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Details - VISTA match with AllWISE and PanSTARRS

Position Name Description Data Type Data Size UCD Physical Unit
1 SOURCEID_VISTA UID of this merged detection as assigned by merge algorithm INT64 1;meta.main
3 SLAVEOBJID_WISE The unique ID of the neighbour in calSource (=sourceID) INT64 1
4 ID_ALLWISE AllWISE name STRING 19 meta.dataset
5 RA_PS Celestial Right Ascension in PS DOUBLE 1 pos.eq.ra;meta.main deg
6 DEC_PS Celestial Declination in PS DOUBLE 1 pos.eq.dec;meta.main deg
7 GPETMAG_PS Petrosian magnitude g-band (AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.B mag
8 GPETMAGERR_PS Petrosian magnitude error g-band (AB) DOUBLE 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B mag
9 RPETMAG_PS Petrosian magnitude r-band (AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.R mag
10 RPETMAGERR_PS Petrosian magnitude error r-band (AB) DOUBLE 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R mag
11 IPETMAG_PS Petrosian magnitude i-band (AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.I mag
12 IPETMAGERR_PS Petrosian magnitude error i-band (AB) DOUBLE 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I mag
13 ZPETMAG_PS Petrosian magnitude z-band (AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.I mag
14 ZPETMAGERR_PS Petrosian magnitude error z-band (AB) DOUBLE 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I mag
15 YPETMAG_PS Petrosian magnitude y-band (AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag mag
16 YPETMAGERR_PS Petrosian magnitude error y-band (AB) DOUBLE 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I mag
17 IPSFMAG_PS PSF magnitude i-band (AB) DOUBLE 1 phot.mag;em.opt.I mag
18 IPSFMAGERR_PS PSF magnitude error i-band (AB) DOUBLE 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I mag
19 IPSFLIKELIHOOD_PS Likelihood that the i filter stack detection is best fit by a PSF DOUBLE 1 stat.probability
20 P_STAR ML probability of being a star FLOAT 1 stat.probability
21 P_QSO ML probability of being a quasar FLOAT 1 stat.probability
22 P_GALAXY ML probability of being a galaxy FLOAT 1 stat.probability
23 CLASS Object classification (0=star,1=qso,2=gal) INT16 1 src.class
24 IMPUTATION_FLAG String indicating which magnitudes are imputed STRING 9 meta.code
25 WARNING_FLAG Warning flag (0=safe range, 1=outside, 2= outlier) INT16 1 meta.code.qual