156 HbEmiVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the H{beta} emission line (HBETA DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
157 OIII4959EmiFlux Flux of the OIII4959 emission line (OIII4959_EMI_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
158 OIII4959EmiSNR S/N of the OIII4959 emission line (OIII4959_EMI_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
159 OIII4959EmiEW Rest frame equivalent width of the OIII4959 emission line (OIII495 DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
160 OIII4959EmiVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the OIII4959 emission line (OIII DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
161 OIII5007EmiFlux Flux of the OIII5007 emission line (OIII5007_EMI_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
162 OIII5007EmiSNR S/N of the OIII5007 emission line (OIII5007_EMI_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
163 OIII5007EmiEW Rest frame equivalent width of the OIII5007 emission line (OIII500 DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
164 OIII5007EmiVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the OIII5007 emission line (OIII DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
165 HaEmiFlux Flux of the H{alpha} emission line (HALPHA_EMI_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
166 HaEmiSNR S/N of the H{alpha} emission line (HALPHA_EMI_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
167 HaEmiEW Rest frame equivalent width of the H{alpha} emission line (HALPHA_ DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
168 HaEmiVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the H{alpha} emission line (HALP DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
169 NII6584EmiFlux Flux of the NII6584 emission line (NII6584_EMI_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
170 NII6584EmiSNR S/N of the NII6584 emission line (NII6584_EMI_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
171 NII6584EmiEW Rest frame equivalent width of the NII6584 emission line (NII6584_ DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
172 NII6584EmiVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the NII6584 emission line (NII65 DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
173 SII6717EmiFlux Flux of the SII6717 emission line (SII6717_EMI_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
174 SII6717EmiSNR S/N of the SII6717 emission line (SII6717_EMI_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
175 SII6717EmiEW Rest frame equivalent width of the SII6717 emission line (SII6717_ DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
176 SII6717EmiVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the SII6717 emission line (SII67 DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
177 SiII1260AbsFlux Flux of the SiII1260 absorption line (SiII1260_ABS_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
178 SiII1260AbsSNR S/N of the SiII1260 absorption line (SiII1260_ABS_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
179 SiII1260AbsEW Rest frame equivalent width of the SiII1260 absorption line (SiII1 DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
180 SiII1260AbsVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the SiII1260 absorption line (Si DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
181 OI1302AbsFlux Flux of the OI1302 absorption line (OI1302_ABS_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
182 OI1302AbsSNR S/N of the OI1302 absorption line (OI1302_ABS_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
183 OI1302AbsEW Rest frame equivalent width of the OI1302 absorption line (OI1302_ DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
184 OI1302AbsVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the OI1302 absorption line (OI13 DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
185 CII1334AbsFlux Flux of the CII1334 absorption line (CII1334_ABS_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
186 CII1334AbsSNR S/N of the CII1334 absorption line (CII1334_ABS_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
187 CII1334AbsEW Rest frame equivalent width of the CII1334 absorption line (CII133 DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
188 CII1334AbsVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the CII1334 absorption line (CII DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
189 SiIV1394AbsFlux Flux of the SiIV1394 absorption line (SiIV1394_ABS_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
190 SiIV1394AbsSNR S/N of the SiIV1394 absorption line (SiIV1394_ABS_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
191 SiIV1394AbsEW Rest frame equivalent width of the SiIV1394 absorption line (SiIV1 DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
192 SiIV1394AbsVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the SiIV1394 absorption line (Si DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
193 SiIV1403AbsFlux Flux of the SiIV1403 absorption line (SiIV1403_ABS_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
194 SiIV1403AbsSNR S/N of the SiIV1403 absorption line (SiIV1403_ABS_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
195 SiIV1403AbsEW Rest frame equivalent width of the SiIV1403 absorption line (SiIV1 DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
196 SiIV1403AbsVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the SiIV1403 absorption line (Si DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
197 SiII1527AbsFlux Flux of the SiII1527 absorption line (SiII1527_ABS_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
198 SiII1527AbsSNR S/N of the SiII1527 absorption line (SiII1527_ABS_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
199 SiII1527AbsEW Rest frame equivalent width of the SiII1527 absorption line (SiII1 DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
200 SiII1527AbsVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the SiII1527 absorption line (Si DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
201 CIV1548AbsFlux Flux of the CIV1548 absorption line (CIV1548_ABS_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
202 CIV1548AbsSNR S/N of the CIV1548 absorption line (CIV1548_ABS_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
203 CIV1548AbsEW Rest frame equivalent width of the CIV1548 absorption line (CIV154 DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
204 CIV1548AbsVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the CIV1548 absorption line (CIV DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
205 CIV1550AbsFlux Flux of the CIV1550 absorption line (CIV1550_ABS_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
206 CIV1550AbsSNR S/N of the CIV1550 absorption line (CIV1550_ABS_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
207 CIV1550AbsEW Rest frame equivalent width of the CIV1550 absorption line (CIV155 DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
208 CIV1550AbsVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the CIV1550 absorption line (CIV DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
209 FeII1608AbsFlux Flux of the FeII1608 absorption line (FeII1608_ABS_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
210 FeII1608AbsSNR S/N of the FeII1608 absorption line (FeII1608_ABS_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
211 FeII1608AbsEW Rest frame equivalent width of the FeII1608 absorption line (FeII1 DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
212 FeII1608AbsVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the FeII1608 absorption line (Fe DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
213 AlII1671AbsFlux Flux of the AlII1671 absorption line (AlII1671_ABS_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
214 AlII1671AbsSNR S/N of the AlII1671 absorption line (AlII1671_ABS_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
215 AlII1671AbsEW Rest frame equivalent width of the AlII1671 absorption line (AlII1 DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
216 AlII1671AbsVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the AlII1671 absorption line (Al DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
217 AlIII1854AbsFlux Flux of the AlIII1854 absorption line (AlIII1854_ABS_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
218 AlIII1854AbsSNR S/N of the AlIII1854 absorption line (AlIII1854_ABS_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
219 AlIII1854AbsEW Rest frame equivalent width of the AlIII1854 absorption line (AlII DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
220 AlIII1854AbsVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the AlIII1854 absorption line (A DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
221 AlIII1862AbsFlux Flux of the AlIII1862 absorption line (AlIII1862_ABS_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
222 AlIII1862AbsSNR S/N of the AlIII1862 absorption line (AlIII1862_ABS_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
223 AlIII1862AbsEW Rest frame equivalent width of the AlIII1862 absorption line (AlII DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
224 AlIII1862AbsVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the AlIII1862 absorption line (A DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
225 FeII2344AbsFlux Flux of the FeII2344 absorption line (FeII2344_ABS_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
226 FeII2344AbsSNR S/N of the FeII2344 absorption line (FeII2344_ABS_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
227 FeII2344AbsEW Rest frame equivalent width of the FeII2344 absorption line (FeII2 DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
228 FeII2344AbsVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the FeII2344 absorption line (Fe DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
229 FeII2374AbsFlux Flux of the FeII2374 absorption line (FeII2374_ABS_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
230 FeII2374AbsSNR S/N of the FeII2374 absorption line (FeII2374_ABS_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
231 FeII2374AbsEW Rest frame equivalent width of the FeII2374 absorption line (FeII2 DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
232 FeII2374AbsVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the FeII2374 absorption line (Fe DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
233 FeII2382AbsFlux Flux of the FeII2382 absorption line (FeII2382_ABS_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
234 FeII2382AbsSNR S/N of the FeII2382 absorption line (FeII2382_ABS_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
235 FeII2382AbsEW Rest frame equivalent width of the FeII2382 absorption line (FeII2 DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
236 FeII2382AbsVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the FeII2382 absorption line (Fe DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
237 FeII2586AbsFlux Flux of the FeII2586 absorption line (FeII2586_ABS_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
238 FeII2586AbsSNR S/N of the FeII2586 absorption line (FeII2586_ABS_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
239 FeII2586AbsEW Rest frame equivalent width of the FeII2586 absorption line (FeII2 DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
240 FeII2586AbsVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the FeII2586 absorption line (Fe DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
241 FeII2600AbsFlux Flux of the FeII2600 absorption line (FeII2600_ABS_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
242 FeII2600AbsSNR S/N of the FeII2600 absorption line (FeII2600_ABS_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
243 FeII2600AbsEW Rest frame equivalent width of the FeII2600 absorption line (FeII2 DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
244 FeII2600AbsVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the FeII2600 absorption line (Fe DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
245 MgII2796AbsFlux Flux of the MgII2796 absorption line (MgII2796_ABS_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
246 MgII2796AbsSNR S/N of the MgII2796 absorption line (MgII2796_ABS_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
247 MgII2796AbsEW Rest frame equivalent width of the MgII2796 absorption line (MgII2 DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
248 MgII2796AbsVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the MgII2796 absorption line (Mg DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
249 MgII2803AbsFlux Flux of the MgII2803 absorption line (MgII2803_ABS_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
250 MgII2803AbsSNR S/N of the MgII2803 absorption line (MgII2803_ABS_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
251 MgII2803AbsEW Rest frame equivalent width of the MgII2803 absorption line (MgII2 DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
252 MgII2803AbsVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the MgII2803 absorption line (Mg DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
253 MgI2853AbsFlux Flux of the MgI2853 absorption line (MgI2853_ABS_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
254 MgI2853AbsSNR S/N of the MgI2853 absorption line (MgI2853_ABS_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
255 MgI2853AbsEW Rest frame equivalent width of the MgI2853 absorption line (MgI285 DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
256 MgI2853AbsVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the MgI2853 absorption line (MgI DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
257 H11AbsFlux Flux of the H11 absorption line (H11_ABS_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
258 H11AbsSNR S/N of the H11 absorption line (H11_ABS_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
259 H11AbsEW Rest frame equivalent width of the H11 absorption line (H11_ABS_EQ DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
260 H11AbsVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the H11 absorption line (H11_ABS DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion
261 H10AbsFlux Flux of the H10 absorption line (H10_ABS_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
262 H10AbsSNR S/N of the H10 absorption line (H10_ABS_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
263 H10AbsEW Rest frame equivalent width of the H10 absorption line (H10_ABS_EQ DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
264 H10AbsVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the H10 absorption line (H10_ABS DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion
265 H9AbsFlux Flux of the H9 absorption line (H9_ABS_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
266 H9AbsSNR S/N of the H9 absorption line (H9_ABS_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
267 H9AbsEW Rest frame equivalent width of the H9 absorption line (H9_ABS_EQW) DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
268 H9AbsVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the H9 absorption line (H9_ABS_V DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
269 H8AbsFlux Flux of the H8 absorption line (H8_ABS_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
270 H8AbsSNR S/N of the H8 absorption line (H8_ABS_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
271 H8AbsEW Rest frame equivalent width of the H8 absorption line (H8_ABS_EQW) DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
272 H8AbsVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the H8 absorption line (H8_ABS_V DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
273 CaKAbsFlux Flux of the CaK absorption line (CaK_ABS_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
274 CaKAbsSNR S/N of the CaK absorption line (CaK_ABS_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
275 CaKAbsEW Rest frame equivalent width of the CaK absorption line (CaK_ABS_EQ DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
276 CaKAbsVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the CaK absorption line (CaK_ABS DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
277 CaHAbsFlux Flux of the CaH absorption line (CaH_ABS_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
278 CaHAbsSNR S/N of the CaH absorption line (CaH_ABS_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
279 CaHAbsEW Rest frame equivalent width of the CaH absorption line (CaH_ABS_EQ DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
280 CaHAbsVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the CaH absorption line (CaH_ABS DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
281 HeAbsFlux Flux of the H{epsilon} absorption line (HEPSILON_ABS_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
282 HeAbsSNR S/N of the H{epsilon} absorption line (HEPSILON_ABS_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
283 HeAbsEW Rest frame equivalent width of the H{epsilon} absorption line (HEP DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
284 HeAbsVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the H{epsilon} absorption line ( DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
285 HdAbsFlux Flux of the H{delta} absorption line (HDELTA_ABS_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
286 HdAbsSNR S/N of the H{delta} absorption line (HDELTA_ABS_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
287 HdAbsEW Rest frame equivalent width of the H{delta} absorption line (HDELT DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
288 HdAbsVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the H{delta} absorption line (HD DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
289 CaGAbsFlux Flux of the CaG absorption line (CaG_ABS_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
290 CaGAbsSNR S/N of the CaG absorption line (CaG_ABS_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
291 CaGAbsEW Rest frame equivalent width of the CaG absorption line (CaG_ABS_EQ DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
292 CaGAbsVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the CaG absorption line (CaG_ABS DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
293 HgAbsFlux Flux of the H{gamma} absorption line (HGAMMA_ABS_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
294 HgAbsSNR S/N of the H{gamma} absorption line (HGAMMA_ABS_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
295 HgAbsEW Rest frame equivalent width of the H{gamma} absorption line (HGAMM DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
296 HgAbsVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the H{gamma} absorption line (HG DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
297 HbAbsFlux Flux of the H{beta} absorption line (HBETA_ABS_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
298 HbAbsSNR S/N of the H{beta} absorption line (HBETA_ABS_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
299 HbAbsEW Rest frame equivalent width of the H{beta} absorption line (HBETA_ DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
300 HbAbsVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the H{beta} absorption line (HBE DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
301 MgBAbsFlux Flux of the MgB absorption line (MgB_ABS_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
302 MgBAbsSNR S/N of the MgB absorption line (MgB_ABS_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
303 MgBAbsEW Rest frame equivalent width of the MgB absorption line (MgB_ABS_EQ DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
304 MgBAbsVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the MgB absorption line (MgB_ABS DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
305 NaDAbsFlux Flux of the NaD absorption line (NaD_ABS_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
306 NaDAbsSNR S/N of the NaD absorption line (NaD_ABS_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
307 NaDAbsEW Rest frame equivalent width of the NaD absorption line (NaD_ABS_EQ DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
308 NaDAbsVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the NaD absorption line (NaD_ABS DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s
309 HaAbsFlux Flux of the H{alpha} absorption line (HALPHA_ABS_FLUX) DOUBLE 1 phot.flux 10**(-23)W.m**(-2)
310 HaAbsSNR S/N of the H{alpha} absorption line (HALPHA_ABS_SNR) DOUBLE 1 stat.snr
311 HaAbsEW Rest frame equivalent width of the H{alpha} absorption line (HALPH DOUBLE 1 spect.line.eqWidth angstrom
312 HaAbsVd Rest frame velocity dispersion of the H{alpha} absorption line (HA DOUBLE 1 phys.veloc.dispersion km/s